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  1. Hello!

    Anyone know how to download this video (DRM)?
    I find this code with The Stream Detector but I don't know how to proceed.
    I have until November 4th then the video will be removed.

    Quote Quote  
  2. It's standard Widevine DRM. The process of "avoiding" it has been explained countless of times here. If you wanna learn for the future, spend a few days reading this sub-forum.
    Otherwise, here's your video. Link is valid for a week.
    Also, specifically for this site, someone else already ask. So, search.
    Quote Quote  
  3. search mpd, no mp4 link

    use yt-dlp to download
    yt-dlp --allow-u ""
    and here your keys for next step
    Quote Quote  
  4. Thank you so much for the upload and advices! [ss]vegeta.

    Thank you lomero.

    I set the code for:
    mp4decrypt --key e28fd92c6e935ded96a15eac229de114:5e7aea2636b7c3e84a52a97a5f5f273e --key 9856f0e9570f5ed4a2a831288560a70c:fc59337e61691ac64d898009a21ab284 --key b8c9df1baae619b8d39c5e714e8f9ff0:69a9caa850ede36e0014ff859f351fef --key a4d4c70e3711577ebb1c80ee66da0878:3e5251e3790ce52995aed029e86b3151 --key dd84e24c67e657d9a6b313d7df5153ca:410980ddd03d0993288f02a9301f4a37 hd_wv_mpl.mp4 hd_wv_mpl decrypt.mp4
    mp4decrypt --key e28fd92c6e935ded96a15eac229de114:5e7aea2636b7c3e84a52a97a5f5f273e --key 9856f0e9570f5ed4a2a831288560a70c:fc59337e61691ac64d898009a21ab284 --key b8c9df1baae619b8d39c5e714e8f9ff0:69a9caa850ede36e0014ff859f351fef --key a4d4c70e3711577ebb1c80ee66da0878:3e5251e3790ce52995aed029e86b3151 --key dd84e24c67e657d9a6b313d7df5153ca:410980ddd03d0993288f02a9301f4a37 hd_wv_mpl.m4a hd_wv_mpl decrypt.m4a
    Ok. It works! I got the files and I merge it with ffmpeg. THANKS!

    But how do I get those keys?
    Originally Posted by lomero View Post
    and here your keys for next step
    Image Attached Images  
    Last edited by Boldest06; 29th Oct 2022 at 10:46.
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  5. Originally Posted by Boldest06 View Post
    Post the link where the actual video can be watched, not the mpd.
    Quote Quote  
  6. vegeta is right, anyway here your key:
    Quote Quote  
  7. Originally Posted by [ss]vegeta View Post
    It's standard Widevine DRM. The process of "avoiding" it has been explained countless of times here. If you wanna learn for the future, spend a few days reading this sub-forum.
    Otherwise, here's your video. Link is valid for a week.
    Also, specifically for this site, someone else already ask. So, search.
    Hello, I'm new and just now I discovered your forum from this Thread.
    Please help me to learn how to save DRM video from Mediaset. There are hundreds of post and I don't know where, what and how to search.
    I don't know witch words in English I have to put to search. Please help me giving me the names of the threads or the keywords.
    Thanks in advance.
    Quote Quote  
  8. Originally Posted by alba77 View Post
    Originally Posted by [ss]vegeta View Post
    It's standard Widevine DRM. The process of "avoiding" it has been explained countless of times here. If you wanna learn for the future, spend a few days reading this sub-forum.
    Otherwise, here's your video. Link is valid for a week.
    Also, specifically for this site, someone else already ask. So, search.
    Hello, I'm new and just now I discovered your forum from this Thread.
    Please help me to learn how to save DRM video from Mediaset. There are hundreds of post and I don't know where, what and how to search.
    I don't know witch words in English I have to put to search. Please help me giving me the names of the threads or the keywords.
    Thanks in advance.
    Read this thread and then use this.

    Start sharing a link to a video you would like to get here.
    Quote Quote  
  9. look here. a lot of thread about that

    or use this script, thanks to sk8ordi3
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  10. Thank you guys. You were so kind.
    Quote Quote  
  11. So all these threads (I red some of them before writing here) are advanced. I don't understand what are the PSSH and all the codes and what to to with them.

    I downloaded an extension called The Stream Detector but I can't do nothing with it.

    I would need a guide step by step from the url of the video to the mp4 file on my PC. I I see al the seps I can understand what to do with any new video by myself.

    Ps - I have VideoDownload helper as well and I've beeng using a Tampermonkey script to download not DRM video from Mediaset.

