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  1. I recently had some problems with an XviD AVI that had some unnecessary sound in the beginning which caused the entire file to be desynced.
    I extraced the audio using GoldWave and cut the unnecessary audio out, but now how do I get this WAV file back "into" the AVI file?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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  2. You could always load the avi into Virtual Dub, then select your new wav as the audio source. Then select "direct source" and save it.

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  3. Okay I've got it all loaded up in VirtualDub and I tell it to save as AVI and I'm noting the file size as it's saving and it got to 3% and was already almost 5gb.
    Why on earth is the AVI file so huge? Do I need to be doing some sort of compression I'm unaware of here? It's already in XviD format to begin with.
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  4. Make sure when you save it, to select "Direct Stream Copy"; I'm assuming you have it set to "Full Processing Mode" and uncompressed AVI. You don't need to recompress the video. Also, you might want to compress your audio too, a wav file will probably make it bigger than the original file was; I'm assuming that the original audio was a compressed format, perhaps mp2, mp3 or ac3?
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  5. Okay yeah I figured out the direct stream setting and it worked fine.
    I did notice that the size of my movie is pretty much doubled now as you said it probably would be.
    I really don't have a problem with it being that big, but is it easy to compress the audio to save size? Will VirtualDub do that?
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  6. I'm a MEGA Super Moderator Baldrick's Avatar
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    Yes, you can compress to mp3 again using virtualdub. Just choose audio->compression and choose mp3. If you don't see any mp3 in the list install the lame mp3 (the acm).
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