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  1. Hi guys can you guys help me download this video I tried everything i know but without success. I would be immensely grateful.
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  2. Feels Good Man 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2024
    Pepe Island
    Search Comp PM
    N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key b57fd50083e83bfd85bbc31a32cf47e1:3d5f6bcf52c213ac76f5b896ee95be4e -M format=mkv
    Last edited by 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi; 9th Sep 2024 at 15:59.
    [*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*]
    Quote Quote  
  3. Originally Posted by 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi View Post
    N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key b57fd50083e83bfd85bbc31a32cf47e1:3d5f6bcf52c213ac7 6f5b896ee95be4e -M format=mkv
    Thank you so much!
    I have some questions if you could have time to reply please:

    Does that key work with all videos?

    How do i generate keys like that?

    Can this be done with yt-dlp? I've been trying with it for so long that I feel frustrated and really wanted to learn to do with it!
    Quote Quote  
  4. Originally Posted by the-ether View Post
    Does that key work with all videos?

    How do i generate keys like that?

    Can this be done with yt-dlp? I've been trying with it for so long that I feel frustrated and really wanted to learn to do with it!
    so long ... really ? It doesn't seem

    How generate keys > read SOME page on this ***** forum
    Quote Quote  
  5. Originally Posted by lomero View Post
    Originally Posted by the-ether View Post
    Does that key work with all videos?

    How do i generate keys like that?

    Can this be done with yt-dlp? I've been trying with it for so long that I feel frustrated and really wanted to learn to do with it!
    so long ... really ? It doesn't seem

    How generate keys > read SOME page on this ***** forum
    Chill bro I'm new. This is my first started thread.
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  6. Feels Good Man 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2024
    Pepe Island
    Search Comp PM
    Hello new.

    Originally Posted by the-ether View Post
    Does that key work with all videos?
    Nope. You may get the occasional different videos that have a key working for both of them, but there isn't a single key that works for ALL possible videos.

    Originally Posted by the-ether View Post
    How do i generate keys like that?
    The problem is already solved and discussed here.

    In particular these threads.

    Or if you want to do it manually, check @angela's decryption trilogy.

    Please don't ask me any additional questions regarding this, I just pointed you to the solution.

    Originally Posted by the-ether View Post
    Can this be done with yt-dlp? I've been trying with it for so long that I feel frustrated and really wanted to learn to do with it!
    Eh, it depends. If you mean obtaining the decryption keys, then no. If you mean downloading and decrypting, yeah but yt-dlp is not enough. You use yt-dlp with --allow-u parameter to download the encrypted content. Then you use mp4decrypt to manually decrypt the downloaded content.

    A fair warning, this isn't 100% reliable. I've had issues with very weird/niche sites where if you do this, you end up with video/audio sync issues. The solution was to use N_m3u8DL-RE which does proper decryption and muxing at same time.
    [*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*]
    Quote Quote  
  7. Originally Posted by 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi View Post
    Hello new.

    Originally Posted by the-ether View Post
    Does that key work with all videos?
    Nope. You may get the occasional different videos that have a key working for both of them, but there isn't a single key that works for ALL possible videos.

    Originally Posted by the-ether View Post
    How do i generate keys like that?
    The problem is already solved and discussed here.

    In particular these threads.

    Or if you want to do it manually, check @angela's decryption trilogy.

    Please don't ask me any additional questions regarding this, I just pointed you to the solution.

    Originally Posted by the-ether View Post
    Can this be done with yt-dlp? I've been trying with it for so long that I feel frustrated and really wanted to learn to do with it!
    Eh, it depends. If you mean obtaining the decryption keys, then no. If you mean downloading and decrypting, yeah but yt-dlp is not enough. You use yt-dlp with --allow-u parameter to download the encrypted content. Then you use mp4decrypt to manually decrypt the downloaded content.

    A fair warning, this isn't 100% reliable. I've had issues with very weird/niche sites where if you do this, you end up with video/audio sync issues. The solution was to use N_m3u8DL-RE which does proper decryption and muxing at same time.
    Hi again. Thanks for the amazing tips. I installed everything and started the work but I'm getting this output: python
    ←[32m ______ ________
    ___ _/ / / / ___ / / /_ /
    / _ `/ / / _ \/ -_) / //_ <

    ←[31mA Generic L3 Downloader:
    ←[31mFor DRM content only.
    ←[36m!!This version is for ALL browsers!!.

    Prepare three inputs.
    1. MPD URL
    2. cURL of license server request
    3. Video name

    MPD URL?
    Found pssh element: AAAAbXBzc2gAAAAA7e+LqXnWSs6jyCfc1R0h7QAAAE0IARIQtX/VAIPoO/2Fu8MaMs9H4RoIY2FzdGxhYnMiJGV5SmhjM05sZEVsa0lqb2lk bTlrWDJOdmJuUmxiblFpZlE9PTIHZGVmYXVsdA==
    Extracted or generated PSSH: AAAAbXBzc2gAAAAA7e+LqXnWSs6jyCfc1R0h7QAAAE0IARIQtX/VAIPoO/2Fu8MaMs9H4RoIY2FzdGxhYnMiJGV5SmhjM05sZEVsa0lqb2lk bTlrWDJOdmJuUmxiblFpZlE9PTIHZGVmYXVsdA==
    1. Paste your cURL of license request.
    2. Press Ctrl-D (Linux) or Ctrl-Z (Windows) to save it.

