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  1. Member
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    Hi everyone,

    this is my first post here so please bear with me.

    I recently downloaded a workout dvd rip. It came in vob, bup, and ifo files and everything appears to be in order. The vob's play fine in VLC.

    I found out that original dvd featured both front and back angles for viewer convenience. The problem is when I convert the files to mp4 to watch on my nook, something weird happens. I see a mix of front and back angles while the audio plays in a glitchy loop. like "hello guys, today..." *glitch* "guys today we're going" *glitch* "we're going to be" etc.

    this has happened when i used both handbrake and leawo's video converter.

    so clearly the two angles are getting all mixed together. what i want to know is if there's anything i can use to take appart the dvd's separate elements and, like, extract just the front angle?

    Thanks guys.
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  2. Member Cornucopia's Avatar
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    Thats because those and many other apps are not multiangle-aware. If you insist on using these apps, you must first run the Vobs through a ripper that is MA-aware and extract out each angle first.

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  3. Originally Posted by Webiny View Post
    what i want to know is if there's anything i can use to take appart the dvd's separate elements and, like, extract just the front angle?
    Yes. You can try with PGCDemux as it's real easy. Open the IFO for the workout video and there's a little 'Angle' dropdown box. Choose the angle you want (probably the first one), check 'create a PGC VOB', give it an 'Output Folder', and 'Process'. Later play the VOB you get to test and if it's OK load it into your encoding program.
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    ok, manono first thanks for replying. i'm on a mac so the windows only software you recommended won't work for me. However, I gathered that what I want to do is called demuxing, so thanks for that. I downloaded DVDDemuxer which is mac compatible and ran my file through.

    It broke the file down into .ac3, .m2v, .bmp, and .son files.

    The m2v's (video) though, still show about 1 second of front view, then the corresponding back view for 1 second and so on. what do you think this means?
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  5. Member Cornucopia's Avatar
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    Demuxing is not the only thing one needs to do in this case. Particularly, since the angles are all interleaved within a single track on a GOP-by-GOP basis (so usually ~ 1/2 second between switches).
    Like I said before, you have to have an app which is multi-angle aware and be able to choose the angle prior to demuxing.

    If you are on a Mac, your best bet is to borrow a PC or use Bootcamp/Parallels to run Windows, as there is NOTHING available on a Mac, AFAIK.

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  6. Originally Posted by Webiny View Post
    However, I gathered that what I want to do is called demuxing, so thanks for that.
    No, the only mention made of demuxing was in the name of the program I recommended for extracting the angle. In fact, I recommended not demuxing, but getting a single-angle VOB from your already decrypted DVD. However, since we've only now learned you're on a Mac all bets are off. Like Cornucopia, I know of no Mac programs for stripping angles. Maybe a Mac user can help. And maybe a mod can shift this thread to the Mac Forum.
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  7. I'm a MEGA Super Moderator Baldrick's Avatar
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    Moving to our mac section.

    Nope, I don't know anything similar as pgcdemux for mac.
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    ok guys, thanks for clearing that up. i can get access to a windows computer so i will try the PGCDemux out. will let you know how it goes.
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  9. btw. mplayer&mencoder are angle aware, so tools that use them should be potentially able to handle multi-angle content properly without the need to extract a specific PGC&angle.
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    okay you guys,

    so i've gotten on Windows, downloaded PGC, and am trying to extract the angle. I tried loading the VTS_01_0.IFO and selecting the correct angle as manono guided above but everything i do results in this same error message: ERROR opening input VOB: (file location).

    any ideas?
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  11. Is your video in the VTS_01_0.IFO? That is, it shows the correct length? If not, when you hit the drop-down box little down-pointing-triangle, is your video one of the other PGCs in that same VTS_01_0.IFO? And you have 'Titles' ticked, and not 'Menus'. Could it possibly be in a different VTS?

    But, to be honest, I don't know what that error message means. As an alternative, since you downloaded it from somewhere or other and it's not on a DVD Disc (is it?), you can make an ISO of it and then mount it in something like Virtual CloneDrive, and then decrypt it using DVD Decrypter in IFO Mode, choosing the angle then.
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  12. Member
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    okay, good news guys.

    So the error was due to a pretty basic oversight on my part... the VOB and IFO weren't in the same folder. So when I figured that out, I went thru with ur instructions. everything went well and now i have 3 new VOBs with just the front angle.

    now i want to convert them to mp4. Can I use handbrake for combining the 3 files into one and then converting?
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  13. Originally Posted by Webiny View Post
    Can I use handbrake for combining the 3 files into one and then converting?
    I have no idea, since I don't use that program. All the guides mention opening a VIDEO_TS, but all you have is the VOBs now. I'd first try putting them into a VIDEO_TS and seeing if that works. If it's not looking for an IFO, you should be OK. If that's no good you can convert them to a single VOB or MPG using Vob2MPG or VobMerge. It should open them for sure.

    But maybe someone that actually uses the program would know better if you can open a set of VOBs.
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