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  1. Originally Posted by dragonage141 View Post
    omg hi
    so i want to download learning videos from artstation, is it possible ? how can i do it?
    You reply after 17 days.
    This makes me think this if no importance to you.
    I refuse to help you but maybe others will. Good luck.
    Last edited by [ss]vegeta; 5th Feb 2022 at 11:47.
    Quote Quote  
  2. The method is so simple:

    1- List all of the audio and video formats in a MPD:

    I suppose you've already downloaded yt-dlp... In the folder of "yt-dlp.exe", go to File > Open Windows Powershell and enter the following command:

    ./yt-dlp --list-formats --allow-unplayable-formats http://www.xxxxblablabla.mpd (link of your mpd)

    2- Download the audio/video stream you want, by entering its ID which is listed by yt-dlp.

    For example, if you want stream 8, the command will be like this:

    ./yt-dlp -f 8 --allow-unplayable-formats http://www.xxxxblablabla.mpd

    Audio files are always downloaded very slower than video files. Be patient.
    Quote Quote  
  3. Originally Posted by ridibunda View Post
    The method is so simple:

    1- List all of the audio and video formats in a MPD:

    I suppose you've already downloaded yt-dlp... In the folder of "yt-dlp.exe", go to File > Open Windows Powershell and enter the following command:

    ./yt-dlp --list-formats --allow-unplayable-formats http://www.xxxxblablabla.mpd (link of your mpd)

    2- Download the audio/video stream you want, by entering its ID which is listed by yt-dlp.

    For example, if you want stream 8, the command will be like this:

    ./yt-dlp -f 8 --allow-unplayable-formats http://www.xxxxblablabla.mpd

    Audio files are always downloaded very slower than video files. Be patient.
    when do you input the keys is it you use mp4decrypter.
    Quote Quote  
  4. Originally Posted by sika View Post
    when do you input the keys is it you use mp4decrypter.

    Powershell command-line template:

    ./mp4decrypt --key KID:KEY InputFile OutputFile

    Example for a video file:

    ./mp4decrypt --key f22422630a704379b08e7f6ad6b70801:69e2113cbb00435cb 21b79f6d9d2c6e1 encrypted.mp4 decrypted.mp4

    Rename the mp4 video file you downloaded as "encrypted". Place "mp4decrypt.exe" and "encrypted.mp4" in the same folder. You'll get the decrypted file in the same folder.

    For audios, file extensions are "m4a".
    Quote Quote  
  5. Originally Posted by ridibunda View Post
    Originally Posted by sika View Post
    when do you input the keys is it you use mp4decrypter.

    Powershell command-line template:

    ./mp4decrypt --key KID:KEY InputFile OutputFile

    Example for a video file:

    ./mp4decrypt --key f22422630a704379b08e7f6ad6b70801:69e2113cbb00435cb 21b79f6d9d2c6e1 encrypted.mp4 decrypted.mp4

    Rename the mp4 video file you downloaded as "encrypted". Place "mp4decrypt.exe" and "encrypted.mp4" in the same folder. You'll get the decrypted file in the same folder.

    For audios, file extensions are "m4a".
    thank you dear friend it worked.
    Quote Quote  
  6. Don't thank me, I'm just a messenger

    Thank to members like [ss]vegeta. I learned from them.
    Quote Quote  
  7. Originally Posted by ridibunda View Post
    The method is so simple:

    1- List all of the audio and video formats in a MPD:

    I suppose you've already downloaded yt-dlp... In the folder of "yt-dlp.exe", go to File > Open Windows Powershell and enter the following command:

    ./yt-dlp --list-formats --allow-unplayable-formats http://www.xxxxblablabla.mpd (link of your mpd)

    2- Download the audio/video stream you want, by entering its ID which is listed by yt-dlp.

    For example, if you want stream 8, the command will be like this:

    ./yt-dlp -f 8 --allow-unplayable-formats http://www.xxxxblablabla.mpd

    Audio files are always downloaded very slower than video files. Be patient.
    Hola, no sé si me pudieras ayudar, tengo el .mpd, pero al realizar estos pasos no consigo obtener las claves para descifrar el audio encriptado.
    ¿Existe alguna forma de obtener las claves partiendo de la dirección .MPD?
    Al poner ./yt-dlp -f 8 --allow-unplayable-formats [url del MPD]
    Me apararece:
    [generic] stream: Requesting header
    WARNING: [generic] Falling back on generic information extractor.
    Alguien sabe como se soluciona o si tiene solución?

    Muchísimas gracias por toda vuestra ayuda.
    Quote Quote  
  8. @Joseitos

    Use Google Translate please. Write in English.

