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  1. If so, how did you go about doing it? What materials did you need? Did you request? Sound bites? Voice-over audio? Types of b-roll? Visuals? On camera interviews? Scenic footage? "Stock" b-roll of imagery that looks relevant/complimentary to the story covered within the news package? Organic b-roll footage that seems filmed in a studio/production room/sound stage/in-house environment to display items,
    examples of materials/evidence referenced in the news package, and atmospheric set-ups --like displaying tarot cards on a table for a story on psychics? A news script? How do you know when to insert which elements?

    What direction do you need? I imagine the news story voice-over would be recorded without the soundbites included. If that's the case, how are you instructed to included them? What about live-shot footage of a reporter "on the scene" or in a studio introducing the news package?How is that incorporated? Is that separate footage from everything else? Together with choice items? Are you given footage with them just giving in-and-out cues, and the rest is recorded separate and delivered to you to put together?

    Know of anyone else who has put together one? How did they? What were they given to work with? usually? Did they request to be given?
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  2. What is your role and who are you requesting material from?
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  3. aBigMeanie aedipuss's Avatar
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    try your local community college. basic news production takes about 2 years of courses to learn.
    "a lot of people are better dead" - prisoner KSC2-303
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