I have over 60 S-VHS tapes of family memories that I want to capture correctly. I have 2 JVC SVHS players ( HR 7600 & HR 8700 ) and capturing device is Hauppauge C2310 USB. I have both VirtualDub & AmeRecTV for capture.
so far from a lot of reading on this forum my understanding is I should set my VHS player to BEST, EDIT ON & DIGITAL3R ON. also tbc is on. Capturing with Huffyuv 2.2.1 - pixel format YUYV as source.
I have captured a small sample using my setup and graphedit to open up the ProcAmp whilst playback and make adjustments to Contrast to stay within the blue and not go over the red zones. In ProcAmp I adjusted the contrast to 4251 and everything else default. I believe I am doing this correctly but still would like to double check it here first before i go ahead and start capturing all tapes.
Please let me know if I need to make any further adjustments to get the best out of the captures.
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Not an expert, but the quality of your S-VHS footage looks excellent. Very impressive, even as an interlace file without any post enhancement. Well done.
Re your JVC settings:
- There is a debate about whether or not to use Digital3R. I guess that if you are not seeing any halos around objects and people, then you can keep it turned on.
- The B.E.S.T. (or Calibration in NTSC land) is also debated. It can cause the image to jump occasionally. And that the only JVC that Lord Smurf recommends it be used on is the JVC VS30. So, if you keep it turned on, monitor the capture to ensure it doesn't clear a problem.
Regarding graphedit, I have not used that. Curious how it works. Sounds interesting. -
Also would agree the capture looks nicer than most, likely due to being an original SVHS recording whereas most of us have inferior regular VHS tapes for sources. Those who have the fancier analysis software will hopefully chime in on whether levels look correct from their perspective, though sounds like you've taken the right steps already.
Thank you, I appreciate the comments.
I didn't notice any halos in the capture but I could be wrong.
Maybe I should try captures with different settings on player and compare but overall I think picture looks nice.
Luckily for me, whilst growing up my uncle was a professional camera man and did this for living and it was his hobby. All the tapes I have have been recorded by him and all are on SVHS and I have all the master camera prints in good quality. I just want to be able to transfer them at highest quality possible. -
Very nice capture. You do have minor sharpening halos, but you can probably live with it. The screenshot was taken after deinterlacing.
Sidenote only: Personally I prefer AmarecTV for capturing, and in the past there have been some doubts about using Vdub2 for capturing (A/V sync issues, dropped frames). Keep an eye on it.
2nd screenhot: There seems to be a chroma offset (left ~2 pixels). You may consider addressing this in post, or see what changes when you disable any pre-processing by the VCR.Last edited by Sharc; 23rd Jan 2025 at 05:16. Reason: Chroma offset added
Correct, except that Digital3R should be OFF, because introduces rudimentary sharpening that can be much better performed in post-processing.
You can go up to 254 with levels while adjusting procamp with your card.
The levels are OK so your approach is fine. I found the whites a little bit low, but that's a question of personal preference, and any correction can be done in post-processing.
You provided a nice capture, the reasons not only relies on S-VHS standard (higher luma resolution), but on tape in nice condition, high-end VCR and the Hauppauge USB-Live 2 in action.
In term of restoration a basic approach is enough, with an upscale for youtube upload (I did not adress the oversharping halos nor the chroma shift):
Code:QTGMC(preset="slow", matchpreset="slow", matchpreset2="slow", sourcematch=3, tr1=2, tr2=1, NoiseTR=2, sharpness=0.1) TemporalDegrain2(degrainTR=3) ... nnedi3_rpow2(rfactor=2, nns=4, qual=2, cshift="Spline36Resize", fwidth=1440, fheight=1080) ... LSFmod(defaults="slow") ...
There is no debate there. Occasional jump is a bullshit. B.E.S.T. should be always on, being an internal calibration of the circuitery to adapt to tape conditions (read RF signal), so always beneficial (except few specific exceptions, as always). In addition, if the tapes are recorded on the same VCR used for capturing, it is even more recommended.
What are you talking about? What clear problem may be found?
edit: at frame 534 you are suffering of the (famous) filed shift (odd in this case) problem. We were just discussing it here: https://forum.videohelp.com/threads/417300-Horizontal-lines-TBC-tape-or-hardware-problem. It can easily be fixed in postprocessing with AviSynth
[Attachment 85043 - Click to enlarge]Last edited by lollo; 23rd Jan 2025 at 08:48.
Yeah I would have prefered to use AmarecTV too but I needed acccess to Histogram whilst playback (needed to make sure im not clipping ) so I used VDUB instead.
