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  1. Member
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    Is there a program that would let me have a video in a menu that moves? I'm trying to have a video play while moving around the menu. It wouldn't be a link to anything. Or what about a rotating video? It gets more complicated, but I'll start there.

    I think the best example I can think of off the top of my head would be like the main menu for Transformers.

    Any help would be awesome.
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  2. Do you mean like a motion menu? for the chapter selections? Most DVD authoring tools have this function, have a look at the tools list on the left column. Some examples would be Adobe Encore, DVD Architect, DVD Lab Pro (the 1st two can do blu-ray as well)

    If you mean the layers rotating in 3d space, you can use after effects to generate assets for your menu or menu transitions.

    Just a friendly warning: this takes a bit of planning and preparation of the assets, so don't be expecting a 1-click solution (at least if you want it to look good)
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  3. Member
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    My goal is to have a cube. The cube is on the right side of the screen and rotates like a planet (but doesn't revolve around anything). On the faces of the cube are different videos. As the cube turns, you can see different videos popping up. On the right are the menu options.

    I'm familiar with DVD Lab Pro, I've played around with the 3d text and motion words, but haven't found a way to do the above idea. I'm not messing with blu-ray until I figure it out on DVD first.

    I'm incredibly patient when it comes to making menus and movies. (c:
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  4. I would make the rotating cube in after effects. You can do it manually all within after effects, but there are several 3rd party plugins that could simplify the process like 3d invigorator or a boris continuum plugin called bcc cube. You could probably also do it in quite easily in other 3d programs

    Another warning: If you're not familiar with After Effects, there is a big learning curve. If you search Google there are several tutorials realted to you what you want to do. There is a 3rd party cube script floating around as well, you just replace the sides with your 6 layers of videos and it rotates around a pre-generated null object.
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  5. Member racer-x's Avatar
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    Although I haven't tried it.....yet. You should be able to do the same thing in blender (a free 3D editing s/w). Just create a revolving cube with transparent background, then use video for the maps on each face of the cube. Export as 32-bit png image sequence and import into your NLE to add menu buttons and background effects.

    Sounds like an interesting idea, maybe I'll make one sometime......
    Got my retirement plans all set. Looks like I only have to work another 5 years after I die........
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  6. Member
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    I downloaded blender last night. After 10 minutes, my brain left the room because it was too complicated. Is there somewhere I can go to read up on it? This is the "Newbie" section after all.

    Also, I don't have the deep pockets to throw $1k for after effects. Does it have a trial version or anything?
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  7. Member
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    Originally Posted by Psymon007
    I downloaded blender last night. After 10 minutes, my brain left the room because it was too complicated. Is there somewhere I can go to read up on it? This is the "Newbie" section after all.

    Also, I don't have the deep pockets to throw $1k for after effects. Does it have a trial version or anything?

    I vaguely remember doing something like this in Adobe Premiere, but was quite a while ago and I dont't remember the specifics. I seem to remember a tutorial on the web is where I got the basics. Search for spining cube in Premiere or such. Good Luck
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