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  1. Ok guys, this is my last post of the night, I have once again tried another file I have in the Virtual dub and extracted the audio and saved it to wav and tried to encode in TMPGEnc, and yes, once again, NO SOUND!!! What am I doing wrong??? I tried to extract the first time using the audio set to full processing mode, and that didn't work so then I tried it set to Direct Stream. and neither did that. Now I know the file has sound , because I have watched in on my Windows Media Player. so what is up with this??? I am pulling my hair out trying to figure out what I am doing wrong!! : ( I know this is old news to you guys, but for us as you put it "Newbies" this is becoming very frustrating!! So would someone please tell me what I need to do??? Thank you.
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  2. Ok, download tooLame from, next play the wav file in media player. If it plays then go to the dos prompt and type in this:

    "C:\Program Files\DvdRipper\tooLame\tooLAME.exe" -m j -b 224 "d:\Glorious\Disc_2.wav" "d:\Glorious\2.mp2"

    Replace the pathnames with the correct ones and run. It may be easier to get the Azis/Lame GUI from and use that to set it up.

    Now play the MP2 with media player. If it works then great, do the video and multiplex. If not then something's bad.
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  3. Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Search Comp PM
    Hi, i've pretty much scanned/read through all your other posts concerning this topic.

    Now, is it possible for you to send this file to me?
    I could try to encode it and see if I get the same outcome.

    Also, have you tried a differant movie/source than this one? Maybe its just messed up.

    And, have you tried installing differant Codecs in the "tools" section on the left?

    ICQ# 142463037 - if you can, send me the file.
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  4. Okay Newbie, I think I can help you. I've had the same problem. Okay, I assume your converting MPEG-1, right?Sometimes no audio (in your case), or sometimes a few minutes of audio and then the audio cuts out. And after hours of conversion, having to start over is frustrating. Okay, this is what ya gotta do. You will have to use Virtualdub again. Open your .avi, select full-processing mode, then go to conversion under audio. Convert sampling to 44100hz (unless it already is), check high quality, precision-16 bit, channel-stereo (unless already is). Save your wave somewhere where you can find it. Then download either SCMPX (what I use) or tooLame and select it as the external audio encoder in environmental settings in TMPGEnc. When you encode the video, load your template, then hit load again, go to extra folder, select unlock.mcf (unlocks the template), go to settings, under audio, make sure it is selected as 44100hz, and select a higher audio bitrate (I use 384). BTW, using a higher audio bitrate has no effect on VCD compliancy when burning in Nero. Check error protection if you'd like. I am sure this will solve your problem.
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  5. Ok, here we go again, one more program that I know nothing about!! : ( I think one person can only read so much, until you just totally confuse yourself even more. Ok, I have dl'd Toolame, and will have to install it and take a look and see if I can figure it out. I'll let ya know if I can figure it out.
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  6. Well I think this one might be beyond me. I thought I installed it, but I guess I didn't. I just don't know???? What is the installation process on this one?
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  7. Member
    Join Date
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    United States
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    A quick answer to "no audio" problems... take whatever your source is, and split the video and audio streams from each other (if it's DIvx, then you can use V-dub). Take your audio stream, and make it as close to uncompressed WAV audio as you possibly can (Winamp DiskWriter plugin works well). Now use the uncompressed WAV as your audio source.

    A little time-consuming, but I guarantee no headaches.
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  8. tooLame is a dos program and so there's no install proggri. Get the Azid/Lame GUI from and it will be easier to use.
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  9. Hey Hash420, what other codecs do I need, do you think? right now all I have on here is I think the DivX 4.11 codec and the SMR Codec. What else do I need?
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  10. well I went to doom9 and it won't let me dl'd the Azid/LameGUI. It says page can not be displayed???
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  11. Nugurl,

    Can I ask what you are trying to create, vcd or divx?

    As a “newbie” myself, I can say that you are using “advanced” programs (At least in my opinion) for whatever you’re trying to create.

    If you’re going for a vcd-encode, all you need is simplicity with fair results to begin with.
    Use Smart ripper to get vob files, From there, use DVD2AVI to extract the wav file and the d2v file. That process is simple and should only take 15 minutes at the longest.

