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  1. Member
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    I made a mistake.

    Please delete my postings filled with "xxx" in thread.
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  2. I'm a MEGA Super Moderator Baldrick's Avatar
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    can't find it
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  3. Member
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    Originally Posted by Baldrick
    can't find it
    Maybe another moderator deleted them.
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  4. You spelled Baldrick, Baldwick in your topic.....
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  5. i seen so many people call Baldrick, Baldwick...i wonder why?
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  6. Speech impediment

    Or probably not Blackadder fans. Mind you, who isn't?
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  7. No Longer Mod tgpo's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Zippy72 at home
    Or probably not Blackadder fans.
    Never heard of it. Is it a show?
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  8. I'm a MEGA Super Moderator Baldrick's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by tgpo
    Never heard of it. Is it a show?
    It is one of the best comedy series ever...the first season is not that good but the rest are brilliant.
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  9. Member
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    it is a english comedy series to bee corect, and it is brilliant.
    ChRaN :-)
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  10. A very good comedy, and the term is also a play on baldric.

    Here is a pic of one:
    As Churchill famously predicted when Chamberlain returned from Munich proclaiming peace in his time: "You were given the choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor, and you will have war."
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  11. and the term is also a play on baldric.
    ..and I thought it was a play on smelly underpants. dear me
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  12. No Longer Mod tgpo's Avatar
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    Too bad we don't get much English shows here in the states, but I do love Mr. Bean.
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  13. Same guy (Rowan Atkinson) Plays Mr Bean and Blackadder.
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  14. Член BJ_M's Avatar
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    2 words : FAWLTY TOWERS

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  15. Member Gargoyle's Avatar
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    I agree w/ BJ_M - still hilarious after years of repeated viewings
    "Oh, so it's a homing rat, is it!?"
    You can't fool me, I'm a moron!
    Quote Quote  
  16. The Goodies
    Red Dwarf
    Vicar of Dibly
    Father Ted
    The Dick Emery Show
    The Goon Show
    Hancock's Half Hour
    My word
    Carry on
    the Young Ones
    Alas Smith & Jones
    Ab Fab
    One foot in the grave

    .. I could go on for ever. UK comedy rules!
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  17. Member
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    Baldrick wrote:
    It is one of the best comedy series ever...the first season is not that good but the rest are brilliant.

    imo, the episode "The Queen of Spain's Beard" from the first series is one of the funniest of all.

    offline, other good ones are 'Allo 'Allo!, Dad's Army & Some Mothers Do Have Them.

    I also believe British Comedy is the best.
    Quote Quote  
  18. Good picks Ronin2.

    OMG: I forgot Dave Allen & Monty

    Sgt.: Right. Bananas. How to defend yourself against a man armed with a banana. Now you, come at me with this banana. Catch! Now, it's quite simple to defend yourself against a man armed with a banana. First of all you force him to drop the banana; then, second, you eat the banana, thus disarming him. You have now rendered him 'elpless.

    Palin: Suppose he's got a bunch?

    Sgt.: Shut up.

    Idle: Suppose he's got a pointed stick?

    Sgt.: Shut up. Right now you, Mr Apricot.

    Chapman: 'Arrison.

    Sgt.: Sorry, Mr. 'Arrison. Come at me with that banana. Hold it like that, that's it. Now attack me with it. Come on! Come on! Come at me! Come at me then! (Shoots him.)

    Chapman: Aaagh! (dies.)

    Sgt.: Now, I eat the banana. (Does so.)

    Palin: You shot him!

    Jones: He's dead!

    Idle: He's completely dead!

    Sgt.: I have now eaten the banana. The deceased, Mr Apricot, is now 'elpless.

    Palin: You shot him. You shot him dead.

    Sgt.: Well, he was attacking me with a banana.

    Jones: But you told him to.

    Sgt.: Look, I'm only doing me job. I have to show you how to defend yourselves against fresh fruit.

    Idle: And pointed sticks.

    Sgt.: Shut up.
    Quote Quote  
  19. Originally Posted by offline
    The Goodies
    Red Dwarf
    Vicar of Dibly
    Father Ted
    The Dick Emery Show
    The Goon Show
    Hancock's Half Hour
    My word
    Carry on
    the Young Ones
    Alas Smith & Jones
    Ab Fab
    One foot in the grave

    .. I could go on for ever. UK comedy rules!
    There is one new outstanding comedy that deserves it's place in this list. "The Office". It's on tonight if i'm not mistaken.

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  20. Member
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    I HATE "THE OFFICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
    "law and order" is the best t.v. show ever made!
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  21. Well you'll always have some people that dont get it.