    EDIT: PS2 - I installed the script EME Loggerbut nothing happens
    Last edited by alba77; 30th Sep 2023 at 13:47.
    Quote Quote  
  12. Originally Posted by alba77 View Post
    So all these threads (I red some of them before writing here) are advanced. I don't understand what are the PSSH and all the codes and what to to with them.

    I downloaded an extension called The Stream Detector but I can't do nothing with it.

    I would need a guide step by step from the url of the video to the mp4 file on my PC. I I see al the seps I can understand what to do with any new video by myself.

    Ps - I have VideoDownload helper as well and I've beeng using a Tampermonkey script to download not DRM video from Mediaset.

    EDIT: PS2 - I installed the script EME Loggerbut nothing happens
    This is an example of how you get the .mpd link.
    [Attachment 74117 - Click to enlarge]

    And use this command on yt-dlp to download:
    yt-dlp --allow-u LINK.mpd
    In the meantime do this:
    Firefox Browser (language ITA):
    "Strumenti di sviluppo web"
    Rete > Filtra URL > you write 'mpd' (click) > Risposta (you'll find the '<cenc: pssh>AAAAU3B...')
    Rete > Filtra URL > you write 'lic' (you'll find the 'getRawWidevine', right click 'Copia valore' > Copia URL')

    [Attachment 73119 - Click to enlarge]

    [Attachment 73120 - Click to enlarge]

    Paste here the PSSH and the License and you will receive the decryption key or keys.
    Then use Bento4-SDK's mp4encrypt to decrypt the downloaded files.
    Quote Quote  
  13. better with N_m3u8DL-RE

    all-in-one download and decrypt. and more speed
    Quote Quote  
  14. Thank you very very much for your kind help.
    Originally Posted by Boldest06 View Post

    This is an example of how you get the .mpd link.

    And use this command on yt-dlp to download:
    yt-dlp --allow-u LINK.mpd
    So I was able to copy the .mpd link.
    I opened yt-dlp by shift+right button of the mouse and open here the promp and I pasted the commad you gave me.
    yt-dlp started and downloading one more then 3 gb piece and onother one of about 50mb

    I suppose, now I can close the yt-dlp

    Originally Posted by Boldest06 View Post
    In the meantime do this:
    Firefox Browser (language ITA):
    "Strumenti di sviluppo web"
    Rete > Filtra URL > you write 'mpd' (click) > Risposta (you'll find the '<cenc: pssh>AAAAU3B...')
    Rete > Filtra URL > you write 'lic' (you'll find the 'getRawWidevine', right click 'Copia valore' > Copia URL')
    I find the Firefox Browser (language ITA) - it changes the position but under Strumenti (tools) ---> there is the "sviluppo web"
    I did the part of the mpd and RISPOSTA (response). I copied the code into a notepad and I found the <cencssh>AAA123</cencssh>
    I copied the value into a white notepad

    I did the part of lic searc and I copied the url - It's very long. Should it be so long?

    Originally Posted by Boldest06 View Post
    Paste here the PSSH and the License and you will receive the decryption key or keys.
    Then use Bento4-SDK's mp4encrypt to decrypt the downloaded files.
    Unfortunately your link points to noware. I tried to open it with Tor browser as well but nothing.

    Originally Posted by lomero View Post
    better with N_m3u8DL-RE

    all-in-one download and decrypt. and more speed
    Hello and thanks for the replay.
    I downloaded this software but I cant open it.
    Do I have to open with open prompt in this folder (where is stored the software)?

    But even if I do it what commads do I have to write and what will I do with the pieces downloaded by yt-dlp?
    What path do they have to have?

    PS - My example video is this ""