    From there you’re ready to encode the vcd while using TMPGEnc, and I personally would recommend using the older version of TMPGEnc, but that is up to you. I enjoy the clarity of the older version, and to me, the TMPGEnc 2.02 version (newest) has bad clarity results (But others I'm sure will disagree).

    Anyways, from there, just load the d2v file and the wav file and the template to start the encoding process. I have a pretty decent mpeg-1 template if you want to try it out.

    Divx is easy also, but ya gotta use other programs. One prog you can use could be FlaskMpeg, EASY, EASY, EASY to use, however, it’s out dated and there are better ways, as I’m currently learning myself.
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  12. <TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR size=1 color=black></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>
    On 2001-12-16 11:32:13, Nugrl wrote:
    Hey Hash420, what other codecs do I need, do you think? right now all I have on here is I think the DivX 4.11 codec and the SMR Codec. What else do I need?
    </BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR size=1 color=black></TD></TR></TABLE>

    The divx process I'm currently learning, and from what I hear has awesome results, is Gordian Knot 0.21b
    You can find a how too guide at
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  13. Ok, look, I dl'd an mpg and an avi file from the net. All I am trying to do it burn to a vcd to watch on my tv. I never in my wildest dreams would have thought it would get this complicated! : ( But hey, that is one thing you will find out about me, I am not ready to give up yet!! I look at it as some what of a challenge, although I must admit it is driving me nuts!!! So that is why I am here, posting away, and hoping that someone can give me a simple solution, till I at least get a couple of these under my belt, and then I will be ready to use some of these more complex programs. I understand that these programs that I am being told to use are not hard for you guys, but let me ask you , how many vcd's have you burned? I have done NONE!!! And by damn I am still tryin!!!! : )
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  14. Do you have ICQ ???? I'm on for another 30 mins if you want to sort it.
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  15. <TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR size=1 color=black></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>
    On 2001-12-16 11:58:49, Nugrl wrote:
    Ok, look, I dl'd an mpg and an avi file from the net. All I am trying to do it burn to a vcd to watch on my tv.
    </BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR size=1 color=black></TD></TR></TABLE>

    If you already have the mpg file, and just want to burn to a cd-r, as a vcd, all you need to do is get a copy of Nero 5.5 and copy your file to the cd, while using your cd-writer.

    Nero has an option to make Video-cd and that is what you wish to do. Click video cd and "new" to create a new vcd.

    This web site has guides to teach you step by step using Nero.

    With your mpg, can you hear the sound when you open it with windows media player? If so, then all you need to do is use the Nero program to burn to the blank cd-r.
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  16. [quote]
    On 2001-12-16 12:18:22, Shabubu wrote:
    Do you have ICQ ???? I'm on for another 30 mins if you want to sort it.

    No, I don't have ICQ. sorry, I wish I could talk to you that way, it would be a hell of alot easier.
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  17. And to divx_encode, I do have Nero 5.5 , at least I think that is what the version is. and I did try to just burn it to a vcd, but see, that was where my first problem occured, and that seemed like soooooo long ago!! It told me I needed a MPEG-1 Encoder, I think??? But I can't exactly remember for sure, since that was so many problems ago. So that is when I dl'd TMPGEnc and tried to encode it, not seperating the audio from the video, (not knowing I had to) and ended up with a file with no audio. That is basically where it all began. I have since tried several other things, but none have worked for me yet. I have extracted the audio and saved it as a wav. and that didn't work, I am sure you read that in one of my previous posts. So then I thought I would try it with this other file I had that was an avi. ,to see if it would work, and I had the same problem, NO audio. so here I still am, messing with this , when I am sure if one of you guys had this on your hd, you would have been enjoying it days ago, with a bowl full of popcorn, sitting on your easy recliner!!!! BUT I STILL AM NOT!! I was just hoping that there was some simple solution to this problem, but as I am seeing, there isn't!! : ( So I guess I'll just keep plugging along and hope that one of these things I am told to dl'd and use does the trick!! : ) And believe you and me, I will be the first to share with all of you what worked!! : )

