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  1. Hi, I have a 700mb movie file that I was gonna convert to dvd today but when I checked it in bsplayer only the first 28 minutes or so played. I can get the full movie to play fine in VideoLan player but nothing else.
    Will it be full length when I convert it ?
    I tried converting the file later wuth Mainconcept and when i play that back it also does the same thing.
    Anyone know why ?

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  2. Member
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    My Swamp
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    First thing I would do is check for bad frames with Virtualdub mp3 freeze .
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  3. I'll try that mate, thanks. The video doesn't seem to have any bad frames though as I have just watched most of it in VideoLan to check and it played fine.
    I ran it through an mpeg fixer as well but that didn;t seem to fix it. I might just convert and burn to see what it plays like on the dvd player, I think it might be ok as all the data is obviously there
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