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  1. Originally Posted by PSXman_uk View Post

    I'm looking at a way to see if you can find a way for definite if its emulated or not the second one is android 14 sdk 34 gey got with ghydra added xml
    Outside of testing the CDM against something where having a real device matters, I don't think there is a 100% definitive way. Using the build info is probably the easiest way.

    You can include more keywords to check for:
    from pywidevine.device import Device
    device = Device.load("device.wvd")
    build = next(x.value for x in device.client_id.client_info if "build_info" in
    if any(word in build for word in ["sdk", "emu", "userdebug"]):
    Quote Quote  
  2. Member
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    Hi, I get this error for mediaset infinity, maybe I missing something?

    PS C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\scripts\mediaset\mediaset> widefrog.exe ""
    [INFO] Starting the service initialization stage.
    [APP_ERROR] Failed to download: Reason: Failed to initialize the mediasetinfinity_mediaset_it service. Solution: Debug the service.
    [INFO] Current progress: [1/1]
    [INFO] Starting the collections extraction stage.
    [INFO] Starting the media data extraction stage.
    [INFO] Finished generating the download commands.
    [WARNING] Saved the failed URLs to app_files\cmds_failed.txt
    [WARNING] No download commands have been generated.
    Quote Quote  
  3. Feels Good Man 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi's Avatar
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    Make sure you're using the latest version and try again (at least 2-3 times in a row). If it keeps failing add the parameter --debug and show the output please
    [*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*]
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    oh, great, you're right!
    now I solved it with the latest version released by you and it works, here's the proof

    [Attachment 81828 - Click to enlarge]
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  5. Feels Good Man 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi's Avatar
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    => + (thanks @psxman for testing)
    => +
    => + (only the free non-DRM /tudum/ fan section)
    => +
    => + (thanks again @psxman for testing this one as well)

    Minor changes:
    => updated the requirements.txt file (only relevant if you use python)

    Off topic: @brick, @obo, @psxman, thanks a lot for your information regarding some possible ways for detecting if a l3 cdm is emulated or not. Sadly, from what I see, no matter what criteria you choose, you risk to consider some emulated cdms to not be emulated. It's best if I leave it as it is right now until some new techniques may appear in the future.
    [*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*]
    Quote Quote  
  6. Hi, great code!

    when I tried for the first time, the code crashed. however, another URL from NPO worked fine. I did some research myself, and it turns out there's a "CALL_TO_ACTION" banner that causes your script to crash. it seems that this banner isn't present at every video. I resolved it by adding this code:

    if d.get('type') == 'CALL_TO_ACTION':
    on line 205 in services/

                    for d in data:
                        if d.get('type') == 'CALL_TO_ACTION':
                        if d["slug"] == slug and type(d["productId"]) is str:
                            response = d["productId"]
    this is the url that otherwise doesn't work:

    [Attachment 81840 - Click to enlarge]

    hopefully, this information is valuable. thanks again for your fantastic work!
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  7. Feels Good Man 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by bLuBlUB View Post
    hopefully, this information is valuable
    Thanks, not only for finding an error, but also for coming up with a fix and going the extra mile by making an account just to let me know this (seeing as this is your first post). I really appreciate it. A minor improvement to your fix is to just check if the key "slug" exists and if not, ignore that element. Instead of trying to find all possible types, CALL_TO_ACTION being only one of them for the moment.

    I'll add this fix in the next version. Thanks again!
    [*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*]
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    what a powerfull an amazing tool, thank so much to create it! it allows me to download more than 50 videos in half a day where it took me 2 full days staying in front of the computer to download them manually. A wonderfull job!

    I juste have 2 questions for my knowledge and my future downloads.

    Since I'm not familiar with Regex, I would like to select 2 audio tracks (fre, eng) on videos which have 3 tracks (fre, eng, int).

    In cmds.txt file automatically generated, the command concerning audio tracks was:

    -sa best -da id=audio_div
    So, first question, what the meaning of "audio_div"?

