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  1. I have a commercial pressed DVD disc that appears to have failing layer(s). There are no scratches nor smudges nor anything else that I can see on the surface of the disc. What I can see is a substantial amount of discoloration of the dyes/materials used on a good part of the disc.

    This particular disc can not be replaced as this disc is part of a set purchased many years ago and this DVD set is no longer available for purchase/replacement.

    Presently I am attempting to copy this disc using AnyDVD and IsoPuzzle. IsoPuzzle initially reported on first scan that there were over 3,000,000 sectors on the disc with over 600,000 sectors initially unreadable!

    Using an Asus DVD writer model ASUS DRW-24D5MT in conjunction with AnyDVD and IsoPuzzle in an attempt to recover DVD data.

    At this writing, IsoPuzzle has been running for about 53 hours so far with still over 300,000 sectors still to be further processed.

    What is concerning is the number of "errors" reported by IsoPuzzle is steadily increasing to about 17,000 and still going! Whether IsoPuzzle will eventually get around to reprocessing these error sectors (successfully or not) is a bit concerning.

    I'm aware that (in the past at least) some DVD players/writers seem to be better at recovering data from faulty/damaged DVD discs than others.

    For currently available DVD players and writers, which are the most recommended for recovering data from DVD's that have failing layers (disc not scratched and not smudged)?

    Screenshot of IsoPuzzle -

    [Attachment 82355 - Click to enlarge]
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  2. I do not have a recommendation but I have used IsoPuzzle on several DVDs.
    If you currently have more than one optical drive you need to let those drives work on the .iso created.(also the .flg file)
    One of the IsoPuzzle features I like is the same .iso can be worked on by several drives.
    I have used all of mine to get a 100% copy.I have 9 on 4 computers.
    The one I use last in my laptop optical drive. It will usually finish a damaged DVD but has more artifacts when finished.
    You will get some artifact from a damaged DVD no matter what drive does the read.
    Maybe you already know that.
    To sum it up use all the drives you have access to if necessary even if you need to move the .iso & .flg to a different computer.
    Even doing this some DVDs are too far gone to recover .
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  3. Member
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    Mar 2021
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    I have recently purchased IsoBuster Pro and it retrieved numerous DVD disks that I gave up on them for a long time. Even unfinalized disks that I forgot to finalize in the original DVD recorder. I am very pleased with it.
    You can download the trial version and see if it shows any video files but you will not be able to extract the video files unless you purchase a license for about $60.
    It should do this in a relatively short time certainly not 53 hours.
    If the disk is physically damaged even if not visible, then I wouldn't expect a miracle.
    Is this DVD part of a well known boxset or privately purchased?
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  4. @ Subtitles,
    I have an older version of IsoBuster Pro (registered) I was offered an upgrade if I paid for it.
    So far the older version has done what I need.
    I do not remember when I had the trial version so maybe it woud not extract video files.

    The reason I prefer IsoPuzzle is the ability to move the DVD to a different optical drive or even a different PC & work on the same .iso .

    Can the newer version of IsoBuster do this?

    BTW the reason IsoPuzzle is working on the DVD after 53 hours is it is set to "Never give up".
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  5. Member
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    If the version of IsoBuster that you have is doing what you need, there is no need to upgrade.
    The trial version doesn't extract video files for sure, but at least it will give a report of the files that it has discovered and can be extracted if one buys the license.
    As I have only one DVD drive I can't answer with regards to moving the DVD to another drive but if you generate an *.iso file I think there shouldn't be a problem.
    You can ask the developer Mr. Peter Van Hove any question and he will give you an answer within a short time.
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  6. @Subtitles,
    No extra blu ray drives either ?

    I remember way back when I only had 1 optical drive.
    It was not even a writer but read only.

    I have contacted Mr. Peter Van Hove way in the past.
    I may do this but I do not believe that IsoBuster allows the .iso to be moved & the same .iso worked on & added to be anoter drive.
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