    Here's what Joseitos said:

    Hi, I don't know if you could help me, I have the .mpd, but when I do these steps I can't get the keys to decrypt the encrypted audio.
    Is there any way to get the keys from the .MPD address?
    By putting ./yt-dlp -f 8 --allow-unplayable-formats [MPD url]
    It appears to me:
    [generic] stream: Requesting header
    WARNING: [generic] Falling back on generic information extractor.
    Does anyone know how to fix it or if there is a solution?
    Thank you very much for all your help.
    You can't get keys from MPD.

    To get keys, you need PSSH, license URL and license request headers. And a working (not-revoked) CDM, and a Python script or a website like

    I wrote how to find PSSH.

    You can find license URL and headers in "Developer Tools" section (in a browser, Edge/Firefox/Opera)

    And... "./yt-dlp -f 8 --allow-unplayable-formats" is just a random example. In your case, stream IDs will be different.
    Last edited by ridibunda; 14th Feb 2022 at 02:15.
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  9. Member
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    Originally Posted by [ss]vegeta View Post
    Originally Posted by dragonage141 View Post
    omg hi
    so i want to download learning videos from artstation, is it possible ? how can i do it?
    You reply after 17 days.
    This makes me think this if no importance to you.
    I refuse to help you but maybe others will. Good luck.
    Hi can you help me downloading from drm site (i have the permission to download from them obviously )
    Quote Quote  
  10. Originally Posted by ridibunda View Post

    Use Google Translate please. Write in English.

    Here's what Joseitos said:

    Hi, I don't know if you could help me, I have the .mpd, but when I do these steps I can't get the keys to decrypt the encrypted audio.
    Is there any way to get the keys from the .MPD address?
    By putting ./yt-dlp -f 8 --allow-unplayable-formats [MPD url]
    It appears to me:
    [generic] stream: Requesting header
    WARNING: [generic] Falling back on generic information extractor.
    Does anyone know how to fix it or if there is a solution?
    Thank you very much for all your help.
    You can't get keys from MPD.

    To get keys, you need PSSH, license URL and license request headers. And a working (not-revoked) CDM, and a Python script or a website like

    I wrote how to find PSSH.

    You can find license URL and headers in "Developer Tools" section (in a browser, Edge/Firefox/Opera)

    And... "./yt-dlp -f 8 --allow-unplayable-formats" is just a random example. In your case, stream IDs will be different.

    Thanks for the reply @ridibunda

    First of all, thank you for how well you clarify each of the steps.
    I suppose it is not as simple as it seems, although everything has its trick.
    I've managed to get the PSSH inside the MPD, but I can't find the license URL and license request headers; When I access Inspect on Network from Chrome, the audio and video file appears, but I can't find any license URL data in the Header and it doesn't find anything if I filter by widevine.

    This is what appears to me:

    Request URL:
    Request Method: GET
    Status Code: 206
    Remote Address:
    Referrer Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin

    Response Header:
    accept-ranges: bytes
    age: 97
    content-length: 984
    content-range: bytes 0-983/13456347
    content-type: video/mp4
    date: Mon, 14 Feb 2022 15:38:27 GMT
    etag: "56e57726ca5b8a185d74bc5896f6beb4-3"
    last-modified: Thu, 30 Sep 2021 15:35:47 GMT
    server: AmazonS3
    via: 1.1 (CloudFront)
    x-amz-cf-id: Sc2M1wrZZ-C0M5a9UcJrk6giHhUcuUtC3FtYFZ8_IEBA6bg8Os5AAw==
    x-amz-cf-pop: MAD51-C3
    x-cache: Hit from cloudfront

    Request Header:
    :method: GET
    ath: /media/zZ3b0ti6qBsfY/0a64d520/audio_0_izwjl_68.mp4
    cheme: https
    accept: */*
    accept-encoding: identity
    accept-language: es-ES,es;q=0.9
    if-range: "56e57726ca5b8a185d74bc5896f6beb4-3"
    range: bytes=0-983
    sec-ch-ua: " Not A;Brand";v="99", "Chromium";v="98", "Google Chrome";v="98"
    sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0
    sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"
    sec-fetch-dest: empty
    sec-fetch-mode: cors
    sec-fetch-site: same-origin
    user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.82 Safari/537.36

    This is what I can get, then in the other tabs like the Response tab I get some encrypted lines but I can't copy them, when copying and pasting it doesn't paste anything.
    I don't know if I can get anything with these data or if I should rest from trying.
    Quote Quote  
  11. Originally Posted by Rom7x View Post
    Hi can you help me downloading from drm site (i have the permission to download from them obviously )
    Yes, of course I can.
    Yes, of course you have the permission FROM THEM to download something that has DIGITAL RIGHTS MANAGEMENT because they decided to manage their digital rights by allowing YOU SPECIFICALLY to download.
    Quote Quote  
  12. Vegeta, I have a DRM encrypted .mp4 video file and .m4a audio file.

