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  1. Member
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    is it possible to upgrade the firmware on DVD writers under linux for example by using the windows firmware installers available at the dangerous brother's website by running them under Wine? I know I can always make a dos boot disk and copy the DOS version of the firmware upgrades from their page but was wondering if this is possible natively under linux.
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  2. You should ask the dangerous brothers about that. I would think it's probably not a good idea.
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  3. Not sure if this is related or not, but using dd at the command line you can easily upgrade the firmware on an apple ipod. So if you had the raw firmware file or image, knew where the firmware was located, ie a partition, hard drive mbr, or flash memory. You could use dd to copy the file to where ever. I have uised this on my own ipod with success after I thought I made a brick of it playing with partitioning and itunes no longer worked with it, and I think if the said criteria was matched dd should wark fine.
    Manual ipod restore/firmware upgrade/downgrade. Using linux.
    Linux user
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  4. Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
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    Originally Posted by t35t0r
    is it possible to upgrade the firmware on DVD writers under linux for example by using the windows firmware installers available at the dangerous brother's website by running them under Wine? I know I can always make a dos boot disk and copy the DOS version of the firmware upgrades from their page but was wondering if this is possible natively under linux.
    Hi there,

    I upgraded the firmware of my TSSTcorp SH-S182M DVD writer using their Windows program and wine. With the Linux program K3b i verified that the new firmware was successfully installed. It worked for me and so it may work for you as well, just try it.

    Nevertheless, I wrote a complain to Toshiba/Samsung that they really should offer a simple DOS tool that can be run on virtually every operating system using a floppy disk or USB stick.
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