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  1. I have a sony DCR trv210 digital 8 camcorder

    i was wondering what is the best way make photo vcd with it using the firewire port i.e. software.. methods .. etc

    also i would like to know the best way to caputre the photos from the camera as well

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  2. Member
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    Salem, OR
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    Start by reading the HOW TO links to the left.
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  3. ya, people are getting lazy here... in stead of looking around in the site, they ask it in here...
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  4. I typically just point but I'll not this sleepy morning.

    If you want stills from your miniDV footage in XP use this guide:

    Once you have pictures and if you have $29.95 I highly suggest Ulead DVD PictureSHow - it makes either photo CDs or DVDs and has a fair but not terrific feature set. Thing is it offers menus and has a high degree of ease. Add some music and the family loves them.
    Panasonic DMR-ES45VS, keep those discs a burnin'
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  5. i already know about the how-to's

    i'm just wondering about ur guys experiences of which one is the best way to do it.

    Thx Kitty for your help

    Now i have one more question..

    it says that i can put about 1900+ pictures on a cd...but if I end up putting only 1000... is it possible to add more to the cd later? if so .. how?

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  6. I'm a MEGA Super Moderator Baldrick's Avatar
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    k2: No you can't add more to the same photo vcd cd-r/w. You have to make a new one.
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  7. Hi K2,I think I have an idea to add more new pictures to the cd later.If you donīt know this yet give a try,if you already know just forget it I have try it yet myself but I will when I get `Ulead PictureSlideī pragram later.Ok here it goes...

    Burn your picture(letīs said 1000) to a CD-RW and later if you want to add more new one?? You can download your 1000 pictures to your hard disk and add your new one there too(letīs said 200 new one).Then you format the CD-RW disk...after that you burn again the 1000 old pictures and the 200 new one to the same CD-RW you just format it..Well,now you got all new and the old one together. mm...I hope this will works..
    Anyway no harm to try!you just need a little bit more time.

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