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  1. Member
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    Hi everyone
    I download this concert:

    I used yt-dlp.

    Is there any way to decrypt it?

    Thanks a lot in advance!!!
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  2. Use shaka-packager/mp4decrypt on the separate audio and video files you got from yt-dlp with this KID/key pair:
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  3. Member
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    Originally Posted by AbortRetryFail View Post
    Use shaka-packager/mp4decrypt on the separate audio and video files you got from yt-dlp with this KID/key pair:
    Thank you SO VERY MUCH
    Million dollar question: how to get the KID/key pair? I used to use widevine but I read it doesn't work anymore. And there's more stuff on that website I'd really love to grab myself without having to ask for the code for each video (Nick & Simon's videos for starters).

    Again thank you so very much for your help on this !!!!!
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  4. You're welcome. The easiest way: if you have a GetWVKeys account, there's a really good script on their Discord server by pkp that retrieves NPO videos' keys without you even needing to touch a browser (assuming you have the URL to a video ).

    Otherwise, I think the information here still holds good:

    Assuming you have a CDM already dumped from your Android device, a quick version (I used rlaphoenix's pywidevine to get the key above, but you need to write your own script on top of that, and the one I put together for this site doesn't lend itself to easy copy-and-paste sharing for quite a few reasons...):
    1. Extract WKS-KEYS somewhere
    2. Run
      pip install --user --upgrade requests xmltodict protobuf==3.19.5 pycryptodomex
      (given the outdated protobuf version you might want to consider setting up a Python virtualenv, though I think WKS v3 might work with protobuf v4)
    3. Put your dumped CDM into the pywidevine\L3\cdm\devices\android_generic folder. Rename private_key.pem to device_private_key and client_id.bin to device_client_id_blob
    4. In your browser, before playing a video on NPO, open the developer tools (F12) and go to its network tab
    5. In the filter field, put in
      nepworldwide method:POST
    6. Ignoring anything with a payload of "CAES=" (on this site, you won't see that, but you will on most others), right-click the "authentication" request, copy its link address and put it into notepad or something. Go back to the same request and click Copy -> Copy as cURL (bash)
    7. In a new tab, go to and paste in the request
    8. Copy only the headers dictionary from the request (from
      headers = {
      ) and paste it into WKS-KEYS' file
    9. Go back to the NPO tab and in the devtools, filter for mpd. Copy the link for the stream.mpd into notepad.
    10. Open a command prompt cd'ed to WKS' folder
    11. If you're using a proxy instead of a VPN, set the HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY environment variables
    12. Run
    13. Paste in the license URL and hit enter
    14. Paste in the mpd link and hit enter

    As ElCap explains, you need to be pretty quick when making the request - I got a lot of 401 responses...
    For a guide that doesn't gloss over the concepts, look at this:

    For subtitles, just filter the network requests for vtt or use

    P.S. The first episode of Nick and Simon, and probably the rest too, isn't encrypted ("streamType":"dash_unencrypted"). Go crazy there...
    Last edited by AbortRetryFail; 24th Oct 2022 at 06:17. Reason: Include an important omission, and you're welcome
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  5. Member
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    First of all thank you so very much for caring, for your time, and for the explanation on how to achieve decrypting the encrypted videos on this website! (Yes I saw some are not encrypted, like Oleta Adams one).
    I'll do my best to make this work with the videos that are encrypted.
    I'm still waiting for a guy to share with me his premium access, so I can download both Glennis Grace & Oleta Adams concerts in HQ. Once I get to have that access, I'll start downloading them all (I already downloaded all the ones that are not encrypted).

    Again thank you so very much for all the help you've give to me on this! I much appreciated!

    PS: BTW, no Android here. Old fashioned PC, Windows 10, Chrome or Firefox.
    Python installed. Basic knowledge regarding DOS commands.
    I'll do my best
    I don't have a GetWVKeys account. No idea what that is (but I do use Discord). Googling about GetWVKeys now.

    Edit: Got & verified a GetWVKeys account on Discord. I'll try that one seems to be way easier.
    Thanks again!!!!
    Last edited by oopargentina; 24th Oct 2022 at 06:22.
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  6. Originally Posted by oopargentina View Post
    PS: BTW, no Android here. Old fashioned PC, Windows 10, Chrome or Firefox.
    Yeah, I couldn't imagine doing any of this on anything but a computer/laptop, phones are too fiddly... But you do need a rooted Android device for a unique CDM in order for a Widevine server to give up the keys, unless you're using GetWVKeys, which it seems you are.

