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  1. Member
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    hey guys
    i got a acc file from the last ~20 episodes of the kenshin series that i cant deal with. heres the info faad gives me (faad can get it to wav ...but besweet cant handle that wav ...or the original acc):
    ADTS, 1358.976 sec, 92 kbps, 48000 Hz
    Config: 5.1 Ch
    Ch | Pos
    00 | Center Front
    01 | Left Front
    02 | Right Front
    03 | Left Back
    04 | Right Back
    05 | LFE
    -i also get this waring off to the side WARNING: channels are reordered
    according to MS defaults defined in WAVE_FOMAT_EXTENSIBLE
    that gives me a wav then besweet just gives the error:
    Error 58: Error : Unknown Input-File Format : "C:\DVD\EncodedVideo\[a4e]Rurouni_Kenshin_TV_86[divx5.2.1]_audio1.wav".
    besweet gives this when i give it the aac directly:
    [00:00:00:000] +------- BeSweet -----                          
    [00:00:00:000] |  Input : C:\DVD\EncodedVideo\[a4e]Rurouni_Kenshin_TV_86[divx5.2.1]_audio1.aac
    [00:00:00:000] |  Output: C:\DVD\EncodedVideo\[a4e]Rurouni_Kenshin_TV_86[divx5.2.1]_audio1.mp2
    [00:00:00:000] |  Floating-Point Process: Yes
    [00:00:00:000] +------ Shibatch -----
    [00:00:00:000] |  Source Sample-Rate: 32.0KHz
    [00:00:00:000] |  Dest.  Sample-Rate: 48.0KHz
    [00:00:00:000] |  Attenuation       : 0.0db
    [00:00:00:000] +------- MP2ENC ------
    [00:00:00:000] |  Bitrate method  : CBR
    [00:00:00:000] |  MP2 bitrate     :  96
    [00:00:00:000] |  Channels Mode   : Stereo
    [00:00:00:000] |  Error Protection: No
    [00:00:00:000] +---------------------
    then about a thousand of these
    [00:00:00:192] Stream error : Sync found after 4018 bytes
    anyone know what i should be using to get this acc to mp2 ...or ac3
    i just wanna put it on a dvd

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  2. Член BJ_M's Avatar
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    "Each problem that I solved became a rule which served afterwards to solve other problems." - Rene Descartes (1596-1650)
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    You could try muxing the raw aac to mp4 using Yamb/mp4box. Maybe BeSweet would handle it better then.
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  4. Member
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    thanks for the suggestion but no luck, i think the reason for all these problems is because there are only 2 channels used yet its a 6 channel aac the end i found the acc plugin for audition
    its an extremely painful propcess audition decodes it to wav before it opens it (i think since it takes about 5mins and uses nearly 800mb for a 24min audio stream) then i have to copy the first channel (2mins) paste it to a new 2channel stream (3min) and repeat for channel 2 (5min) then save as an mp3 (this is cause i cant find a ac3 or mp2 or mpa plugin for audition ...youd think there is one ...i just must be lookin in the wrong place and i need to save space so i cant have all these wavs sittin around) then i gottta convert that mp3 to mp2 so it can go on my DVD tell me thats not rediculous takes forever and hogges hd space grrr if kenshin wasnt one of my all-time favorites id just say f)@$ it

    if youd like to give it a try its the a4e release and you can dl the torrent for eps 76-95 and all above 79 have this lothsome aac audio

    PLEASE some1 save me from this pain!!!
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    You may want to try audio2wav and/or aacdecdrop, if getting a two channels wav is not an issue to you.

