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  1. Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2022
    Santa Rosa
    Search Comp PM
    I would be so grateful for help.

    I now have a bin of useless cables and gadgets from Amazon. Notrhing seems to work.

    One the source side:

    Hitachi VM-825LA 8mm video camera. The outputs are some weird square plug socket for a cable that is long gone, and no one sells; and Yellow and white RCA composite out.

    On the receiving side:

    Macbook Air, with its $%^& Thunderpots, I mean Thunderbolt inputs, which are generally incompatible (USB, HDMI DVI, etc). Or:

    An an old Windows machine running windows 10 that might has only usb ports for video in. i don't know if the graphics card is adequate.

    One lost expenditure was a small box with a mini SD in it. They didn't tell me it reduced my 8mm to VGA. No other format. That's real blurry.

    * Is there a chain of devices that will lead from RCA Composite to some kind of storage medium?

    daVinci Resolve won't recognize this camera. If I get it into Mac and iMovie don't I suffer unacceptable loss of resolution after going through the 400/800 firewire converters

    Please help! Memories of my first- and only- born are on the line!
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  2. Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    United States
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    Look at the recent threads in the capture forum.

    For most this kind of USB device works well

    This may be Windows only
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  3. If it has firewire out then easiest to just buy a firewire card and go that route. WinDV or ScenealyzerLive for transfer.

    If not then you're gonna need to go down the rabbit hole of USB capture cards.

    Or pick up a Sony D8 cam that can do analog playback and has firewire and use that.
    Quote Quote  

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