I've had continuous video/sound sync problems using MCE 2005 with a p4 3.2Ghz using the Ati 550 pro tv tuner card. TV plays out of sync and so goes the recording. I have tried both onboard sound and a seperate card with the same results.

It just so happens that I upgraded yesterday to a dual Core e6300 1.8Ghz running now at 3Ghz. Its a nice water cooled machine with an extra 300G SATA just for capturing. The only slight against the machine is that I only have 1 Gig of ram so far. The machine is a dual booting XP MCE and Vista Premium. Besides the 550 capture card my main video card is a Nvidia 7800 GT (with VIVO at least in name).

Guess what? SAME SYNC PROBLEM! (Overclocking or not)

What do I need? A 16 Quad chip motherboard to record properly?

Is there a possibilty the cabling from my FTA receiver is causing the problem? I am feeding the video in from 20 feet away in another room.

I'm going to bring a portable dvd player direct in to check this out.

I have a Ati USB2 wonder that captures to my laptop flawlessly that unfortunatly is not supported in MCE.

If there are any ideas please feel free to post.

I realize discussing audio/video sync is sooo old and boring but if anyone can help I'd really appreciate it.