I may try capturing from my other JVC (hr s8700 ), to see if i get better results or do same capture with both players to see difference. -
Thanks lollo, that processed outcome video looks very nice. Thanks for the code too. Much appreciated.
Capture sample from other VCR here:https://easyupload.io/ivjzkl
PS: Used default capture settings on Hauppauge USB-Live 2 and Digital3R is OFF. -
Field shift exactly at the same moment in time, so the stored fields inside tape should be the reason:
You can fix it by shifting the odd field down by 3 pixels:
Close to the white cube on the right a "line" defect also appears after the fix (you can better see it moving slowly frame by frame), so the field on tape is definetely not 100% pristine.
Eventually you can also replace this frame with an interpolated one (but we are talking here of searching the perfection, because the defect is very small, and barely noticeable at normal playing speed) -
Here the code. You can experiment different parameters for the filters, i.e. degrainTR=1 should be more appropriate.
Code:video_org=AviSource("test clip.avi") # cropping crop_left=8 # | rimozione esatta delle bande nere sinistra, sopra, destra e del disturbo sotto crop_top=2 # | 720-(8+12)x576-(2+8)=700x566 crop_right=12 crop_bottom=8 video_org_crop=video_org.crop(crop_left,crop_top,-crop_right,-crop_bottom) ### de-interlacing deinterlaced=video_org_crop.AssumeTFF().QTGMC(preset="slow", matchpreset="slow", matchpreset2="slow", sourcematch=3, tr1=2, tr2=1, NoiseTR=2, sharpness=0.1) ### convert to YV16 deinterlaced_yv16=deinterlaced.convertToYV16() ### denoising denoised_yv16=deinterlaced_yv16.TemporalDegrain2(degrainTR=3) ### convert to YUY2 denoised=denoised_yv16.convertToYUY2() ### change color matrix denoised_cm=denoised.Colormatrix("Rec.601->Rec.709") ### add borders denoised_cm_borders=denoised_cm.addborders((crop_left+crop_right)/2,(crop_top+crop_bottom)/2,(crop_left+crop_right)/2,(crop_top+crop_bottom)/2) ### upscale upscaled=denoised_cm_borders.nnedi3_rpow2(rfactor=2, nns=4, qual=2, cshift="Spline36Resize", fwidth=1440, fheight=1080) ### convert to YV12 upscaled_yv12=upscaled.convertToYV12() ### sharpening sharpened_yv12=upscaled_yv12.LSFmod(defaults="slow") ### convert to YUY2 with chroma from YUY2 color space sharpened=sharpened_yv12.convertToYUY2().MergeChroma(upscaled) return(sharpened)
You got blown-out whites. See the cyan areas on the right picture. Re-adjust the proc_amp settings.
[Attachment 85048 - Click to enlarge]
Even worse when one expands the limited (TV) range to full range RGB as many tools do "under the hood" (import, color processing ...)Last edited by Sharc; 23rd Jan 2025 at 10:17.
I get an error.
[Attachment 85052 - Click to enlarge] -
As I am here, I answer for Sharc. Yes, you should ensure to capture inside the capturable range of the card (16-254 for the USB-Live), or to be even safer in the range 16-235. If you og outside you crush the blacks and clip the whites.
I get an error.
This should help, yes. But even though the luma may be nicely within the stated limits there can still be clipped RGB (out-of-gamut RGB), but usually these are harmless - with exceptions.
The point is one can capture into the "red" range and process everything in YUV without trouble, but at least for viewing a conversion YUV->RGB has to be done (one cannot watch YUV), and one does not always have full control of that conversion. For the TV it should be ok though, as long as you don't clip the luma at 255. -
Okay I see what you mean. So I just make sure it stays within blue area whilst capture. My videos will be watched on TV so it should be fine then I guess. Thanks Sharc.
I just noticed that the audio appears to be slightly ahead of the video. I only noticed it when I watched Lollo's version on YouTube whe the two men speak at the end of the clip. I checked the original and the sync issue is present there too.
VirtualDub2 mess, probably. Use AmarecTV!
Maybe too heavy for your system. SPlit the processing in 3 parts. First file just stop after deinterlacing, create a HuffYUV output. Use this file as input fo rthe second script, where only denoising is present, and so on...
I use VDub 1.9.11 and these settings in Timing, which keeps my audio video in sync, even when are are reported dropped frames.
[Attachment 85054 - Click to enlarge] -
I use VDub 1.9.11 and these settings in Timing, which keeps my audio video in sync
With modern OSs and modern cards use AmarecTV!
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