    And second question, for selecting the 2 wanted tracks, I tried several solutions, like:

    -sa "lang=fr|en"
    -sa "lang=fr,en"
    -sa "lang=fr&en"
    and maybe other ones, and either it download no audio tracks, or display an error message indicating a wrong command.

    The only way I managed to do it was to do

    -sa all -da "lang=in"
    but if there are more than 3 tracks, I would encouter the same issue.

    I guess the the solution is quite simple, but I was not able to find it.

    Any idea on how to do it?

    thanks a lot!
    Last edited by colebri; 31st Aug 2024 at 11:49.
    Quote Quote  
  9. hi 2nHxWW6GkN1l91, first of all thanks for this really awesome tool.

    also i would like to know if it is possible to implement it for amz service too. Thanks
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  10. Feels Good Man 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi's Avatar
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    Always glad to hear it's being put to good use. -da id=audio_div means drop audio with id "audio_div". When I added the "" and was testing it, some of their videos had descriptive audio meant for blind/visually impaired users. And that audio was a little annoying so I dropped it. You can always get rid of that option if you want it. Those default parameters you see are meant to be customized according to the user's needs.

    Now for your issue. Let's see first what N_m3u8DL-RE tells us (select-audio is equivalent to sa)
    N_m3u8DL-RE --morehelp select-audio
    More Help:


    Select audio streams by regular expressions. ref --select-video

    # select all
    -sa all
    # select best eng audio
    -sa lang=en:for=best
    # select best 2, and language is ja or en
    -sa lang="ja|en":for=best2
    -sa role="main":for=best
    So you were on the right track but you also needed something else:
    -sa lang="spa|eng":for=best2
    Now let's see how we can add that in the json config file. You will notice all the parameters are already between double quotes since that's how a json is formatted. To include "spa|eng" you must add \ for each quote. So it becomes
    -sa lang=\"spa|eng\":for=best2
    Now if you run the tool and you have the value of MEDIA_DOWNLOADER to 1, thus no terminals are spawned and everything happens in the same window, everything will work like this. However if you let the tool spawn a lot of parallel terminals, you also need to add this change
    -sa lang=\"spa^|eng\":for=best2
    So the json becomes
    "VOD": "-sv best -sa lang=\"spa^|eng\":for=best2 -da id=audio_div -ss all -mt --check-segments-count false --no-log",
    With or without that ^ character depending on the case. I hope this makes sense. Thanks for bringing this issue since I didn't expect that special character to be in the input. I'll fix it in the next version so you won't have to worry about ^

    Additional note, the tool is designed to apply these set of parameters to ALL the found manifests no matter the site/service. So if you want only spanish and you have 10 shows and only 9 of them have spanish, that last 1 may fail. You can investigate the manifests by removing the auto selection parameters (-sv / -sa / -ss) and see what's there to offer.

    Originally Posted by whs912km View Post
    hi 2nHxWW6GkN1l91, first of all thanks for this really awesome tool.

    also i would like to know if it is possible to implement it for amz service too. Thanks
    Thanks! Unfortunately I don't add sites by request. I only add them from time to time on random criteria. Also, isn't amz=amazon? That's a paid service.
    [*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*]
    Quote Quote  
  11. yes, amz=amazon
    anyway ok, i've understand. thanks
    Quote Quote  
  12. Originally Posted by 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi View Post
    I'll add this fix in the next version. Thanks again!
    you're welcome!

    I also tested with this URL:
    This movie had both Dutch and English audio, and I wanted the Dutch audio. However, with the current code, I only received the English audio.

    After some research on Rakuten's site, I noticed that the Dutch audio is labeled as "NLD" I entered that here:

            for a in audio_lang:
                response = json.loads(
                        category="avod" if content_category in ["stream", "live_channels"] else "me"
                    params={"device_identifier": rakuten_tv.DEVICE_ID},
                        'audio_language': "NLD",
                        'audio_quality': audio_quality,
                        'classification_id': rakuten_tv.CLASSIFICATION_ID,
                        'content_id': json_content_id,
                        'content_type': content_type,
                        'device_serial': 'device_serial',
                        'device_stream_video_quality': video_quality,
                        'player': f'{rakuten_tv.DEVICE_ID}:{manifest_type}',
                        'subtitle_language': subtitle_language,
                        'support_closed_captions': True,
                        'video_type': "stream" if content_category in ["stream", "live_channels"] else content_category
    This way, I did get the Dutch audio for the movie. As a result, I took a step back and checked the output of audio_lang:

