So, I recently purchased an R1 copy of the Extreme Edition of Terminator 2 because the back of the box claimed that disc 2 contained an HD master of Terminator 2. I figured it'd be neat to see how a film rendered in 1080p in 2003 would look today. Unfortunately, while the files are on the disc, they seem to be encrypted with some ancient DRM. After looking it up, it turns out I need the license key to decrypt it. The only issue with this is that you could only get the license key online through InterActual Player and Windows Media Player 9, which isn't possible seeing as both these programs are both discontinued and incompatible with modern versions of Windows. So my question is: Is it possible to decrypt the WMV files off the DVD without a license key? Please let me know as soon as possible and thank you.
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See if FairUse4WM will work.
It may not work if you can not retrieve at least 1 decryption key via Windows Media Player from a/any DRM protected file. -
Does anyone know if this will work for DRM-locked .wmv files? I have some legally-acquired .wmv files that only work in a certain player that unfortunately only runs on Windows. I'm pretty sure the DRM has to do with Silverlight but I cannot seem to find any way around it so that I can play these files with MPC-HC or VLC.
Marsia MarinerGuest
Yesterday I found this thread on Archie Lopez's forum:
"DRM10 cracked?"
Even though I serious doubt it can be useful to the OP, I believe it's worth reading anyway. -
FairUse4WM works (or did work) with both wma & wmv files as long as you have a decryption key for a protected file. The second generation of this DRM protection thwarted FairUse4WM's removal (I think this was sometime after 2006).
But if servers are down and a key can no longer be obtained by WMP, then you'd be stuck. -
To decrypt T2 Terminator 2 Extreme Edition High definition WMV files (from T2 Extreme DVD 4756 disc 2 / barcode of dvd case 065935147565 - looks like canadian release / barcode on metal slipcover 012236140986 ) you need FreeMe2 program/application and SID key “sdhtUExMi/atMjFIxpXnFPQBdio=” or “LCqa6j9UTtiPj3FZKZ0pFnIYzaM=” (please watch out for quotes - remove quotes from commands etc.).
1. download freeme2 program/application ( or or search on the project website: - date of access 2021.09),
2. extract freeme2 archive (unzip),
3. copy wmv files from Terminator 2 Extreme Edition dvd disc (disc 2) to freeme2 directory,
4. start command line (use keys win+r, then enter cmd),
5. change directory to freeme2 (by using cd command) i.e "cd C:\Users\Mike\Desktop\Freeme2",
6. run freeme2 with s and filename parameters i.e "FreeMe2.exe -s T2_Part1.wmv",
7. enter SID key " sdhtUExMi/atMjFIxpXnFPQBdio=" (or "LCqa6j9UTtiPj3FZKZ0pFnIYzaM=") and wait for decrypted file i.e. "Freed-T2_Part1.wmv" (file should be created in freeme2 directory). Watch decrypted file in windows media player (WMP 9 or 10 should be ok).
8. repeat step 6-7 with other wmv files from T2 dvd changing filename parameter (i.e. FreeMe2.exe -s T2_Part2.wmv)Last edited by matswat; 25th Oct 2021 at 18:14.
I know this post is old but I found this post before I found the fix so I am leaving it here.
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