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  1. Has anyone had any negative experiences with Donald Graft (videoh on Doom9 [formerly Neuron2]) that they'd like to share?
    Was Donald Graft banned from Doom9? If so, why? If he was banned, I'm starting to understand why...

    I bought his product DGDecodeNV as it gives frame accurate indexing. I haven't posted on his support forum for a long time then I made the threads below:

    Here's where the problems with him start:
    I see you have logged in after my messages above yet you still do not answer. You are imminently going to be in violation of the forum's "hit-and-run" rule. Just a little word to the wise.
    Great, a non-existant hit-and-run rule I wasn't aware of! He doesn't even have any rules posted anywhere.

    DGIndexNV Can't Index This File:
    You could have thanked me for getting up in the middle of the night and fixing the problem of opening that MKV. Instead you ignore that and get all demanding. You think I'm encouraged to go out of my way again for you now?

    And as you seem to be using DGDecNV successfully now, shall I close your other thread? I hate hit-and-run trouble reports. I spend my time helping you and you can't be bothered to update the status let alone say thank you. Getting the picture, buddy?

    I've reviewed your posting history and you have a habit of doing hit-and-run reports. You have also never expressed any friendliness or gratitude for all the help I have given you. I'm seriously considering booting you out of here. Tell me why I shouldn't.
    I would never ask anyone to get up in the middle of the night to fix a software bug! If demanding is stating my problem politely and not asking for an immediate fix then yes I'm demanding!

    DGIndexNV Infinite Index Time in MeGUI 2828:
    If you take a look at the 3rd last post of the above page you'll see he said this:
    Meanwhile, are you going to leave us hanging in your infinite indexing thread?
    I then said this:

    Thanks. I will give closure but you've got to give people longer than a day to respond. I've got other things going on in my life besides MeGUI!
    He then sarcastically said this:

    Take as much time as you want.
    Then he banned me as when I clicked on an email thread update notification a message said "A ban has been issued on your username. Reason given for ban: Bad fit for this forum".

    When I emailed him asking why I was banned and what rule I broke (no rules exist on the site) he said this:

    You broke the rule that I only let people into my house who I like.
    You act entitled and dismissive of other people's time, especially
    experts like Zathor and me. You make a serious bug claim and we are
    standing by anxious to try to fix it and you say take a chill, I'll
    let you know when I can find time for this. Then you head off on
    some other issue, because you are so important. Really? I'm not going
    to tell you how not to be an assh*le, you'll have to learn that on
    your own. I'd prefer that you don't contact me again.
    I have never once said anything rude or offensive on the board - read any of my posts. I have only ever asked for help politely and have never said anything to infer entitlement nor have I said anything dismissive of his time. He's inferring a lot from me simply not responding quickly enough to update a thread. I don't think anyone expects a developer to stand by the batphone anxiously waiting for a response to a bug report you posted. Just deal with the problem as and when the customer gets the info back to you.

    Basically I was banned because I didn't reply quickly enough for his liking. He asked me to do something at 8.39pm. I was tired so I'll do it the next day after work. So the next day after work I came home and noticed MeGUI had crashed due to DGIndexNV. So obviously reporting that first was a bigger priority than providing a log file that he asked for. Was going to get the log later in the day. But before I could he posted "Meanwhile, are you going to leave us hanging in your infinite indexing thread" as mentioned at the top of the page you're reading now and he banned me for simply replying that I've been busy!

    Here's some basic rules about customer service that Donald doesn't adhere to:
    • The customer is always right.
    • The customer should be treated with respect as long as they are polite and respectful back.
    • The customer should not be lectured because what they do isn't convenient for you.
    • The customer should not be banned simply because they don't reply as fast as you would like.
    • It's up to the customer when he contacts you.
    • A business loses money by only dealing with people they like therefore as long as a customer is polite then that customer's business should be accepted whether or not you like them!

    Donald needs to remember that he's in customer service and I'm the customer. I've bought a product from him that doesn't work so I've asked for support. But he only gives support to people he likes and who reply back ultra quick. If you dare to challenge him on his nonsense then he bans you. He only provides support via his forum so I'm screwed.
    Last edited by VideoFanatic; 30th Mar 2018 at 20:43.

  2. The guy is a psycho. He once banned a member of his forum who made fun of Graft's support for Trump (ending every post with "MAGA").

  3. So why did you not tell him thank you? I think it was hanging on that thread.

  4. Member
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    A metaphoric thread, not a forum thread, @VF. (I'd like to be proud that I noticed that, as non-native English speaker...)

    You are not the only one who has been blamed for nothing by Donald Graft. The social ones are not his best skills.

  5. btw. the file you mentioned in the thread can be indexed just fine with the current release,...
    users currently on my ignore list: deadrats, Stears555

  6. Member
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    I love the guy's work, though. MPEG2SOURCE and DGIndex work fantastically.
    Last edited by SaurusX; 31st Mar 2018 at 07:11.

  7. An entire thread devoted to personal attacks against one person. Seems legit.

  8. Marsia Mariner
    Originally Posted by raffriff42 View Post
    An entire thread devoted to personal attacks against one person. Seems legit.
    You cannot say Donald Graft doesn't deserve this.

  9. Marsia Mariner
    Originally Posted by VideoFanatic View Post
    Was Donald Graft banned from Doom9? If so, why? If he was banned, I'm starting to understand why...
    Nope, he was not banned from Archie Lopez's forum. He asked to leave the moderation team.
    And yes, he loved to strike and to ban the members for no good reason at all.
    He was protected by Archie himself, therefore there was nothing that the ordinary members could do besides complaining.
    Oh yes, in theory the other moderators could ban Donald Graft... and certainly Archie would immediately unban Donald and also would ban the wise moderators...

    After neuron2's account was transformed into "Guest", Archie Doom9 Lopez unbanned many (if not all) of the members who had been unfairly banned by D.G.
    Yes, I am one of those members.

  10. Originally Posted by VideoFanatic View Post
    Here's where the problems with him start:
    I see you have logged in after my messages above yet you still do not answer. You are imminently going to be in violation of the forum's "hit-and-run" rule. Just a little word to the wise.
    I had to laugh at his making up rules.
    I think he left doom9 the day after posting in the thread I linked to.

  11. Member hydra3333's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by SaurusX View Post
    I love the guy's work, though. MPEG2SOURCE and DGIndex work fantastically.
    Yes, so do I. Yes it does.
    The brand new gpu stuff is especially lovely.
    I never had a problem with DG, and I have been accused of being a tad hard to get along with from time to time.

  12. Get over yourself, VideoFanatic. Your posting of private emails is ample evidence that you are an entitled hypocritical drama queen. Seems to me you got exactly what you deserved.

  13. Marsia Mariner
    Well, it seems veresov is just a sock-puppet of D.G. /videoh /neuron2......

  14. attacking a guy for an opinion in a particular thread that blames the other guy for misbehaving,
    this sounds like a comedy script example

  15. "Well, it seems veresov is just a sock-puppet of D.G. /videoh /neuron2......"

    Marsia Mariner, a forum bully, how charming.

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