    Method: POST
    Headers: {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:130.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/130.0', 'Accept': '*/*', 'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.5', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br, zstd', 'Referer': '', 'x-dt-custom-data': 'eyJ1c2VySWQiOiJwdXJjaGFzZSIsInNlc3Npb25JZCI6InAwI iwibWVyY2hhbnQiOiJtb2dfcnRwIn0=', 'Origin': '', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'empty', 'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'cors', 'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'cross-site', 'Priority': 'u=4'}
    Data: None

    --key b57fd50083e83bfd85bbc31a32cf47e1:3d5f6bcf52c213ac7 6f5b896ee95be4e

    Save Video as? noite_sangrenta_2

    N_m3u8DL-RE '' --key b57fd50083e83bfd85bbc31a32cf47e1:3d5f6bcf52c213ac7 6f5b896ee95be4e --save-name noite_sangrenta_2 -M:format=mkv:muxer=mkvmerge

    ['N_m3u8DL-RE', '', '--key', 'b57fd50083e83bfd85bbc31a32cf47e1:3d5f6bcf52c213ac 76f5b896ee95be4e', '--save-name', 'noite_sangrenta_2', '-M', 'format=mkv:muxer=mkvmerge']

    Press Enter to run the download-command or ctrl+C to exit.
    12:43:15.070 INFO : N_m3u8DL-RE (Beta version) 20240630
    12:43:15.080 INFO : Loading URL:
    12:43:15.135 INFO : Content Matched: Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP
    12:43:15.136 INFO : Parsing streams...
    12:43:15.142 WARN : Writing meta json
    12:43:15.148 INFO : Extracted, there are 2 streams, with 1 basic streams, 1 audio streams, 0 subtitle streams
    12:43:15.149 INFO : Vid *CENC 1920x1080 | 3564 Kbps | v1-x3 | avc1.640028 | 600 Segments | ~01h00m00s
    12:43:15.150 INFO : Aud *CENC a1-x3 | 112 Kbps | mp4a.40.2 | 1CH | 600 Segments | ~01h00m00s
    12:43:34.287 INFO : Parsing streams...
    12:43:34.298 INFO : Selected streams:
    12:43:34.300 INFO : Vid *CENC 1920x1080 | 3564 Kbps | v1-x3 | avc1.640028 | 600 Segments | ~01h00m00s
    12:43:34.301 INFO : Aud *CENC a1-x3 | 112 Kbps | mp4a.40.2 | 1CH | 600 Segments | ~01h00m00s
    12:43:34.302 WARN : Writing meta json
    12:43:34.306 INFO : Save Name: noite_sangrenta_2
    12:43:34.306 WARN : MuxAfterDone is detected, binary merging is automatically enabled
    12:43:34.309 INFO : Start downloading...Vid 1920x1080 | 3564 Kbps | v1-x3 | avc1.640028
    12:43:34.322 WARN : Type: cenc
    12:43:34.324 WARN : PSSH(WV):
    CAESELV/1QCD6Dv9hbvDGjLPR+EaCGNhc3RsYWJzIiRleUpoYzNObGRFbG tJam9pZG05a1gyTnZiblJsYm5RaWZRPT0yB2RlZmF1bHQ=
    12:43:34.325 WARN : KID: b57fd50083e83bfd85bbc31a32cf47e1
    12:43:34.326 WARN : Reading media info...
    12:43:34.362 INFO : [0x1]: Video, h264 (avc1), 1920x1080
    12:44:14.805 INFO : Binary merging...
    12:44:16.249 WARN : Type: cenc
    12:44:16.253 WARN : PSSH(WV):
    CAESELV/1QCD6Dv9hbvDGjLPR+EaCGNhc3RsYWJzIiRleUpoYzNObGRFbG tJam9pZG05a1gyTnZiblJsYm5RaWZRPT0yB2RlZmF1bHQ=
    12:44:16.255 WARN : KID: b57fd50083e83bfd85bbc31a32cf47e1
    12:44:16.257 INFO : Decrypting...
    12:44:58.232 INFO : Start downloading...Aud a1-x3 | 112 Kbps | mp4a.40.2 | 1CH
    12:44:58.247 WARN : Type: cenc
    12:44:58.248 WARN : PSSH(WV):
    CAESELV/1QCD6Dv9hbvDGjLPR+EaCGNhc3RsYWJzIiRleUpoYzNObGRFbG tJam9pZG05a1gyTnZiblJsYm5RaWZRPT0yB2RlZmF1bHQ=
    12:44:58.249 WARN : KID: b57fd50083e83bfd85bbc31a32cf47e1
    12:44:58.251 WARN : Reading media info...
    12:44:58.288 INFO : [0x1]: Audio, aac (mp4a), 112 kb/s
    12:45:00.179 INFO : Binary merging...
    12:45:00.434 WARN : Type: cenc
    12:45:00.436 WARN : PSSH(WV):
    CAESELV/1QCD6Dv9hbvDGjLPR+EaCGNhc3RsYWJzIiRleUpoYzNObGRFbG tJam9pZG05a1gyTnZiblJsYm5RaWZRPT0yB2RlZmF1bHQ=
    12:45:00.437 WARN : KID: b57fd50083e83bfd85bbc31a32cf47e1
    12:45:00.438 INFO : Decrypting...
    12:45:00.796 WARN : noite_sangrenta_2.mp4
    12:45:00.796 WARN : noite_sangrenta_2.m4a
    12:45:00.797 WARN : Muxing to noite_sangrenta_2.MUX.mkv
    12:45:05.536 ERROR: Mux failed
    12:45:05.538 ERROR: Failed

