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  1. Member vhelp's Avatar
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    Hi, I just bought the Season 1 DVD set of Hannah Montanna (yeah, I'm a big fan) but was ripped myself, of $34 bucks cause no one else had it stores. Anyway, I love this show and a huge fan, yada yada.

    So, I can't seem to rip my disc. I'm stuck at disc 1 and it keeps saying can't read block, abort; retry; ignore;
    Anybody familiar with this type of error and know how to remidy ?

    I'm using Smartripper v2.34 and its ripped everything else I've ever done, not that I go around ripping dvds--been a long time since I've a full dvd let alone a tv series. But I have a purpose: to test one of my deinterlace routines on it to convert to progressive. I've done many on all my analog cable tv captures, but since this is an actual dvd set, I figure that they may have done a few things differently and my deinterlacer might come out more clean than my *noisy* analog version. Anyway, boring stuff for those been there and done it, undreds of times.

    Thanks for any help solving this ripping mystery,
    -vhelp 5099
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  2. never heard of Smartriper v2.34, my guess would be you need anydvd or dvdfab, as they are the only two programs kept up to date on all dvd protection schemes.
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  3. Banned
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    Smartripper is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO old!!!!!!!!!!

    It was great back in the day, i used to use it all the time.

    It did work rather well even when i had problems with dvd decrypter, but that was years ago.

    Damn nice program, it's a shame they never kept it up.
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  4. Member vhelp's Avatar
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    Shame I can't rip the dvd. But I did at least enjoy a couple of the episodes. And, not to my surprise, it looks like these series were progressive, but that they field-shifted them to *look* or flow, interlace-see. But I would just like to verify it for myself, phisically. oh well. Thanks guys.

    Yeah, I didn't realize that smartripper was old and no longer updated. But I'm gonna play around with it a few more times to see if I can read something off this dvd disc.

    -vhelp 5101
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  5. Member wtsinnc's Avatar
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    Why don't you rip with the latest incarnation of DVDFab 5 (free), then DVD Shrink (free) if necessary, then burn to DVD with Imgburn (free) ?
    References on File.
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  6. Greetings Supreme2k's Avatar
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    Why are you still using it? There are other free rippers that will do it without a problem.

    It's odd that you've been here 8 years and you're rather active, yet you don't know the answer to this most basic question. I'm rather disappointed.
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  7. Member vhelp's Avatar
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    Ok. I finally got smartripper to rip the disc. And, my huntch was right, that this series is field-shifted, but also looks to be field blended from a prev (or forward) field, as there are noticable "jaggies". But, I only quickly reviewed it.

    Being on dialup, I don't alway have the energy levels to download anything more than a couple of MB's. So, the other suggested tools were not my options at this time.

    @ supreme2k, not everybody who's been here for many years contain all the answers. Some of us do not read every single article that come from these forums, so (those) certain issues that have come and gone, (and were solved) are not easily picked up on by those of us who were busy in other areas (at the time) of the forum board--I being one of them. Plus, I moved away from ripping dvds years ago because I felt that capturing/editing/encoding was enough for my needs, and dvd ripping was really for those warzing around.

    I know I've said this before, and I'll say it again: the only time I rip any dvd is usually for analizing certain apsects of a given dvd. This one one of those dvds I needed to rip to analize. But that's not to say that I won't rip my collection, once I have settled on a medium that I can rely on, ie WD TV is an possible example. But for now, I'm still perfectly fine capturing various videos. For the past 6 or so months, I was capturing this tv series via analog cable tv and making the best of it. I picked up the first season dvd set for personal use but then the thought occured to me that I wanted to rip at least one episode so that I could analize the fields for possible better deinterlacing methods, plus I wanted to see if the analog cable tv version was any different than the commerical dvd: you know, maybe it was progessive, or maybe it was film or maybe it was interlace, etc.etc. So, I grabbed my rusty smartripper tool and started her up and stumbled..asked a couple of dumb questions (possibly answered years ago) and then finally resolved it on my own.

    I asked for help simiply because I didn't want to go through another ordeal of problems. I was not warzing my own collection. In the (short) end, I ended up going through the troubles anyway (on my own) and then resolving them using smartripper v2.41 and making a few changes to the settings.

    -vhelp 5102
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  8. Greetings Supreme2k's Avatar
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    Even if you're not into the ripping "scene", it's still a matter of common sense and knowing how to use the site. I know full well that you know how to get to the Tools section. You don't have to "read every single article". You don't have to read any, actually.

    DVD Shrink is a mere 1MB, attainable even for dial-up.

    Ripping and backing up is not warez. Especially in your case, it is a precautionary issue with younger disc handlers.

    I'm not intentionally trying to bust your chops, but it's just a little disheartening when "old timers" act somewhat like newbies (and you've got a couple of years on me).
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  9. Video Restorer lordsmurf's Avatar
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    Now, now -- leave vhelp alone. He does all kinds of other cool stuff here, very interesting posts -- so he isn't a big DVD backer-upper -- that's okay. I don't really stay on top of the newbie conversions either. We all have weak points.
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  10. Greetings Supreme2k's Avatar
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    I hear you. I guess my weak point is that I check on the state of the art of whatever I'm doing.
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