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  1. No one has EVER explained deinterlacing or IVTC properly in the entirety of this forum or internet. Everyone just spews out a bunch of technobabble that only makes sense to people that already understand and therefore don't need the explanation!

    Vague concepts of steps are given, but no actual instructions that make it possible to accomplish the steps.

    And my latest infuriating finding, I finally find a youtube video, I install all the pre-requisites, I follow the thing exactly, and I use avspmod to open a d2v file created in DGIndex, and instead of getting a video preview like in the youtube instructional I'm watching, I get a damn Script error: there is no function named "MPEG2Source" (New File, line 1)

    Googling these errors finds me NO USEFUL INFORMATION!!!!!

    Best I can find is that it should work, or I need to have files that I already have.
    Last edited by armyofquad; 1st Jul 2024 at 13:10.
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  2. Originally Posted by armyofquad View Post
    there is no function named "MPEG2Source" (New File, line 1)
    You need to load DGDecode.dll included in the dgmpgdec package. If you place the .dll in the avisynth plugins directory it should auto load

    Or explicitly load the .dll in the script ( changing "PATH" to the actual directory path)

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  3. Ye gods, that was annoying.

    Ok, I take back what I said - poisondeathray is ALWAYS helpful on this forum. Just needed a reminder I guess.

    So it seems that despite having like an accumulation of 4 avisynth and avisynth+ folders, including multiple plug folders in some of those folders, and copying various .dll files into all of these folders, there was a plugin folder set in avspmod that autocompleted (I just installed it just now) to some obscure path of yet another avisynth folder that was embedded in some project folders of things I had for VHS captures. No idea why or how.

    But none of the guides I followed included specifics about plugins, where the folder should be, where the folder is called on, or how to override that with a loadplugin command when all else fails, all useful pieces of information I would include in a guide.

    Ok - I must owe you a pallet of cokes by now. Thanks again.
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  4. Just post one file at a time, as you started to do. And ask a normal human question. I have this video. To be downloaded here or here. I need to convert it to 29.976 to load in in Vegas or what you need.
    You MIGHT get answer from someone who can fix videos (if it is messed up, that first posted video of yours is). Tha video needs some filters and you might get a links where to download that dll and where to put it for Avisynth. No more generic stuff. Doing this step by step things get more clear.

    Also googling for error will give you answer, you just need to think a bit here, you cannot google for:
    there is no function named "MPEG2Source" (New File, line 1)
    there is no function named "MPEG2Source"
    because to specify a line number is too exact, skip that, others might have it in other line, or not mentioning it at all, why would they mentioned line number with an error. you might add to the beginning of search word avisynth
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