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Poll: Do You Drink Energy Drinks?

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  1. Far too goddamn old now EddyH's Avatar
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    Jan 2003
    Soul sucking suburbia! But a different part since I last logged on.
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    cola or coffee only. and you have to be careful not to overdose. remember that you usually need a little more sugar than you do caffiene, as too much stimulant tends to burn you out very quickly and leave you feeling worse, particularly if you haven't much fuel (the sugar) to run on.
    pro-plus (caffiene pep pills), and those coffees and chocolate bars with guarana in or whatever it is are lethal by the way, try not to dose up too much on them. they've kept me from falling unconcious on the floor before but its definately the last ditch before switching to cocaine or something.

    all other energy drinks, i think i'd rather chug battery acid, as they taste like ass and dont actually seem to work. red bull is the worst.

    now, one of those bars which has a small cafe / fast food portal in it that serves coffee, they're the best. you haven't lived til you've had a hot double espresso with extra sugar (NO MILK of course) with a double vodka sneakily added to it. Tastes fantastic if you can handle your bittersweets and actually does the business.
    -= She sez there's ants in the carpet, dirty little monsters! =-
    Back after a long time away, mainly because I now need to start making up vidcapped DVDRs for work and I haven't a clue where to start any more!
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  2. H2O
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