Just bought a dvd player the other week, and installed it. As I don't have a DVD burner yet, I was excited to see that you can make VCD's with your normal cd burner.

Just for the hell of it, (for experimental purposes), I downloaded a heap of 80's pop video clips from the internet. I dropped them all into a Vegas project, mixed in some macromedia flash presentations for a little fun. All the video clips and presentation play back fine in the raw project.

I then rendered the finished project into VCD PAL format. Most of the main 61 minute mpeg file came out fine. (Australian television standards - PAL 25 frames per-second). I used the template, supplied with Vegas 4.0. Before burning to CD I checked if they would be any faults.

Most of the 18 video clips came out fine, except for three.

This is where things go pair shaped.

Each of the three videos have the same problem. The first 30-40 seconds of the video plays fine, then the screen blacks out for about 10 seconds. The screen comes back again. the rest of the clip plays at a reduced frame rate of about..... looks like about 6 frames per second,

Meanwhile the sound quality through the entire video is fine.

Anyone else had this problem with rendering before? Is this a bug with Sony Vegas 4? Any help would be much appreciated.

Ooops, I forgot to mention that most of the music video clips were NTSC with 29.97 frames per second. I should imagine that Sony Vegas should convert this without any great issue. The program was quite expensive, when I bought it at the start of 2004, so I would imagine that this is like soundforge converting a .wav to a .mp3?