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  1. I have a subtitle where two were merged together using mkv toolnix. Everything looks smooth with the video for the first part. But the source for part two is a mismatch, that I know. The flow is smooth enough at a music interlude but I need a later start time for the part two dialog.

    In other words, Part one ends at 1:25:44.960
    (no other subtitle lines in between)

    The start time needed to commence part two dialog is 1:28:05.640 ... and recalculate to the end.

    Please say where the Subtitle Edit command is for this and give the steps for the recalculate from.

    I've tried to insert a blank line duration but that does not do the recalculate.

    As always thanks for pointing the way on it. I'll look for any searchable info on this as well.

    The video content is the same except for a music break.
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  2. I'm a Super Moderator johns0's Avatar
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    With subtitle edit choose synchronization/adjust all lines/selected and subsequent lines.
    I think,therefore i am a hamster.
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  3. Gratitude. It worked the first time.

    Also a note on how to use it: Fine tuning of a start point can be done by putting a very small number
    to increase or decrease-- use the tabs to move up and down and it will show the recalculate in the SRT Window:
    that rather than doing a manual add or subtract and putting that figure in the time box. I made that error
    the first time through.
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