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  1. Member beammeup's Avatar
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    I make 100s and 100s of USB Thumb drives and Hard drives for clients which have their own
    Family 1980s, 90s & 2000s video footage on the USB drive every year for the last 10 - 20 years.

    The only TV that I have had issues with is Samsung.

    Although the Samsung Website says that my files are completely compatable, I still have clients calling me to say their
    Samsung TV cant see anything on their USB stick or Hardrive.

    All of my files are MP4s made in Handbrake
    Aac 160br
    de interlaced - decomb - default settings
    Encoder level 4.0

    Normally if a USB stick cant be seen by other TV makes, its a compatability issue with NTFS - ExFat or Fat 32 requirement, but with samsung
    Im at a loss to understand, how to make my files.

    Please bear in mind - everything I make comes from old VHS - MiniDV, Video8, Betamax tapes, so its all 720 x 576 interlaced capture.
    Yes, Im in PAL in Australia

    I hope that someone has found a workable solution and can help me out

    Because the issues are with my random clients who have Samsung TVs, I cant simply do a test file on my own equipment.

    Why is an intelligent man's vote, worth the same as an idiot's vote in a democratic election system.
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  2. Member
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    what brand of thumb drives do you use ??
    are your clients connecting the USB thumb drive straight into the tv and not into an extension cable ??
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  3. Member beammeup's Avatar
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    Hi Thanks for your reply

    Always sanDisk 16gb - 32gb 64gb or 128gb
    OR if required 1TB Seagate , WD or Toshiba Hard drives.

    Normally formatted NTFS because of the filesize limits on Fat32, bearing in mind that some videos were in fact 90 min - 3 hours in length,
    so dropping the bitrate to fit under the 4gb threshold is a bit extreme in my view.

    Im not even sure that I can format a 1Tb in Fat32 ??

    If a client with a LG or Sony or Panasonic, says they have a problem with a NTFS formatted drive, it's normally fixed by providing an ExFat drive or vica versa but
    Samsung TVs are confusing me lately

    Last edited by beammeup; 26th Mar 2021 at 02:13.
    Why is an intelligent man's vote, worth the same as an idiot's vote in a democratic election system.
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  4. Hello..

    Check the answers the nice people gave me in this topic..

    Hope you find the answer there
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  5. Member
    Join Date
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    United States
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    Originally Posted by beammeup View Post
    Hi Thanks for your reply

    Always sanDisk 16gb - 32gb 64gb or 128gb
    OR if required 1TB Seagate , WD or Toshiba Hard drives.

    Normally formatted NTFS because of the filesize limits on Fat32, bearing in mind that some videos were in fact 90 min - 3 hours in length,
    so dropping the bitrate to fit under the 4gb threshold is a bit extreme in my view.

    Im not even sure that I can format a 1Tb in Fat32 ??

    If a client with a LG or Sony or Panasonic, says they have a problem with a NTFS formatted drive, it's normally fixed by providing an ExFat drive or vica versa but
    Samsung TVs are confusing me lately

    FAT32 has a 4GB file size limit.
    the 1TB Seagate , WD and Toshiba Hard drives should work but may require
    an external power source (AC Adapter) to operate correctly.
    also, not all TVs can play back video files via USB
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