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  1. I have a Samsung SC-L810 Hi8 camcorder that can play tapes just fine but I get distored video signal on both S-Video and Composite outputs.
    The issue is present in VCR mode and camera mode, connecting it to a capture card gives heavily disturbed signal, connecting the composite output to a modern TV results in viewable picture but with a bunch of distorted lines moving vertically across the screen. By placing the camera in different positions I can get a slightly better signal but not much. Any clues?
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  2. If it looks fine on the camera screen, but not on your capture card, then it's likely that the capture card you are using doesn't like the degree of timebase errors present. You could probably put it through a DMR-ES10, get a different camcorder with line TBC, or use a different capture card that isn't as picky about timebase errors.

    Another thing you could try to show if it's a timebase error or capture card thing is to play it on a CRT TV or even a modern TV with composite input and if plays fine there, the issue is with the capture card and/or timebase errors.
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