    I keep getting the mux error and I have exhausted all possibilities. Glad if you could help friend.
    Quote Quote  
  8. Does the muxed file exist?
    If yes, then mkvmerge exited with a status code that isn't 0 if there are warnings in the output but the mux was successful. This non-zero exit code is interpreted as a fail by N_m3u8DL-RE.
    If the file doesn't exist or isn't playable, then the mux actually just failed.
    Keys from just the License URL: WidevineFetch
    Quote Quote  
  9. Originally Posted by larley View Post
    Does the muxed file exist?
    If yes, then mkvmerge exited with a status code that isn't 0 if there are warnings in the output but the mux was successful. This non-zero exit code is interpreted as a fail by N_m3u8DL-RE.
    If the file doesn't exist or isn't playable, then the mux actually just failed.
    There is nothing I can do? Because the first part of the video (it's a 2 video series) was downloaded with success by a member of this forum.
    Quote Quote  
  10. if you use allhell3 it would be better if you asked for an explanation in the appropriate thread and perhaps Angela, the author of the thread, will be able to answer you adequately

    It's the second thread reported in post #6
    Quote Quote  
  11. You simply need to change the command of the final mux, -M format=mkv

    Try this:

    N_m3u8DL-RE "" --save-name "noite_sangrenta_2" --sub-format srt -sv best -sa all -ss all --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv --key b57fd50083e83bfd85bbc31a32cf47e1:3d5f6bcf52c213ac76f5b896ee95be4e
    Quote Quote  
  12. Originally Posted by Goku73 View Post
    You simply need to change the command of the final mux, -M format=mkv

    Try this:

    N_m3u8DL-RE "" --save-name "noite_sangrenta_2" --sub-format srt -sv best -sa all -ss all --check-segments-count false -M format=mkv --key b57fd50083e83bfd85bbc31a32cf47e1:3d5f6bcf52c213ac76f5b896ee95be4e
    Thanks I downloaded the file but your command is a bit advanced for me. Can you explain me what did you do?

    Note: i had to run the command just using n-m3u8DL-RE and not which was where the output I posted was printed.
    Quote Quote  
  13. Originally Posted by the-ether View Post
    Originally Posted by lomero View Post
    Originally Posted by the-ether View Post
    Does that key work with all videos?

    How do i generate keys like that?

    Can this be done with yt-dlp? I've been trying with it for so long that I feel frustrated and really wanted to learn to do with it!
    so long ... really ? It doesn't seem

    How generate keys > read SOME page on this ***** forum
    Chill bro I'm new. This is my first started thread.
    Yeah this user replied to one of my threads and now I can see what they are all about, berating people they feel are
    not doing things "the right way". no idea what their deal is, clearly something personal.
    Quote Quote  
  14. He's not wrong. Reading is the key to knowledge
    Keys from just the License URL: WidevineFetch
    Quote Quote  
  15. Originally Posted by 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi View Post
    Hello new.

    Originally Posted by the-ether View Post
    Does that key work with all videos?
    Nope. You may get the occasional different videos that have a key working for both of them, but there isn't a single key that works for ALL possible videos.

    Originally Posted by the-ether View Post
    How do i generate keys like that?
    The problem is already solved and discussed here.

    In particular these threads.

    Or if you want to do it manually, check @angela's decryption trilogy.

    Please don't ask me any additional questions regarding this, I just pointed you to the solution.

    Originally Posted by the-ether View Post
    Can this be done with yt-dlp? I've been trying with it for so long that I feel frustrated and really wanted to learn to do with it!
    Eh, it depends. If you mean obtaining the decryption keys, then no. If you mean downloading and decrypting, yeah but yt-dlp is not enough. You use yt-dlp with --allow-u parameter to download the encrypted content. Then you use mp4decrypt to manually decrypt the downloaded content.

    A fair warning, this isn't 100% reliable. I've had issues with very weird/niche sites where if you do this, you end up with video/audio sync issues. The solution was to use N_m3u8DL-RE which does proper decryption and muxing at same time.
    Yeah, given all the users reporting various unexpected errors in those threads, I think "solved" is a bit of an overstatement. Clearly
    a lot of reading is needed for this so I definitely agree with that sentiment.
    Quote Quote  

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