I'm running AVISynth+ 273.
It has been suggested by @Lollo and @Selur that we use Loaddll to load plugins as needed instead of putting them all into the plugins folders of the AVISynth folders.
I assume this means that we 1/put Loaddll into the plugins folder, or 2/call it via Lollo's code:
For the first, I put Loaddll.dll into both plugins folders (32 and 64 bit). When I tried to open an AVS in 64bit VDub, I got an error message; the same message as in the attachment. That was even if I was not using Loaddll in the script.Code:loadPlugin(<path>\LoadDll.dll") loadDll(<path>\libfftw3f-3.dll")
For the second, I placed loaddll.dll and libfftw3f-3.dll into an external folder (removing them from their original folders).
I then tried to run this script in VDub 64bit:
[Attachment 81766 - Click to enlarge]
The libfftw3f-3 file is definitely the 64bit version (2708KB).
It appears to me that loaddll.dll will not function with 64bit VDub.
I note that the loaddll download has been removed from the AVISynth wiki.
Does Loaddll actually work with 64bit?
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Isn't there a 32 and 64 bit version of loaddll.dll ?
I don't understand the purported benefit of this. For fftw3.dll, once it's loaded at system32 and syswow64
you can forget about it. It just works, no need to reference it again. -
I agree with you.
@Lollo abused me on the other thread about this, so I'm trying to get to the bottom of it. Get both sides of the story, as it were. At the moment, I cannot even get it to work.
Isn't there a 32 and 64 bit version of loaddll.dll ? -
THere is this, dated May 2020
https://github.com/avisynth-repository/LoadDLL/releases -
Excellent Dave, thanks. Yes, that 64 one works. Now for a Cost Benefit Analysis...
I did click on the author's links on the AVISynth LoadDLL page to advise them of your link but got a forbidden message. Oh well. -
Poor abused guy
About the "opinons" of everybody writing here, the attempts to make TD2 (and then fftw3.dll) working in this thread https://forum.videohelp.com/threads/415649-avisynth-errors-using-TemporalDegrain2-Audi...om-VirtualDub2 failed, while the "fact" of using the simple loadDll approach worked. But may be it is just a coincidence
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