    Would you be able to please help me on how to decrypt these so I can watch the episode?

    Thanks so much.
    Quote Quote  
  13. Originally Posted by JustTheWayItIs View Post
    Would you be able to please help me on how to decrypt these so I can watch the episode?
    We need to get to the source of where the video can be watched. We need to gather some data like license url, headers and PSSH.
    Unless we do at least that, we can't get the keys.
    Send me login credentials for that site.
    Last edited by [ss]vegeta; 14th Feb 2022 at 17:05.
    Quote Quote  
  14. @Joseitos

    To find request headers, go to Developer Tools > Network... Search for values like "widevine" "drm" "license" "lic" "cenc"... (Cenc is for MUBI).

    You will find more than one. Once you find 2-3 lines with the same name like "cenc", take the one with the longest content-length. You'll see all content length values. You will also see the license URL there.

    License URL can also be seen in Developer Tools > Console (with EME Logger script)

    If you cannot find anything, reload the video playback, try again.

    If you find nothing again, then it means they are hidden in site-design, so you will have to use a proper Python script to reach them.
    Quote Quote  
  15. Hey, So i have the MPD file and from it i get the PSSH and the KID and i download the files thru N_m3u8DL CLI. After that, i try using mp4decrypt and when i do that and it finishes i play the video and it is just a blank screen.

    Am I doing something wrong? I am fairly new with this so please bear with me.
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  16. Member k2000's Avatar
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    You have the key decryption when you use mp4decrypt.
    If you don't have the keys, it won't work. You need a cdm and WKS-KEYS or the NotAGhost site to get the keys.
    Quote Quote  
  17. Thanks! That worked!. How do i do that with audio, or is this with video only?
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  18. Member k2000's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by knageh View Post
    Thanks! That worked!. How do i do that with audio, or is this with video only?
    The keys obtained are for Video and Audio but it happens that some site has no DRM on audio.
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  19. thanks for that but i ran into what i think is a problem when i put the pssh in the website it gives me multiple keys. which one is the correct one?
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  20. Originally Posted by knageh View Post
    thanks for that but i ran into what i think is a problem when i put the pssh in the website it gives me multiple keys. which one is the correct one?
    does the response look something like this? (with a different license server than you put in)
    Cached PSSH
    <key 1>
    <key 2>
    <key 3>
    if so, untick the Cache box and try again
    Quote Quote  
  21. It looks like that but i am pretty sure I am doing something wrong because I don't change the license URL. I Leave it to be the default one. How do i get the proper License URL from the MPD?
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  22. no from mpd.
    play video and search on network tab
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  23. Member
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    i also need some help if you can,i am trying to download from a provider in my country that also uses drm protection,through the directions i read from here i got the pssh and licence from .mpd and then i used and got 5 keys,when i try decrypt with mp4decrypter i have a new video but it doesnt seem to be correct,i need some help on if i am gothering the correct information please.
    Quote Quote  
  24. Thanks to the kind folks here I managed to download and decrypt a widevine protected video.
    While I managed to decrypt both video/audio files, I'm still missing the subtitles, this is one of the lines I found in the mpd file
    <Representation codecs="stpp" startWithSAP="1" mimeType="application/mp4" bandwidth="4096" id="4" />
    I googled "sstp" and sure enough it's a subtitle codec, yet after downloading the mpd via yt-dlp it only gives me two file formats, mp4 and m4a, without any subtitles, not even embedded in the video.

    Here's the code I used to download the mpd file:
    yt-dlp --allow-unplayable-formats "mpd"
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Quote Quote  
  25. Originally Posted by [ss]vegeta View Post
    Thanks for the quick reply. I'm getting ERROR: [generic] manifest: This video is DRM protected.

    I already have the wv key, perhaps I can implement it into the command somehow to bypass this message?
    Quote Quote  
  26. Originally Posted by Mirai View Post
    I already have the wv key, perhaps I can implement it into the command somehow to bypass this message?
    No, that's not the problem.
    Just add
    alon with the other commands.
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  27. Originally Posted by [ss]vegeta View Post
    Originally Posted by Mirai View Post
    I already have the wv key, perhaps I can implement it into the command somehow to bypass this message?
    No, that's not the problem.
    Just add
    alon with the other commands.
    I tried this before, and yes it worked but it wasn't the desired result. I expanded on the issue here, I felt the issue needed it's own thread.
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