    [{'type': 'languages', 'id': 'ENG', 'numerical_id': 18, 'name': 'Engels', 'abbr': 'ENG'}]
    So not all audio options were being passed correctly. After a lot of research, I was able to resolve that with these changes:

    new package:
    import numpy as np
    On line 215 (or 216 if you add the import), "response[0]" should be without the [0].
    response = response
    Then, I changed all values except for audio to response[0], thus using the English version. For audio_lang, however, I combined all audio languages into one array.

    Starting from line 244 (or 245):
            drm_types = response[0]["streaming_drm_types"] #edit response to response[0]
            manifest_type = None
            for drm_type in drm_types:
                if drm_type["id"].lower().startswith("dash-"):
                    manifest_type = drm_type["id"]
            if manifest_type is None:
                manifest_type = drm_types[0]["id"]
            audio_quality = response[0]["audio_qualities"] #edit response to response[0]
            audio_quality = sorted(audio_quality, key=lambda ad: ad["numerical_id"], reverse=True)
            audio_quality = f'{audio_quality[0]["numerical_id"]}.0'
            audio_lang = np.concatenate([res["audio_languages"] for res in response]) #edit audio languages to 1 array
            subtitle_language = response[0]["subtitle_languages"][-1]["id"] #edit response to response[0]
            video_quality = response[0]["video_qualities"] #edit response to response[0]
            video_quality = sorted(
                video_quality, reverse=True,
                key=lambda v: rakuten_tv.RES_PRIORITY[v["id"]]
            video_quality = video_quality[0]["id"]
            json_content_id = content_id[0]
            if content_type == "episodes":
                json_content_id = content_id[1]
            manifest = []
            subtitles = []
            pssh_values = []
            additional = {}
            has_non_mpd = False
    And as a result, audio_lang receives all audio outputs:

    [{'type': 'languages', 'id': 'ENG', 'numerical_id': 18, 'name': 'Engels', 'abbr': 'ENG'}
     {'type': 'languages', 'id': 'NLD', 'numerical_id': 17, 'name': 'Nederlands / Vlaams', 'abbr': 'NLD'}]
    And after that, your code works smoothly with both audio sources! I hope this helps. Feel free to let me know if anything is unclear! still thanks for your great work.
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  13. Feels Good Man 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi's Avatar
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    That's kinda going into undefined territory. I always received a list with a single element on my rakuten region that's why I did response[0]. I'll add that, but I have no way of knowing if it'll behave as expected across all regions. I think it's easier to store in a separate variable the original list and iterating through it + append all audio languages, than replacing all with response[0] + another import to slow down the script.
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    thanks for this fast answer!

    Originally Posted by 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi View Post
    Always glad to hear it's being put to good use. -da id=audio_div means drop audio with id "audio_div". When I added the "" and was testing it, some of their videos had descriptive audio meant for blind/visually impaired users. And that audio was a little annoying so I dropped it. You can always get rid of that option if you want it. Those default parameters you see are meant to be customized according to the user's needs.
    ok I got it, I didn't thought that it could be related to a specific site, now it's clear

    Originally Posted by 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi View Post

    So you were on the right track but you also needed something else:
    -sa lang="spa|eng":for=best2
    I tried "morehelp" on --select-audio but since there was only one quality per language, I thought it was useless to specify the value "best" with the field "for"

    Originally Posted by 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi View Post
    Now let's see how we can add that in the json config file. You will notice all the parameters are already between double quotes since that's how a json is formatted. To include "spa|eng" you must add \ for each quote. So it becomes
    -sa lang=\"spa|eng\":for=best2
    Now if you run the tool and you have the value of MEDIA_DOWNLOADER to 1, thus no terminals are spawned and everything happens in the same window, everything will work like this. However if you let the tool spawn a lot of parallel terminals, you also need to add this change
    -sa lang=\"spa^|eng\":for=best2
    not the first time that I have trouble with these f**king \ !! thanks for the trick!

