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  1. Member ZIL150's Avatar
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    I can not record (save to hard drive) videos from . I try MS internet explorer, Mozilla, Opera, Chrome with some software recomended in "video streaming recording" (VDownloader, URLsnooper, VideoCasheView ...), but get nothing.

    May be someone know how to do that ?
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  2. I tested replay media capture, and can confirm it works on those clips, unfortunately it's not free
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  3. Member ZIL150's Avatar
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    2 poisondeathray:

    I did test ReplayMediaCatcher today morning (as trial version), but I can catch only *.tmp files if "Web Stream Dumper" plugin is activated.

    Maybe I miss something while trying to record, or use wrong setting.

    How exactly you do that?
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  4. Hello,

    I have the retail version so it might be a bit different.

    I start replaymediacapture first, and start recording

    Then I go to the webpage video and it will start automatically

    Make sure you are using the most recent version with all plugins (I'm using 3.01)

    Here is a sample that I downloaded from the dog page


    EDIT: for some reason that url is screwed up I'll upload to another site, just a sec

    I have "capture flash RTMP stream" "RTSP,MMS streams" and "HTTP media streams" checked off in the settings, I didn't even have the "web stream dumper" plugin checkmarked at the time

    Also it's not a .tmp file, it's an .flv file that streams. And if you are on Vista, perhaps try running as administrator and disabling UAC, or perhaps it's a firewall setting ??
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  5. I'm a MEGA Super Moderator Baldrick's Avatar
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    poisontdeathray: () in the filename wont work on this server.

    Or maybe

    edit: Yep, the above link works. .
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  6. Originally Posted by Baldrick
    poisontdeathray: () in the filename wont work on this server.

    Or maybe

    edit: Yep, the above link works. .
    Good to know! thx master Baldrick!
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