    My 1st code is this: <cencssh>AAAAU3Bzc2gAAAAA7e+LqXnWSs6jyCfc1R0h7QAAADMIAR IQsKdv2HQNlQouiRstlMeBuBoNYW1hem9udHZjcmltZSIIdGFt X3Rlc3QqAlNEMgA=</cencssh>
    My copied link from lic is this " a%2FAccount%2F2702976343&schema=1.0&token=eyJhbGci OiJSUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJtZWRpYXNldC1wcm9kL21lZGlhc 2V0LXByb2QvYW5vbnltb3VzIiwiaXNzIjoiMSIsImV4cCI6MTY 5NjQzODU3NywiaWF0IjoxNjk2MTc5Mzc3OTY3LCJqdGkiOiI4N Dg5ZDEyOS0yZDBlLTQ0NDUtYWRkMS00OGEwZmQ3OTkxYjQiLCJ kaWQiOiJtZWRpYXNldC1wcm9kIiwidW5tIjoiYW5vbnltb3VzI iwiY3R4Ijoie1widXNlck5hbWVcIiA6IFwibWVkaWFzZXQtcHJ vZC9hbm9ueW1vdXNcIiwgXCJmYWxsYmFja1wiOiBcInRydWVcI ixcInR5cGVcIjpcInVucmVnaXN0ZXJlZFwiLFwiYXR0cmlidXR lc1wiOnsgXCJhcHBOYW1lXCI6IFwid2ViXCIsIFwiaGFzaFwiO iBcIjIreU1TbGlwRjNHbFhyUXFDdUx4enYvQXlEVzh2cndUdE1 6YWFPMHo2TU09XCJ9fVxuIiwib2lkIjoiMjcwMjk3NjM0MyJ9. dsPnRMlK-qH7cTNNsAu1SDMxWiP3I8r8oC-1ujiqgCWSRDgjSom9VFIWUoG3ui-35qUHtNvhneRZ8TgFiZzRXmTpcD5_FMAk5t7WZeT4fKCUoWsnv IJevW0lmw0e-dS75pRt8sCrEU0pa_mcVvbCEAvQlQb3-lth6Zav6uaYJmUoTbADe1pmOXEq6RdtnL4RSlOTdQ7zSakNfJh YothfCpqARzJCqgetsunpqXZmwaRt8qsIfYULfdpJV6GfuAqb2 DShC5imwBb2VM_F-dlXJTGWRwF-jw5_t8edACGXF6cv2vxAeIy-AhQyuU-qSTTIUtzLVJ5MxkjOYn_JvHV88Q"

    An the 2 peced that yt-dlp downloades are these
    "hd_wv_mpl [hd_wv_mpl].f0_0.m4a" - I suppose it's an audio track - I don't here nothing opening it with VLC
    "hd_wv_mpl [hd_wv_mpl].f1_7.mp4" - I suppose it's a video track - I don't see nothing opening it with VLC

    And so I'm not able to continue now with the steps
    Quote Quote  
  15. Double post, sorry! I can't delete it
    Last edited by alba77; 2nd Oct 2023 at 12:02.
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  16. Education Student (Grad.) CrymanChen's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by alba77 View Post
    I downloaded this software but I cant open it.
    Windows in lower versions may be not compatible with this program as it is said so in the GitHub repo page.
    Try running it in cmder.
    [Attachment 74136 - Click to enlarge]
    twitter @Cryman_Chen
    Quote Quote  
  17. N_m3u8DL-RE work fine also in win7

    run N_m3u8DL-RE from cmd window, like yt-dlp. generic code:
    N_m3u8DL-RE -M format=mp4 --key xx:xx "https://mpd_link"
    from your link above:
    run this code:
    N_m3u8DL-RE -M format=mp4 --key b0a76fd8740d950a2e891b2d94c781b8:55a573d716cbe9ee383e53ad495f16b2 ""
    Quote Quote  
  18. Thanks a lot
    Originally Posted by lomero View Post
    N_m3u8DL-RE work fine also in win7

    run N_m3u8DL-RE from cmd window, like yt-dlp. generic code:
    N_m3u8DL-RE -M format=mp4 --key xx:xx "https://mpd_link"
    I understand this.
    I was able as well to extract the .mpd link from yt-dlp

    Originally Posted by lomero View Post

    from your link above:
    run this code:
    N_m3u8DL-RE -M format=mp4 --key b0a76fd8740d950a2e891b2d94c781b8:55a573d716cbe9ee383e53ad495f16b2 ""
    I don't wan't to come here every time to ask the code here so the last step I need to learn is how to obtain the key like this you put here b0a76fd8740d950a2e891b2d94c781b8:55a573d716cbe9ee3 83e53ad495f16b2

    At the end, where do I have to put the 2 files that I downloaded with yt-dlp?

    EDIT: I tried to put the code, and the 2 files together but there is an error.
    I don't understand.
    I never installed mp4decrypt.