    And as we were on the theme of comedy shows, how does Law and Order fit into the equation. Never seen it, but is'nt it a crime/drama show.

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  22. Two not mentioned, Ali G and Denis Penis
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  23. I live in the Dallas, TX "metroplex." Each week the local PBS station has British sitcoms on Friday through Sunday evenings. We have more English comedies here each week than they do in England!

    [This week: Dr. Who (I know, not a comedy, but it's English), Waiting for God, Last of the Summer Wine, Keeping Up Appearances, Are You Being Served?, Goodnight Sweetheart, Fawlty Towers, Vicar of Dibley, Coupling, Red Dwarf, Blackadder the Third, Murder Most Horrid, Brittas Empire, The Prisoner (another non-comedy), As Time Goes By, Keeping Up Appearances (again), My Hero, Are You Being Served? (again), Open All Hours, Only Fools and Horses, Young Ones, and Father Ted]

    Unfortunately, we get older shows, not newer ones. We also don't get all the old ones. I picked up a DVD of the first season (series) of Porridge, starring Ronnie Barker, the same guy as in Open All Hours, which to my knowledge has never been shown in the U.S.. My standards conversion method ( was developed with this as the first target (I think it actually looks better than their conversions...but I'm biased ).

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  24. de snorkels rulen...het spijt me baldrick....
    And yes...we all wear wooden shoes here in Holland...
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  25. Member WishMaker's Avatar
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    Red Dwarf

    Is my absolute favorite British comedy. I have lots of episodes on vhs tapes.

    I liked it much better after Kriton (sp?) came on board.

    Smegg!!! It's a good word. 8)
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  26. Member vhelp's Avatar
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    Ahh, finally!! one that's NOT ben mentioned so far.
    and I feel like a king, he he...

    1975 throu 1977 or so - Good Neighbors

    Good Neighbors (or The Good Life as it was known in the UK) is the story of Tom
    and Barbara Good, a middle-aged couple in the 1970s who decide to escape the rat
    race by living a life of complete self-sufficiency. They exchange their car for
    a cultivator, and turn their garden into a full-fledged (if rather small) farm.
    Their good friends and neighbors, the social climbing Gerry and Margot Leadbetter
    (played by Paul Eddington and Penelope Keith!) sometimes provide support, and
    other times disapproval. Through it all, the antics of the two mismatched set
    of neighbors produces laughs and good times for all!

    This was a show I watched in warmth, growing up. I can still feel the warmth
    as I remember it in this writing. first taste of english shows.
    It used to come on at 12:00 AM to 1:00 AM at night, and a friend or two
    would stay up and watch them w/ lots of laughter here in NY ...the good old days.

    Quote Quote  
  27. Benny Hill anyone??? I've got some fond memories of sneaking peaks of this show while my father watched it late at night in our living room. I was a youngster at that time, so it was a bit too "saucey" for me, but eventually when I was old enough, I was allowed to partake in the viewing. I could have done without the lame musical/dance skits, but overall, this show still makes me crack a smile when I think of it. I wish a US station would pick it up again. It's been quite awhile since I've run across it while flipping channels.

    And I couldn't agree more with offline's comment, and the general consensus here in this thread, that British comedy blows away what we've got here in the US in most cases (personally, the only US sitcoms I watch regularly are Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm). In fact, for anyone who doesn't know this, MANY shows on US television are based on or adapted (or stolen, depending on how you look at it) from British series. For example, there was a good(I.M.O) British psychological thriller series called "Cracker" starring Robbie Coltrane that ran for a few years in the early 90's. Later around '97 or so, there was a VERY short-lived (although I thought it was decent) US version starring Robert Pastorelli. The US version literally was almost EXACTLY the same, even down to the script and camera-shots in some cases! So anyone who had seen the original British series would already know the outcome of the US episode! Yep, US TV isn't always known for its originality.

    Anyways, didn't mean to get off on a rant. Just wanted to add my 2 cents. As already mentioned, Mr Bean is good. Anything from the Monty Python crew is a must-see classic of course, and The Young Ones will always have a small place in my heart too since MTV used to air it very late at night in the early or mid 80's, during that growing-up phase where watching MTV was "new and exciting". The Young Ones seemed a bit bizaare to me then (and rightly so since it still does even today!), but I knew I liked it enough to stay up past bedtime and risk being groggy the next day. Nowadays, you'd hafta pump me full of elephant tranquilizers to get me to sit through 30 minutes of that crap MTV calls programming (actually more like 20min of commercials/10min of show). Well, cheers everyone!
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