    Good luck
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  6. Член BJ_M's Avatar
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    why does it show as DTS in the report ?
    "Each problem that I solved became a rule which served afterwards to solve other problems." - Rene Descartes (1596-1650)
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    thanks for all the suggestioins
    ...i finally found a way to get them out using graphedit and outputing them as mpeg with no audio (for some reason i couldnt use the nero mpeg audio filter) and then when i gave it to dvd lab it demuxed the audio

    ...all just to find that the audio files were randomly up to +/- 12secs from the video and proly impossible to sync

    so i gave up on these and found that ahq has a release out there too and im hoping they suck with mp3 audio (there all avi so im hopeful ...can u put aac in avi?)

    so the lesson from this whole thing is never use aac! (joking)
    just dont f#$& them up

    btw bj i have no clue ...since i started this whole dvd convertion thing all my exp with audio has been either toss it at besweet or demux the ac3

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    I figured it out dude I had the EXACT same issue. Kenshin allova sudden was MKV and used AAC 6 channel which Belight and most other programs don't even know what to do except make this tiny crap output wav file that doesnt work.

    Just check out that topic up tehre I posted how i got it to work.


    - Mark
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  9. Member
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    Oook well this has been quite a bumpy road getting to the end of re-encoding the a4e release of Rurouni Kenshin 1-95

    I have been re-authoring this series video into mpeg2 (DVD video format, for authoring using DVDlab pro) used dafreak's OGM to DVD guide for help getting started on that using TMPGenc Plus 2.5, DVDlab Pro for authoring the re-encoded content, ffmpegGUI for re-encoding the ripped audio wav to AC3 so DVDlab pro can use it, when the series was OGM i used VirtuadubMod to save the English ogg stream as a wav file. With MKV so far they have used AAC 6 channel which I have only been able to rip succesfully into WAV with audio2wav, and convert to 2 channel using that same program. Also been using daemon tools to mount the image DVDlab pro makes because the DVD burning feature doesn't work on my system with it. I mount the image with Daemon Tools then I tell my burning program (Nero DVD 6.0) to do a copy from the mounted image to a blank DVD.

    After they switched to MKV from OGM (EP 79-95) this is when things started getting really fun.

    First of all with the video, at first I did not suspect anything was changed however first of all discovered they started using VFR instead of CFR, which was making my re-encode to AVI smaller then it should be. Before I would simply load the OGM file into TMPGenc plus 2.5 and convert to mpeg2 so I can reauthor the video, however with MKV i was having no luck at all with that even after installing the Matroska codec pack. Actually the MCP made TMPG completely unstable with any video after it was installed and I had to uninstall it. Soo.. I downloaded many programs, and what I discovered was if you use MKVmerge GUI to strip the MKV file of audio and subtitles, I could then use VirtuadubMod to do a direct stream copy of the new MKV video (original MKV w/ audio and subtitles would NOT work in Virtuadubmod) into an AVI CFR. This all worked great until episode 87. At episode 87 the virtuadub AVI stream copy was very distorted. I checked out the MKV file and according to VLC player, all the MKV episodes up until 87 were 29.97 FPS and now episode 87-95 was recognised as 23.976215 FPS. Soo somehow this change screwed up VirtuaDubMod and I tried playing with frame rate settings, full processing, etc nothing would fix it. So now I've tried using another program called Alltoavi, and I have succesfully been able to re-encode episode 87 into either XVID or DIVX and I am not seeing the blurred crap quality i was seeing from virtuadubmod. The only complaint I have with the re-encode is that the frame rate appears slightly jittery compared to the Virtuadubmod 29 FPS stream copy. I guess avitoall has to drop some of the frames or something..

    Anyhoo authoring this series to DVD has sure taught me alot about all this stuff as I have never before given it an real effort up until now. I hope all this stuff I've learned helps others so they don't have to sit there for hours like I did figuring this out.

    - Mark
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  10. Member
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    These groups didn't just start using mkv for no reason.

    The source would have always been VFR and the switch to aac also makes sense since vorbis doesn't have working channel coupling for more than 2 channels. When converting VFR to CFR you are always going to have motion problems since you are going to have to alter the framerate of at least one section.

    DVD actually supports VFR though. For instance you can have a section at 23.976fps progressive with a 3:2 pulldown mixed with a section of 29.97fps.
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    So is there a way that you can actually have a VFR video file put onto a DVD without having to convert to CFR first?

    - Mark
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