    Last edited by alba77; 2nd Oct 2023 at 12:21.
    Quote Quote  
  19. N_m3u8DL-RE with mp4decrypt in same folder, at final to your download, merge audio and video.
    you have this error because you don't have mp4decrypt.exe. also ffmpeg is required from N_m3u8DL-RE in same folder

    now you have 2 ways: download from here mp4decrypt and download again your video, or download mp4decrypt, open cdm window and type:
    mp4decrypt --key b0a76fd8740d950a2e891b2d94c781b8:55a573d716cbe9ee383e53ad495f16b2 video.mp4 video_dec.mp4
    and same for audio. then merge audio+video (decrypted) with:
    ffmpeg -i video_dec.mp4 -i audio_dec.m4a -c copy final_video.mp4
    Quote Quote  
  20. Member
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    Put ffmpeg and mp4decrypt in folder with N_m3u8DL-RE file
    Quote Quote  
  21. Thanks guys, I'll try later.
    But how do I obtain this
    key b0a76fd8740d950a2e891b2d94c781b8:55a573d716cbe9ee383e53ad495f16b2
    Quote Quote  
  22. Member
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    hd_wv_mpl[hd_wv_mpl].f0_0 rename audio.m4a
    hd_wv_mpl[hd_wv_mpl].f1_7 rename video.mp4
    open cmd, copy below
    mp4decrypt --key b0a76fd8740d950a2e891b2d94c781b8:55a573d716cbe9ee383e53ad495f16b2 video.mp4 video_dec.mp4
    do the same for audio
    mp4decrypt --key b0a76fd8740d950a2e891b2d94c781b8:55a573d716cbe9ee383e53ad495f16b2 audio.m4a audio_dec.m4a
    merge audio and video
    ffmpeg -i video_dec.mp4 -i audio_dec.m4a -c copy final_video.mp4
    Last edited by iamghost; 2nd Oct 2023 at 16:54.
    Quote Quote  
  23. Thank you very much guys. I was able to obtain the final video and audio.

    The last question is like I asked in a previous post, maybe I couldn't explain well my question in English.

    1st you made me obtain 2 values from the debug of the browser

    1 - <cenc : pssh>AAA......=</cenc : pssh> without space before and after : - if I put toghether in the forum it comes out a smile
    2 - lic - the link it comes from copy link

    I suppose I need them both to obtain out the key xx : xx

    So If I want to download another video and I have the PSSH and the lic, how do I goi to have the key xx : xx?
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  24. Member
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    Wks-keys,, (invite closed)
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  25. Great help.
    Jut now I was able to download my 1st video by myself.
    The only issue was that the video is bilingual - English and Italian with and it yt-dlp it downloaded the video but the audio is in English and there isn't the 2ond audio file of the Italian language. How can I download bi-lingual audio tracks?
    Quote Quote  
  26. Originally Posted by iamghost View Post
    hd_wv_mpl[hd_wv_mpl].f0_0 rename audio.m4a
    hd_wv_mpl[hd_wv_mpl].f1_7 rename video.mp4
    open cmd, copy below
    mp4decrypt --key b0a76fd8740d950a2e891b2d94c781b8:55a573d716cbe9ee383e53ad495f16b2 video.mp4 video_dec.mp4
    do the same for audio
    mp4decrypt --key b0a76fd8740d950a2e891b2d94c781b8:55a573d716cbe9ee383e53ad495f16b2 audio.m4a audio_dec.m4a
    merge audio and video
    ffmpeg -i video_dec.mp4 -i audio_dec.m4a -c copy final_video.mp4
    it seems useless this post, after more than two hours my post#22 ...
    Quote Quote  
  27. Originally Posted by lomero View Post
    Originally Posted by iamghost View Post
    hd_wv_mpl[hd_wv_mpl].f0_0 rename audio.m4a
    hd_wv_mpl[hd_wv_mpl].f1_7 rename video.mp4
    open cmd, copy below
    mp4decrypt --key b0a76fd8740d950a2e891b2d94c781b8:55a573d716cbe9ee383e53ad495f16b2 video.mp4 video_dec.mp4
    do the same for audio
    mp4decrypt --key b0a76fd8740d950a2e891b2d94c781b8:55a573d716cbe9ee383e53ad495f16b2 audio.m4a audio_dec.m4a
    merge audio and video
    ffmpeg -i video_dec.mp4 -i audio_dec.m4a -c copy final_video.mp4
    it seems useless this post, after more than two hours my post#22 ...
    I did all the steps and all was find with video that have only one audio track.

    But there is, inside the site mediaset, a video that has 2 audio track: Italian and English.
    When I download the parts with this command yt-dlp --allow-u LINK.mpd - it downloads 2 parts - one video and one audio. But the audio track is only one and not 2 and the audio track is the English one and it doesn't download the Italian one.
    Quote Quote  

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