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  1. Hi i have a 23,976 fps movie and i would like to encode it to a 29,9 fps SVCD and add subtitles with fremeserving from v-dub! But I cant find any subtitles who match the movie! I have tried to convert a microDVD subtitle in subtool to 29,9 fps, but that dosn't help the subs are still out of sync!!

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  2. Member Chopper Face's Avatar
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    Using Sub Station Alpha:

    You can find two points in the script and force the subtitle to sort of match itself to those point and interpolate the rest of the script. It's called ramping. For extra precision you can import a .wav file (easy to generate using vdub) and use that to find the exact time when certain lines are said. You just click on the point on the .wav you want, select the line of text and tell it to match the point in the .wav file. You do this for a point at the begining and one near the end. Everything *should* be fixed as long as your deviation is constant througout the video. If not you've gotta retime the whole script... that's actually kind of fun but it takes a while.

    Oh and I don't think your problem has anything to do with the frame rate. vdub should be compensating for that.
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  3. I have a similar problem. I d/l subtitle for GLADIATOR (2CD) but the gladiator is on 29 frames while the SUBTITLES are on 23. I now the SBUTITLES are way ahead than the picture. So what can I do??
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  4. Member Chopper Face's Avatar
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    Just convert the sub:

    and then do that stuff I said with SSA since SSA doesn't work with frames but with time you might not even have to modify the script at all.
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  5. I dont understand what you mean, which program do you want me to use to modify the subs?

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  6. Member Chopper Face's Avatar
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    Sub Station Alpha: will modify .ssa files. To make .ssa files you can just do like they say here:
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  7. Hi
    I have now the SUb station alpha! If I open an ssa file in it, where do I change the framerate to 29,9?

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  8. Member Chopper Face's Avatar
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    You don't. Frame rate doesn't come into it using virtual dub. It's all based on the time index. Just load that .ssa file using the virtual dub subtitle filter and it should work just fine.
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  9. I have tried that! And then frameserv to tmp! But when i look in the preview in tmp, the subs is not matching the picture!

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  10. Member Chopper Face's Avatar
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    Have you tried actually going into Sub Station Apha, importing a .wav and synching up the subtitle like that? It's a little tricky and you'll have to download the software but that should definately fix your problem.

    Let me see if I can just give you a quick run through...
    1) make a .wav of your avi with virtualdub
    2) open your script in ssa
    3) in the menu Timing>Time from WAV file
    4) click on open and open the WAV
    5) timing>auto ramp and shift
    6) click box "auto ramp and shift ot synch script to WAV
    7) find a line near the starting. Highlight it, click "grab from selected grid row"
    find the spot in the sound where that line starts. Left click on it (yellow line). click "grab from wav selection".
    9) repeat for a line near the end with the 2nd start time.
    10) hit ok.
    11) check the timing of the script with "play row"
    12) if things are still off repeat 5-11 for different lines.
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