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  1. I've spend at least an hour today messing with various software (including avisynth for the dotcrawlplusplus script) trying to recreate the look of VHS. How does it look to you all and is there anything here you would improve?
    Video source is haruhi suzumiya, which was the only one I had on my PC
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  2. Member
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Australia-PAL Land
    Search Comp PM
    That looks ok to me. Suitably ugly VHS-like... Be better if you could have fuzzy black borders down each side.
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  3. Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    United States
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    There was a package discussed about two years ago called "VHS effects"
    It needed some slight modifications to the script but the result was very good
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  4. while mostly satisfied by it, I couldn't think of a way to make video have haloing (both the chromatic and unsharp masking ones).

    Does anyone know how to do it?
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  5. also the process for this output was kinda complicated and insanely slow:
    1. getting the 1080p bluray source into the premiere pro
    2. in there making the colours worse and tinted as well as blurring chroma channels (especially the blue one).
    3. rendering the video in downscaled 480p24
    4. extracting the blue channel out of the 480p video and putting it into a different sequence, this time in 480i29.97
    5. adding vhs noise (sourced from black scenes from some high quality MPEG2s I happened to own)
    6. rendering a 480i video with noisy blue channel
    7. applying dotcrawlplusplus onto the video
    8. getting video back into the premiere, adding some more noise, this time onto all channels,
    9. importing the rendered 480i into virtualdub and deinterlacing it with blend method, in order to hide all even slightly jagged edges
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