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  1. I'm not having any luck with anything other then the main program for my Conextant capture card. Every time I start capture avi in Virtual Dub, Avi_io,Virtual VCR,any of them the picture comes in snowy & sound full of static. I have an XP machine & the programs used to work. I'm not sure what I did wrong but something screwed me up. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can fix this problem?
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  2. Since my crystal ball is in the shop this week, I will ask the obvious question. Exactly what has changed on your system between the time when it DID work and the time when it began NOT working? Include any changes to your source, software, hardware, capture methodology, ANYTHING which is different.
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  3. Hi Mouser66 and WELCOME to the forum

    Most of these programs assumes you are using the "TUNER" as the video source and defaults to that input. If you're not using the Tuner then you need to set the Source Video to your connector. I use S/Video so I must set all my capture programs to that source. There is also Composite input.

    If you are using Tuner as source then you need to tell the program "to change channels". Find the source selection box then change to the correct channel.

    For Tuner in VirtualDub the commands are "File, Capture-AVI, Video, Source, TV-Tuner, <enter channel number>, Apply, Ok.

    Once you get VirtualDub setup properly for capture click "Capture, Preferences, Save Capture Settings as Default" so the program will remember these the next time.

    Good luck.
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  4. bottle-necked : Thanks. I just tried everything you said & there is no luck.
    It worked only once, then went back to the way it was.

    Nelson37 : I started out with WinDVR 3. I had nothing but trouble with it so I uninstalled it & got a refund. Since then,the other programs refused to cooperate. I also remember installing an updated BT878/WDM driver from somewhere a while back. That may also be the problem. With the WinDVR problem I've rolled back drivers & still no luck.
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