    I tested right now and it works fine! thanks a lot!
    Last edited by colebri; 31st Aug 2024 at 15:28.
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    directly on N_m3u8DL-RE with your code, and just for see, I tried with:

     -sa id="6|8"
    since 6 and 8 are the id of the tracks I want to grab

    but it didn't work, when using just one track (6 or 8) it works, but not with 2. Is it only possible to select multitrack with the "lang" field?
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  16. Feels Good Man 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi's Avatar
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    -sa id="6|8":for=best2
    general formula
    -sa id="id1|id2|...|idn":for=bestn
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    -sa id="6|8":for=best2
    yes it's ok, if thought I tried already but obviously not. Since the id identify exactly the track I thought that specifying "best" was unnecessary

    thanks once again!
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  18. Feels Good Man 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi's Avatar
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    => +
    => +

    Minor changes:
    => fixed some bugs for and (thanks @blub for finding those issues)
    => fixed some problems with using the character | as an input for n_m3u8dl-re parameters
    [*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*]
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  19. hello I can't download a video from rmcbfm I added my email and password and added the license in the rmcbfmplay_com service file
    Image Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version

Name:	error-rmcbfm.png
Views:	10
Size:	22.3 KB
ID:	82109  

    Quote Quote  
  20. Feels Good Man 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi's Avatar
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    Works fine for me.

    >python ""
    [INFO] Current app version: 2.5.0
    [INFO] Running on: windows/64bit/python 3.12.2
    [INFO] Starting the service initialization stage.
    [INFO] Current progress: [1/1]
    [INFO] Starting the collections extraction stage.
    [INFO] Current progress: [1/1]
    [INFO] Starting the media data extraction stage.
    [INFO] Current progress: [1/1]
    [INFO] Finished generating the download commands.
    [INFO] Saved the generated download commands to app_files\cmds.txt
    [INFO] If you used a VPN, turn it off to avoid wasting data for the downloading stage. Also you may edit the app_files\cmds.txt file if necessary. Type yes when ready: no
    [INFO] Cancelling the downloading stage.
    N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key aa8be47a53e629b0e0533b28450a1cbb:a8f3e30c8fc28072e8545cda37a997d7 --save-dir "media\rmcbfmplay_com" --save-name "Ma_maman_a_disparu_Lhistoire_vraie_de_Jennifer_Dulos" -M format=mkv
    Try deleting the folder with the downloader and download it again from scratch. I notice you're using the python code. Make sure:
    - you installed properly the python packages as it was detailed in the guide
    - "" is found in the services folder
    - you're using a french IP with a VPN that's not detected (see if you can play the video in browser)
    - you're using an email/password that is not affiliated directly with google or other big providers (just the classic way that you login using their site directly)

    I have no idea what "license" you added. There's no need to provide anything. Everything comes with the latest zip. Only the account is needed.
    [*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*]
    Quote Quote  
  21. add license : LICENSE_URL = ''

    i'm french so french ip
    debug command :

    in scratch it works but you put the normal l3 key
    Image Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version

Name:	error2.png
Views:	9
Size:	82.6 KB
ID:	82121  

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture d'écran 2024-09-10 115627.png
Views:	6
Size:	71.5 KB
ID:	82122  

    Last edited by diesel; 10th Sep 2024 at 05:16. Reason: forget scratch
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  22. Feels Good Man 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi's Avatar
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    Yep. It tells you exactly whats the issue. chomp_js is not installed. And when you try to install, it tells that you need visual c++ 14.0 and from where to get it. If you want to solve this issue for the future, there are already forum posts at a google search away that explain more in detail. Google is your friend

    But if you notice this is only needed for veeps_com. So if you're not interested in that service, delete it manually from the service folder and you should have no problem anymore with chomp js

    Edit: no idea why you need to add that license manually in the code since it's obtained at runtime through some api calls, but ok
    [*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*]
    Quote Quote  
  23. I listened to your advice I deleted veep
    but still have weird errors
    Image Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version

