I collect dvds. Ligit and from the net. The net ones are usually avi files and the resolutions vary... I suppose most of the files are encoded using divx but I'm not sure. I also have some mpg video files as well.

So I'd like progressive scan dvd player with optical out for audio (DTS?) plus it should be able to read mp3s on dvd/cd (Not too particular about + or -) r and rw.

I can look these up in the DVD Players section at the side here,
but I'm confused about the resolutions of the source video and the file formats... Like if I burn the media with Nero or Roxio, can I put a bunch or avi files or mpg files on one piece of media and elect a file from the tv screen menu via the dvd players remote control and play it? Are all resolutions playable.. ie will the dvd player stretch/shrink/letter box the video to a supported resolution?

My tv set is HDTV capable with color stream inputs... Are there HDTV ready dvd players?

What about Apples new H.264 Codec and quicktime files?

Many thanks for your time in advance.
P.S. I'm in Canada...