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  1. Член BJ_M's Avatar
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    Having big protruding ears is a genetic fact of life in Tania Shirt's family.

    It meant years of bullying at school, where she was called Dumbo and Big Ears. Later, she tried to boost her confidence by seeking psychiatric help.

    Eventually, like her mother, aunt and cousin, she resorted to cosmetic surgery to cure her most distinctive and unflattering feature.

    But the procedure to pin back her ears went disastrously wrong - five weeks later, most of her left ear fell off.

    Miss Shirt, a 34-year-old divorcee, was drying her hair one New Year's Eve before going out to the pub when the ear came away in her hand.

    'It was a real shock,' she said. 'I had £5 in my pocket and I had to decide whether to go to hospital or go to the pub. In the end I went to the pub.'

    She believes bandages holding her ears back after the operation had been too tight and blood circulation could have been cut off.

    She said the outside rim of her ear had gone black and a section of it died. In the five years since, Miss Shirt, a care home assistant from Barnsley, has had four operations to rebuild her ear.
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  2. Member hech54's Avatar
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    Nasty....just nasty.
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  3. Member Dr. DOS's Avatar
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    Damn ... no pictures
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  4. Video Restorer lordsmurf's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by BJ_M
    'It was a real shock,' she said. 'I had £5 in my pocket and I had to decide whether to go to hospital or go to the pub. In the end I went to the pub.'

    She thought "dumbo ears" was bad.
    Now the freak has an ear missing.
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  5. Knew It All Doramius's Avatar
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    If only I knew
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    People with little ears are stingy.
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