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  1. Member
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    I am not sure whats happening.

    I have video ts and audio ts files on my hard drive from a DVD. I have created a single file previously but now I don't know whats going on.

    I am not interested in the menu, but there are different chapters in the Video ts file as VOB_101 VOb_201 etc, but when I put them into ffpmeg as either dropping the video ts folder or inserting all of the VOB files it won't create 1 movie.

    I have tried putting in chapters and tracks in the settings but nothing seems to work, so any info on how to do this would be great.


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  2. Member hech54's Avatar
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    VOB files are not chapters.
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  3. Member
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    Wow.. Thats your answer? does it feel good to try and humiliate someone behind the safety of your computer screen?
    Be that my wording and or terminology is incorrect, your answer bears no meaning to the question, so why would you even bother? The time taken to make 10 keystrokes a few mouse clicks and then the bandwidth to upload your answer which was helpful in absolutely no way at all.

    Maybe then I will rephrase my question without calling a file the incorrect name.

    I have 2 folders, Video TS and Audio Ts.
    inside the Video folder I have files, they are an assortment of files and the main ones that I am concerned with are titled VOB.
    I have previewed the VOB files in a media player and have discovered that VOB_3_0 through to VO_3_8 are all of a similar size of 1.3 gig each. These VOB files 'seem' to follow on from each other in a sequence, which when watched on a dvd player has been portrayed as the video that I am watching, and each VOB file plays 'on' from the other. On the DVD menu when I click on a chapter, it seems that each one of these VOB files is a self contained movie that when clicked in the menu will take me to that movie.

    My question now rephrased is thus.
    In my Video TS folder, I would like to use FFMPEG to combine all of these VOB files into a single self contained movie.

    In a previous DVD which I had a similar setup, I was able to add the folder 'video ts' to the FFMPEG screen and create a DIVX movie that is self contained, which contained all of the VOB files from this folder.

    For some reason though, This second set of VOB files and Video TS folder when placed into FFMPEG, is only creating 1 self contained movie, that is usually the small intro movie.

    Does anyone have an idea as to why it would be that one set of video ts folder files would allow me to create a self contained movie, and yet a second separate set of video ts folder files will not?
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  4. Member hech54's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by an63lu51 View Post
    My question now rephrased is thus.
    In my Video TS folder, I would like to use FFMPEG to combine all of these VOB files into a single self contained movie.

    In a previous DVD which I had a similar setup, I was able to add the folder 'video ts' to the FFMPEG screen and create a DIVX movie that is self contained, which contained all of the VOB files from this folder.

    For some reason though, This second set of VOB files and Video TS folder when placed into FFMPEG, is only creating 1 self contained movie, that is usually the small intro movie.

    Does anyone have an idea as to why it would be that one set of video ts folder files would allow me to create a self contained movie, and yet a second separate set of video ts folder files will not?
    This is "DVD 101" stuff and a simple click here:
    would have explained it all for you without the need to type all of that info that is WIDELY known here by almost everyone.
    Use VOB2MPEG to turn VOB files into one, large MPEG2 file....much easier.
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    well it would have been easier if you had have said that in the first place..... Given that I had this work with ffmpeg on 2 other sets of VOB files, don't you think that it is strange that I couldn't get it to work on a different set of files? that is the reason I posted..

    I don't want an mpeg file, I want a Divx file. Which is what I created in the first DVD. So now I have to go and create an MPEG2 file and then a Divx file?

    info that is widely known by most is not known by all... That is what these forums are for and if you hadn't have been a smart ass at the start of this thread with your answer, and maybe given the above answer instead, I would not have written the sarcastic post previously.... Don't assume that everyone knows the basics of everything just because you do.......
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  6. Member hech54's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by an63lu51 View Post
    I don't want an mpeg file, I want a Divx file. Which is what I created in the first DVD. So now I have to go and create an MPEG2 file and then a Divx file?
    This is only the second time you've mentioned the word "divx" in this entire conversation:
    Originally Posted by an63lu51 View Post
    I am not sure whats happening.

    I have video ts and audio ts files on my hard drive from a DVD. I have created a single file previously but now I don't know whats going on.

    I am not interested in the menu, but there are different chapters in the Video ts file as VOB_101 VOb_201 etc, but when I put them into ffpmeg as either dropping the video ts folder or inserting all of the VOB files it won't create 1 movie.

    I have tried putting in chapters and tracks in the settings but nothing seems to work, so any info on how to do this would be great.


    Originally Posted by an63lu51 View Post
    Wow.. Thats your answer? does it feel good to try and humiliate someone behind the safety of your computer screen?
    Be that my wording and or terminology is incorrect, your answer bears no meaning to the question, so why would you even bother? The time taken to make 10 keystrokes a few mouse clicks and then the bandwidth to upload your answer which was helpful in absolutely no way at all.

    Maybe then I will rephrase my question without calling a file the incorrect name.

    I have 2 folders, Video TS and Audio Ts.
    inside the Video folder I have files, they are an assortment of files and the main ones that I am concerned with are titled VOB.
    I have previewed the VOB files in a media player and have discovered that VOB_3_0 through to VO_3_8 are all of a similar size of 1.3 gig each. These VOB files 'seem' to follow on from each other in a sequence, which when watched on a dvd player has been portrayed as the video that I am watching, and each VOB file plays 'on' from the other. On the DVD menu when I click on a chapter, it seems that each one of these VOB files is a self contained movie that when clicked in the menu will take me to that movie.

    My question now rephrased is thus.
    In my Video TS folder, I would like to use FFMPEG to combine all of these VOB files into a single self contained movie.

    In a previous DVD which I had a similar setup, I was able to add the folder 'video ts' to the FFMPEG screen and create a DIVX movie that is self contained, which contained all of the VOB files from this folder.

    For some reason though, This second set of VOB files and Video TS folder when placed into FFMPEG, is only creating 1 self contained movie, that is usually the small intro movie.

    Does anyone have an idea as to why it would be that one set of video ts folder files would allow me to create a self contained movie, and yet a second separate set of video ts folder files will not?
    You are still better off starting off with either one giant MPEG2 file....or at least a VIDEO_TS folder that contains the MOVIE ONLY and no extra stuff like additional languages, subtitles, etc etc etc before converting it to divx/xvid.....less confusion and less room for error for encoding programs like FFMPEG, WinFF, etc etc etc.
    Have a nice day.
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  7. Explorer Case's Avatar
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    When you want to convert a DVD to DivX (or XviD) with ffmpegX, you either --
    1/ Drop the VIDEO_TS folder on ffmpegX and convert with a mencoder preset, and set the desired title, or
    2/ Create an MPG file with just the content from the desired title, and convert that with any preset you want.

    - VTS_03_0.VOB through VTS_03_8.VOB doesn't necessarily mean it is title number 3 on the DVD. It often is, but the DVD specification allow for these numberings to be independent. View it on a player that shows the current DVD title being played, and note that down.
    - VTS_xx_0.VOB (zero-vob) should contain menu stuff (video or stills), not the actual feature. If you want to included it, it may not work in one go. The actual feature would be in the sequence of VOBs from VTS_xx_1 on.
    - Some time ago I created a topic with several ways to make a single file from a DVD for conversion purposes.
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