FF Polsat
I'll replace it with another one in a moment, because I think I used EMU.
I have already changed 3 pairs of keys, but still no effect, maybe someone can help me on how to proceed.
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>> I'll replace it with another one in a moment, because I think I used EMU.
OK, this is probably your problem.
If you make sure use Real-device CDM and Firefox. It should work with A****nDon't be stupid.Use your brain and Google.
Read the rules and documentation before asking for support about my extension. -
I extracted the keys using this website https://forum.videohelp.com/threads/408031-Dumping-Your-own-L3-CDM-with-Android-Studio and is it a Real-Device's CDM or emu?
This license server was obtained from this demo page.
This was found in the process of collecting a list of Widevine demo pages.
A list of the demo pages I have found can be found here.
So, I don't have a Kanopy account, so if you can send me a HAR, I will take a look at it later.Don't be stupid.Use your brain and Google.
Read the rules and documentation before asking for support about my extension. -
Thanks. I'll get back to you on that.
Presently, I have a question concerning the code MediaKeySession.prototype.generateRequest and why it prevents a page from loading.
The page url is https://torkudomlu.foroactivo.com/h21-espn-premium (free page no vpn required)
Why I try to access that page I get Error Code:240000 video file cannot be played.
I narrowed this problem down to the inject.js routine
with the code below (original code) there is an error message
Code:MediaKeySession.prototype.generateRequest = function (initDataType, initData) { const result = originalGenerateRequest.call(this, initDataType, initData); //Get PSSH and pass into content.js document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("pssh", { detail: getPssh(initData), }) ); return result; };
With the above code, you get the error message.
With the below code the page loads with no error message
Code:qwerty = function(initDataType, initData) { const result = originalGenerateRequest.call(this, initDataType, initData); //Get PSSH and pass into content.js document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('pssh', { detail: getPssh(initData) })); return result; };
with the below code you will get the error message
Code:MediaKeySession.prototype.generateRequest = function(initDataType, initData) { // const result = originalGenerateRequest.call(this, initDataType, initData); // //Get PSSH and pass into content.js // document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('pssh', { // detail: getPssh(initData) // })); // return result; };
Any ideas why is the challenge and how to overcome?
Thanks -
Thanks for reporting this bug.
I fixed this in 8a12fb6.
I will explain why this error occurred.
First of all, inject.js retrieves Init data by overriding functions defined inside the browser.
The mechanism for obtaining Init data is the same as that performed by the EME Logger.
Next, the getPssh() function in inject.js converts init data to PSSH.
Often, Init data and PSSH are identical, but when Init data is long (so-called Long PSSH), only the necessary part needs to be parsed so that Pywidevine can parse it.
This means that the getPssh() function automates the method described on this site to detect only Widevine's PSSH and extract only the parts necessary for Pywidevine to parse.
As I said at the beginning, inject.js works by overriding the behavior of functions originally defined in the browser.
The original-function then needs to pass the Init data it gets to another internally defined function in order to perform EME processing.
Therefore, the original "MediaKeySession.prototype.generateRequest()" function must be backed up in the "originalGenerateRequest" variable, and the overridden-function must call it and return the original value.
However, on the site you provided, the getPssh() function was causing an error because it was not Widevine's, although it was using EME's function.
Therefore, the bug was caused by the fact that the return was not performed on the data needed to be processed by another function within the overridden-function.
This fix ignores the getPssh() function error in the overridden-function, so that when a non-Widevine EME is used, it will correctly return the result of the original-function.Don't be stupid.Use your brain and Google.
Read the rules and documentation before asking for support about my extension. -
I have re-read #1 post.
#301 also reports PolSat not working.
- Working "device.wvd" placed in ROOT of ..\wvg\
- And the following setup works on other websites with (CommonWV)
I also have a problem with Polsat on Win11 platform in latest version of FF.
I'm loading the plug-in as advised:
1. Navigate to "about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox"
2. Load temporary add-on (240507.1|8a12fb6)
3. Select ""manifest.json" -> Open
Then I select "Inspect" and another Windows opens up.
I would log-in to PolSatBoxGo and play a movie.
If I have "uBlock Origin" enabled, I get a message:
Widevine content hasn't detected in this page.
Open widevine-protected website and try again!
When I disable it "uBlock Origin", WV is still not detected on the page.
Only when I enable ABP, the plug-in finds WV on the page.
Selecting Polsat and pressing "Guess" results with the following error
in the console:
[Attachment 78899 - Click to enlarge]
Sorry, missed post #300 :( -
Hmm..., Thank you for providing a log that contains properly useful information.
I'll do some research later.
Also, I have created a Polsat.py that includes debugging symbols, so if you have time, could you try this script as well and provide logs?
>> When I disable it "uBlock Origin", WV is still not detected on the page.
If you get a message that Widevine was not detected, it means that Widevine's PSSH could not be obtained and is most likely another problem than the one described above.
Please check the console on the Video window for logs beginning with "[PSSH]".
If not, the extension is not getting Widevine's PSSH correctly.
In this case, please make sure that the EME protocol is indeed Widevine and not Playready, etc.
It is also possible that there is simply a lag in the transfer of information from the content script to the popup, so when this problem occurs, closing the popup and reopening may has possibility of display the information correctly.Don't be stupid.Use your brain and Google.
