If you think about digitization devices, you have:
  • DVD recorders that digitize to MPEG-2 on a disc
  • Capture devices that save in some version of lossy (AVCD110, MiniDV camcorder, Pinnacle 710 USB, Elgato video capture, etc.)
  • Capture devices that let you save in lossless codec in VirtualDub (all the ATI units(?), AJA units (?) etc.)
  • Capture devices that let you save the raw RF signal (Domesday Duplicator)

Where does RetroTink5 fit in? It's superpower is that it has a built-in upscaler and deinterlacer that works in real-time. But you can turn it off and can capture in the native 480i in VirtualDub with HuffYUV. At that level, the only difference between it and an ATI is that the data exits the RetroTink via HDMI, so you need to add an HDMI-to-USB device to get it into your computer. (RetroRBG suggests the Magewell 32060.)

Do you think of the RetroTink5+Magewell be in the same category as the ATIs? Or another category?