    Edit: Got & verified a GetWVKeys account on Discord. I'll try that one seems to be way easier.
    Thanks again!!!!
    You're welcome

    Do make sure to read their first rule before getting the keys for a lot of videos...
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  7. @AbortRetryFail thank you for helping people out. I truly appreciate your work.
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  8. Originally Posted by [ss]vegeta View Post
    @AbortRetryFail thank you for helping people out. I truly appreciate your work.
    Thank you very much, [ss]vegeta. It's not much, I'm not really posting anything that hasn't already been said before by other users, but it's fun.

    And I think I might've gotten help from you indirectly? Thanks again!
    Last edited by AbortRetryFail; 27th Oct 2022 at 14:52. Reason: Haha, we sorted this one out
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  9. Originally Posted by AbortRetryFail View Post
    And I think I might've gotten help from you indirectly?
    It's possible. Someone else introduced me to videosubfinder (I helped him with something else so he did a video tutorial for me) and it's very possible that I did the same thing for someone else. Please provide me a link if you can find, via pm, so I can refresh my memory
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  10. Originally Posted by [ss]vegeta View Post
    Originally Posted by AbortRetryFail View Post
    And I think I might've gotten help from you indirectly?
    Please provide me a link if you can find, via pm, so I can refresh my memory
    Gladly, but:

    [ss]vegeta has chosen not to receive private messages or may not be allowed to receive private messages. Therefore you may not send your message to him/her.
    Last edited by AbortRetryFail; 27th Oct 2022 at 14:56.
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  11. Member
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    Hi everyone:
    I'm having a hard time to decrypt the video I downloaded from here:

    I got the PSSH:
    the license:
    and the headers:
    x-custom-data: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJucG8iLCJpYXQiOjE2NzA1MTc1NDgsImRybV90eXBlIjoid2lkZXZpbmUiLCJsaWNlbnNlX3Byb2ZpbGUiOiJ3ZWIiLCJjbGllbnRfaXAiOiIxODEuMTE3LjkzLjQ0In0.CmVxo-qRYFE_xKnVtkOUD3K4rqO_3jqhuWB22A4FkfI

    yet I get this error when I try to get the decryption key/s:

    'str' object has no attribute 'items'
    Thanks so much in advance
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  12. Code:
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  13. Member
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    Much appreciated @lomero !
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  14. Hi, can somebody help me with this i dont understand anything of this. I have a big list of NPO start links that i want to download.
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  15. Member
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    Originally Posted by megames View Post
    Hi, can somebody help me with this i dont understand anything of this. I have a big list of NPO start links that i want to download.
    Start here:

    Then come back here and things should start to make sense
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  16. aaah ok so you need an android device
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  17. Member
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    Correct, if you want to be able to download and decrypt videos from NPO you need a CDM and the easiest way is from Android devices. After that you can use any OS to code yourself a nice download tool.
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  18. So you cannot use android emulator
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  19. Member
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    You can, but your mileage may vary.. Steps are sort of the same.
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  20. ok do you have any suggestions how to do it on emulator
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    Follow that guide, the steps are almost the same, I have never done it myself but I know others that have, and got the needed files from the emulator. I have always used actual android devices for myself.
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  22. ok ty i will try
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  23. my man thank you so much this is great
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  24. Member
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    Originally Posted by tiwkletoes View Post

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  25. Originally Posted by gnodde View Post
    how you get this?
    i tried but this error
    {"code":400,"error":true,"message":"Failed to get license: 401 Unauthorized"}
    License URL
    x-custom-data: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    i got x-custom data from license url
    and "client_ip" in custom data is my ip

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  26. jckzz, you cant do that, you must paste all in license url

    no header needed, but the custom data expire soon, about 5-8second, so you must paste quickly. i tried in getwvkey, same as you, cant get key, i think my speed too slow
    so i suggest you should write a script by youself if you can, will success.

    [Attachment 74973 - Click to enlarge]
    Last edited by shellcmd; 19th Nov 2023 at 22:12.
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  27. Originally Posted by shellcmd View Post

    no header needed, but the custom data expire soon, about 5-8second, so you must paste quickly. i tried in getwvkey, same as you, cant get key, i think my speed too slow
    so i suggest you should write a script by youself if you can, will success.
    wow that so fast

    thank you shellcmd
    finally got it

    Last edited by jckzz; 19th Nov 2023 at 21:47.
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