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Nugrl on 2001-12-16 14:52:38 ]</font>
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  18. and to divx_encode
    "The divx process I'm currently learning, and from what I hear has awesome results, is Gordian Knot 0.21b "

    do I need to uninstall the other divx codecs I already have on there before installing this Gordian Knot 0.21b ?
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  19. Come on guys, have you given up on me??? I can't do this without you!!! Ok, tell me do I have to uninstall the other divx codecs I have on my system before I install the Gordian Knot 0.21b ? Please don't quit on me now!! : )
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  20. here is another question for ya, I went ahead and installed the Gordian Knot thing and there was a part in there that said that if asked while installing Divx 4.11 did I want it to do the codecs for Divx 3, to tell it no. Well I never got asked that and this is the second or third time I have installed the Divx 4.11. could that have anything to do with my problem? could divx 4.11 be doing something that I need divx 3 to be doing? Does that make sense? I am grasping at straws now guys. : )
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  21. <TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR size=1 color=black></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>
    On 2001-12-16 18:34:14, Nugrl wrote:
    Come on guys, have you given up on me??? I can't do this without you!!! Ok, tell me do I have to uninstall the other divx codecs I have on my system before I install the Gordian Knot 0.21b ? Please don't quit on me now!! : )
    </BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR size=1 color=black></TD></TR></TABLE>

    Sorry for the delayed response, on the issue of the divx codecs, no you don’t have to unistall the other divx codecs, they should all work well together.

    Did you ever install the divx codec 3.11? If not, perhaps that is why you didn’t receive that Question when installing Gknot.

    I must tell you though that you cannot watch divx files on your television currently. You can only view divx files on the computer, so just wanted to tell you. VCD can play on the television, via dvd player.

    Anyways ,I gotta run for now, I’ll try to answer your “other” questions in a couple hours.
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  22. Yes, I have installed divx 3 before and yes, I understand you can not watch divx on tv but you can watch a vcd, so that is why I was trying to encode these avi and mpg files to burn them to a vcd to watch on my tv. so what are you telling me, I am wasting my time?
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  23. Nugrl

    Well The only reason I told you that is because you are talking about divx codec’s. And the Gknot program I know for a fact encodes dvd to divX, however I’m not sure if it encodes vcd, since I’m new to that program as well.

    I’m really not all that experienced in this converting/encoding process, just been doing it for a couple months.

    Since you already have the mpg file, I know that you can burn that file into a vcd. However, I’m not sure what templates were used when making that mpg file that you have, so to go back to your “original” problem of not being able to burn that file into a VCD while using NERO could be caused by you selecting the wrong option on the NERO program. You probably chose the “video-CD” option in the NERO program. If you selected “video-CD” in NERO, perhaps it didn’t want to burn the mpg because that mpg was/is “mpeg-2”. Perhaps take that mpg file and open NERO and choose the “Super Video-CD” option and maybe that will work to burn to the blank cd-r.

    Reason why I am saying this is the first time I made a vcd, it wasn’t” mpeg-1”, it was “mpeg-2”, and I couldn’t just burn it with the NERO program using the “Video-cd” option, it had to be the super video-cd option

    When I create/encode VCD’s now, I have an mpeg-1 template that I use in TMPGEnc and that encodes an mpg file that is ready for me to burn using NERO to a blank cd with just the video-cd option.

    Hope I’m not confusing you, I wish more experienced people would give feedback to help out.

    All I can suggest is try to burn that mpg file while using that nero program and choose the super video-cd option. Hopefully that will work. Other then that, I’m not sure how else to analyze your problem. But what I could do is help you rip and encode a DVD to either a VCD or a divX file. Since you already have the mpg file, I’m not sure how it was encoded, etc.
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  24. <TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR size=1 color=black></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>
    On 2001-12-16 21:02:37, Nugrl wrote:
    Yes, I have installed divx 3 before and yes, I understand you can not watch divx on tv but you can watch a vcd, so that is why I was trying to encode these avi and mpg files to burn them to a vcd to watch on my tv. so what are you telling me, I am wasting my time?
    </BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR size=1 color=black></TD></TR></TABLE>

    If you already have the mpg file, you should just be able to burn that to a cd using nero program. When you encode a vcd, the end result is an mpg file which can then be burned on a blank cd which is made into a VCD. And the NERO program does all the work for you, just gotta load it up properly. If you said you cannot burn it using the Video-cd option in NERO, try using the Super Video-cd option.

    Now with the AVI file, yes you can encode that file while using TMPGEnc, but I never done that, I just have experience with DVD rips, which are vob files.
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