Name:	error3.png
Views:	6
Size:	66.1 KB
ID:	82123  

    Quote Quote  
  24. Feels Good Man 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi's Avatar
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    When you download from scratch and run, always make sure you delete the previous app_files folder. After it's generated again, set your credentials.
    [*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*]
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  25. Hello, ninateka does not work for me, and 35mm works normally
    PS C:\widefrog> python ",1/katarzyna-nosowska--made-in-polska,9141"
    [WARNING] External tool is not installed: N_m3u8DL-RE. Download commands may not be launched properly.
    [WARNING] The service cannot be used because it is not properly implemented, has package errors or has syntax errors. After fixing the issue delete the app_files folder.
    [WARNING] The service cannot be used because it is not properly implemented, has package errors or has syntax errors. After fixing the issue delete the app_files folder.
    [WARNING] The service cannot be used because it is not properly implemented, has package errors or has syntax errors. After fixing the issue delete the app_files folder.
    [INFO] Current app version: 2.4.0
    [INFO] Running on: windows/64bit
    [INFO] Starting the service initialization stage.
    [USER_ERROR] Failed to download:,1/katarzyna-nosowska--made-in-polska,9141. Reason: No service available for Solution: Implement it.
    [INFO] Current progress: [1/1]
    [INFO] Starting the collections extraction stage.
    [INFO] Starting the media data extraction stage.
    [INFO] Finished generating the download commands.
    [WARNING] Saved the failed URLs to app_files\cmds_failed.txt
    [WARNING] No download commands have been generated.
    Quote Quote  
  26. Feels Good Man 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi's Avatar
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    Hello. Works fine for me.

    python ",1/katarzyna-nosowska--made-in-polska,9141"
    [INFO] Current app version: 2.5.0
    [INFO] Running on: windows/64bit/python 3.12.2
    [INFO] Starting the service initialization stage.
    [INFO] Current progress: [1/1]
    [INFO] Starting the collections extraction stage.
    [INFO] Current progress: [1/1]
    [INFO] Starting the media data extraction stage.
    [INFO] Current progress: [1/1]
    [INFO] Finished generating the download commands.
    [INFO] Saved the generated download commands to app_files\cmds.txt
    [INFO] If you used a VPN, turn it off to avoid wasting data for the downloading stage. Also you may edit the app_files\cmds.txt file if necessary. Type yes when ready: no
    [INFO] Cancelling the downloading stage.
    N_m3u8DL-RE "" --key d56e57420a518646a03ab71a1730bc59:2a0c336f39918af659e0c1a748d2527b --save-dir "media\ninateka_pl" --save-name "Katarzyna_Nosowska_Made_in_Polska" -M format=mkv
    Delete entirely the current tool version and make sure you're using the latest version and that you have N_m3u8DL-RE in system env variables. Also, since you're using python, make sure you installed all of the current dependencies in the requirements.txt file as it is explained and detailed in the guide.

    If you don't want to install all of them, you can get rid of the services that can't be used due to this like channel4, spotify etc by manually deleting them from the services folder if you don't need them. Then delete the app_files folder, run the tool to generate it again and fill any credentials or input you may need.
    [*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*]
    Quote Quote  
  27. hello

    I didn't really understand how to download an entire season, in particular season 14 of alien fiction on bfm-rmc

    otherwise your python script is great!
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  28. Feels Good Man 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi's Avatar
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    Hallo. It's explained in the site use cases. I see you're trying to pass a season URL as input. The tool only works with URLs that point to the base show.
    click on touts sasons and you'll get to

    then you use the query option

    python "" --query=14::14:
    [*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*]
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  29. thank you very much
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  30. Feels Good Man 2nHxWW6GkN1l916N3ayz8HQoi's Avatar
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    => + (thanks @psxman for helping)
    => +
    => +
    => +
    => +

    Minor changes:
    => updated the requirements.txt file

    Off topic: if anyone knows of any other big streaming sites that are only focused on football like uefa/fifa, let me know
    [*drm mass downloader: widefrog*]~~~[*how to make your own mass downloader: guide*]
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