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  1. Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    New Zealand
    Search Comp PM
    I have been scouring the internet and checking the local shops, but there are a few questions that I either can't get answered or get a sales pitch.

    1. I will be recording from a terrestial signal, so see no need for the highest quality setting. What I need to know is what the quality is like at the other settings, say in comparison to a VHS recording. I would probably record to HDD most if not all of the time.

    2. Does the HDD recorders offer some sort of resume facility on recordings. For example, I have two recordings (one for me, one for the wife). I start watching mine but have to stop midway through. The wife then starts watching her programme. The following day I go back to watch my programme. Is there a way that I can start from where I left off, or do I have to remember where I stopped. Likewise, would my wife have to remember where she stopped.

    3. I noticed that the Sony HX900 and HX1000 take their programme names from Teletext. Do the likes of Pioneer, Panasonic, JVC and the others have the same facility, as I can't seem to find anything specific.

    The problem with UK stores is that the sales people go into 'sales pitch' mode straight away, regardless of the questions you ask, and seem very unwilling to show the machines real capabilities. Ideally what I would like to be able to do is go into a shop with a blank DVD-R and record something using the different modes, and then go away and compare them at home on my own TV.

    Any help would be appreciated, as I don't want to buy something only to regret it soon after.
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  2. Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Eugene, Oregon
    Search Comp PM
    I find the recording quality on my Pioneer DVR-510H-S to be excellent or very good at least up to the setting that fits 2 hours and 20 minutes to a DVD. I've only glimpsed at some other settings and they look surprisingly good as well, but I haven't needed them.

    The Pioneer remembers where you stopped playing a title and starts from that point again. I haven't checked if it remembers that after I choose a different title to play. You can easily insert a chapter maker before quitting play and skip to that chapter if you want.

    I'm in the U.S. My Pioneer automatically takes the program title information from the signal coming in from my cable. I don't know how it works with your system.

    The current version of my unit is the 520H-S and I recommend it highly for its many features and excellent picture quality.
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  3. I own a Panasonic DMR 80 Hard Disk model and it remembers where you stopped, but if u switch to another track the memory is lost. However there are several tools to get the same result. I have only tried the Mark function, which is a simple one-click on the remote, to mark the spot u reached.

    When u next play, just hit the >> button and it jumps to the marked spot.

    Panasonic marks both HD and DVD and markers stay on the Finalised disc. I love the Panasonic cos I can watch while recording, and I can watch AND edit while in Timer mode as well.

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