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Poll: The Media...

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  1. Member sacajaweeda's Avatar
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    Would I lie?
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    Wow. This thread sure could use a nice tall and refreshing glass of STFU.
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  2. Member
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    Dec 2002
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    Having been directly involved in several TV news stories over the years, I have to say the report presented had little to do with the facts. In one case the story was about as wrong as you can get. Did I get a retraction? No. Did I get an apology? No. Any effort made to get teh facts straight? No. Did the story eventually get corrected? Yes, in the 'liberal' alternate newspaper. Did anyone really care? Don't know.

    Was the story sensational? You bet your ass!!!! Lead story at 11 PM (because they couldn't run it at 6, since it involved sex). Pure headlines.

    Local news was studied (major city in a major market in the US);

    Weather 7%
    Sports 8%
    Story involving Death/Injury 63%
    Story involving other violence 13%
    Story involving 'cute' human interest 3%

    Remaining is 6%

    Media is entertainment, not news.
    To Be, Or, Not To Be, That, Is The Gazorgan Plan
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  3. You've got us all intrigued now gazorgan, what was this sensational sex story.
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  4. GMATOV - I will make this clear. This is not a theoretical argument or one based on comic books. I commented on the clear, blatently obvious bias of the on-air personalities of most major networks. If this is not evident to you, then have a nice day. I am not interested in your reasons why this should not be the case, just that it is, in fact, happening.

    I have REPEATEDLY stated Rush should not be considered a reporter of facts, (hence my comparisons with the evening news anchors, which he is NOT), but an opinionated commentator. His opinions are INTENDED to be inflammatory. Though, when he does quote facts, he is rarely inaccurate.

    You have now completely missed the point on three seperate occassions, did they not teach you how to read properly when YOU were taking
    ******* 101?

    So Rush is a bigot for SUGGESTING that it was POSSIBLE McNab MIGHT be getting SOMEWHAT preferential treatment from the press because of his race? So is even discussing such a thing enough be labeled a bigot?
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  5. Banned
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    I could not care less what the "Talent on loan from God" said on the McNabb issue. He's not the first to put his foot in his mouth, nor will he be the last.

    Read post 7 above in its entirety. Good quotes. It is not only the talking heads who shoot from the lip, the print media, the bona fides, also print much errata and only when it it blatant enough to merit a lawsuit do they print a retraction, usually a column inch on page 23, which, as Lord Smurf says, no one reads.

    BTW I have re-read the whole of the above and did not see your hero's name mentioned till you did so. Methinks thou doth protest too much.

    As to what is going on here in W. PA, at Chi Chi's, the media told us what the source of those onions were, Georgia, Kentucky, Texas, California, Amish growers here at home. Today, even though they still cannot find the contaminated goods, "It's the Mexicans! They crap in the fields. We KNOW it's the Mexicans."

    Just as you said, you "know" there either were WMD in Iraq, the smartest people in the other nations all agreed this was so. Except that ******* Hans Blix, who kept throwing monkey wrenches in GW's master plan.

    And, even if there weren't any, Saddam was a bad guy who needed rubbed out, anyway. Hell, he killed a bunch of his revolting people, his own self, we gotta get rid of him, he's standing in the way of Nirvana.

    I could mention Waco and Ruby Ridge as examples of what ANY government, left unchecked, will do..

    The UN passes a resolution, at the urging of GW, and we say "We gotta go in there to carry out the resolution of the World's governing body!"

    Even though the world's leaders, other than the US, UK refuse to go.

    The US pulled the inspectors off the job so the bombing could start. Sdddam, hiss own self said they could come bck, but since that would have shown it all to be a charade, we said no.

    Ah shit, why the hell do I argue with you?You obviouly have one source of enlightenment, "The Limbaugh Letter", and no one will change your mind.

    Double dittoes, Nelson..

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  6. Previous mentions of Rush? I counted two, perhaps you shuld try again.

    WMD not there? I believe that BOTH Amnesty International and the Red Cross verified over 300 dead bodies in Hallabjuh killed by poison gas. I have seen the video. I have also noticed a distinct lack of response on this particular fact.

    Hans Blix? He did, in fact, find numerous items which were not allowed by the peace treaty. The gutless wonders of the UN decided another 12 years and 14 resolutions might finally do the trick.

    Saddam allowing inspectors back? Were you paying attention at all when he repeatedly refused access to facilities, and constantly demanded delays before opening a particular site? Do you suppose he wanted time to get the floors waxed?

    McNabb? Did not the episode with the NY Times reporter illustrate that such a thing is not only possible, but has in fact happened? Please note that I have no particular opinion on McNabb as a player, just an interest in the possibility of media bias.

    To have an opinion on such matters is fine, but to simply disregard or ignore factual evidence just because it doesn't fit in with your world view is foolish. However, I have noticed this is a pattern among liberals, to argue that a thing should not be so, and therefore cannot be so, in the face of hard evidence to the contrary. They also resort to name-calling and ridicule of the source rather than make a concrete response to facts.

    I read the bigotshtick article mentioned above. Amazing. If I were to describe specific practices and then attribute these to all Indians as though they were one society instead of several completely different ones, I think I know what label would be applied to me. While I disagree with Rush's original comment, to imply that all Indians were peaceful nature-worshippers is exactly the notion that I believe Rush was trying to debunk. Some tribes were peaceful, some farmed, some were warlike, some lived by raiding others, many practiced a combination of these methods. Their forms of government and decision making were similarly diverse.

    The governmental practices of the Iroquois Confederation were studied by Benjamin Franklin and many of their principles were incorporated into the Constitution.
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