Read the rules and documentation before asking for support about my extension. -
License url select drm but the last line
[Attachment 78902 - Click to enlarge]
it works for me
[Attachment 78903 - Click to enlarge] -
I also had a problem with Polsat, but it turned out that the moment at which you run the plug-in is important
you need to do this when the movie starts (dots are flashing) and then it shows the correct window
the second thing is the appropriate URL license, you need to expand the tab and select the first one from the bottom:
and then just guess! and wait a while -
I am looking around how to export the "1.+2. Whole logs" for both Video/Widevine L3 Guessor 2024 (pop-up) .....
can you advise?
Is that Copy/Paste into TXT from the "Console", or there is another way to export the logs from the "Console"?
"Save all as HAR" for Video/Widevine L3 Guessor 2024 (pop-up) is next to "No Throttling" cog ...... -
Infinity/mediset infinity italian, do no use headers when you need to ask for license.
Also, i didnt ask for help or post logs. I was trying amazon prime video europe and mediaseitalian , with no succes. I dont blame you, i want try to understood where the problem is. I knew is not easy to program things to work beter. I will retry , if you will do some improvments in the future!
I was used win11 pro with : chrome,edge,firefox, brave and vivaldi with same negative result! -
Thanks very much for the fix. You are super fast.
I am truly impressed
Thanks -
When IT run, and after stopping on STEP1, an error during the video playback displayed for 3 seconds .."mistake in transmission" or something like that..
What is strange, that older version of this add-on is still working for @gustawa21 and @grzech67 .....
Please find the copy of the error.
[Attachment 78906 - Click to enlarge]
I will investigate EME more 2morrow,
(but quick check shows that all 4 are enabled ... I will try to disable the other 3 and report back 2morrow.
@gustawa21 and @grzech67 can you please please check what version of the plug-in are you using? -
[QUOTE=pssh;2734554] I have already written that when it selects drm automatically, I also have the same error, but when I select it myself, usually the 4th line of drm, I do not get an error
[Attachment 78907 - Click to enlarge] -
I download latest fxc and surprise here :
mediaset/infinity are ok now.
I will test other providers.
windows 11 pro : chrome browser v124(latest)+ latest extension
Updates :
Amazon still no found nothing for me!
[Attachment 78908 - Click to enlarge] -
Can you please confirm you have the latest version #240507.1 | #8a12fb6?
Just tried,
1. Reload +
2. "Play the movie from the start" open up the plug-ing and select Polsat/GUESS and nothing,
same error ...
Code:21:41:21.975 Loading certifi, charset_normalizer, construct, idna, packaging, protobuf, pycryptodome, pymp4, pyodide_http, pywidevine, requests, urllib3 pyodide.asm.js:9:94945 21:41:24.306 Loaded certifi, charset_normalizer, construct, idna, packaging, protobuf, pycryptodome, pymp4, pyodide_http, pywidevine, requests, urllib3 pyodide.asm.js:9:95241 21:41:29.927 Uncaught (in promise) PythonError: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/lib/python311.zip/_pyodide/_base.py", line 573, in eval_code_async await CodeRunner( File "/lib/python311.zip/_pyodide/_base.py", line 395, in run_async await coroutine File "<exec>", line 58, in <module> KeyError: 'object' M moz-extension://a1bee1a6-d3c3-4a50-9c19-6453d6d03944/pyodide/pyodide.asm.js:9 new_error moz-extension://a1bee1a6-d3c3-4a50-9c19-6453d6d03944/pyodide/pyodide.asm.js:9 _PyEM_TrampolineCall_JS moz-extension://a1bee1a6-d3c3-4a50-9c19-6453d6d03944/pyodide/pyodide.asm.js:9 p
[QUOTE=gustawa21;2734560] Just tried to select the "License Server" /drm/ manually "last one - only 4 are showing"
(With the latest version of the plug-in)
and no luck .....
Also tried to Reload + Start the movie again and quickly select
plug-in and Guess and no luck .....
And also tried Reload + Start the movie again and quickly select
plug-in and the DRM license server and "only 2 are showing - selected the second one"
and press Guess and no luck either ....
Is there any way you could "please" check which version do you have?
I replied too hastily.
selecting 3rd or 4th /DRM/ License URL spills out the kid:key without any error in the console ......
Thank you
@pik -
Don't be stupid.Use your brain and Google.
Read the rules and documentation before asking for support about my extension. -
its thare realy difrence betwean
CDM from Physical device and android studio CMD ?
and mybe thad why same budy caling L1bud its in real Real its just Device ?
i mean sure thare its L1 CMD its just for thsi provider same lammer say like this -
First, this is the process EME goes through when it obtains the content key.
This diagram has been simplified to make it easier for the noobs to understand and contains a few errors and misrepresentations.
[Attachment 78910 - Click to enlarge]
The point to focus on here is step 3.
In this step, CDM generates a challenge based on its own client information.
This client information includes unique identifiers and device hardware information.
The EME sends a challenge generated from these informations to the server, so that the server can block CDMs that indicate that it is an emulator, or Big Brother can revoke a particular CDM.
This can be confirmed by actually checking the challenge generated by Pywidevine.
[Attachment 78911 - Click to enlarge]
[Attachment 78912 - Click to enlarge]
As a way of mentioned above, some license servers like A****n block CDM for emulators.
Most people here are so ignorant about Widevine's DRM technology that I'm planning to create an online course that will explain it in detail.
And my course also should be protected with Widevine as well as don't want it copied :P
Obtaining that key is the final practical assignment of the course.Don't be stupid.Use your brain and Google.
Read the rules and documentation before asking for support about my extension. -
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