Hi, I want to make a video slideshow of image files, but with additional option.
I already find there is a way to make video slideshow of image files with FFmpeg,
but I also need to put a filename at the bottom of every image.
Here is an example, this image filename is Guitar01 so that text should be added at the bottom of the image. So every image in video slideshow should have its filename 'stamped' at the bottom of image.
Is there a program that have option like that? Or a script in FFmpeg?
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Maybe pre-process the images in a batch with Photoshop/etc, to give the watermark names?
Slideshow second.Want my help? Ask here! (not via PM!)
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There is a x86 plugin for avisynth ImageSequence.dll, that can read wildcards (e.g. *.jpg) and overlay the file name. You have control over positioning, fonts, colors
But there is a bit of a learning curve for avisynth, and you have to adjust the parameters for the "video slideshow" . Such as frame rate, number of frames (e.g. duplicate the frames using ChangeFPS, then AssumeFPS) . Or there are other ways, such as making a variable frame rate video -
You don't even need a third party filter If the frame number corresponds to the filename. You could use AviSynth's ScriptClip() to build the filename from the frame number. For example, if the image sequence has the form:
Ie, "PIC" followed by a 5 digit number (with leading zeros), followed by ".JPG"
Code:ImageSource("PIC%05d.JPG") ScriptClip("""Subtitle("PIC"+String(current_frame, "%05.0f")+".JPG")""")
One benefit of ImageSequence is it does not require sequential numbering, and the wildcard input
Code:CoronaSequence("*.jpg", textmode=1)
http://avisynth.nl/index.php/ImageSequence#Filename_output -
CoronaSequence("*.jpg", textmode=1)
Code:CoronaSequence("*.jpg", textmode=3, expression="midstr(filename,7,3)")
There is an incompatibility between 3.6.x avisynth versions and older plugins . It causes problems with some programs. It crashed mpchc for me . I think you need avisynth 2.6 classic x86 for that old plugin to work, or that plugin needs to be updated. Some incompatibility in the header. All you need to do is replace avisynth.dll in the SysWOW64 directory
Code:CoronaSequence("*.jpg", textmode=1, x=-1, y=200, size=25) AssumeFPS(1) loop(10)
Code:ffmpeg32 -i corona.avs -c:v libx264 -crf 20 -an test.mp4
I used 3 test images, black.jpg, cyan.jpg, white.jpg
Output file is test.mp4 -
I finally managed to work, it worked only in ffmpeg32, all other programs didn't, even though I used 32bit versions.
Thank you! Script works great!
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