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  1. Member VHShead's Avatar
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    Hi, I'm new here so I apologize if this is already posted or I'm in the wrong section but I just bought a JVCBR700ER that was refurbished and serviced etc... BUT as soon as I paid for it I remembered PAL and NTSC... I'm in Texas(I know, blah) but my question IS am I safe with this deck? Will it play NTSC format? I have a UR right now but it's crapping out on me and rather than getting it serviced NOW I figured I'd just get one that's already been serviced since shipping one of these is a real weight pain etc...

    I use this model for running a couple of animatronic characters at my house via a computer system called Cyberstar from the late 1980's and a control cable that sends the start, stop, pause commands to the VCR.

    Thanks for that help!

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  2. aBigMeanie aedipuss's Avatar
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    you sure you have the model number right? that is a pal mini-dv, dvd, hdd unit. needs 220 volt power, not usa 110 volt.
    "a lot of people are better dead" - prisoner KSC2-303
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  3. Member VHShead's Avatar
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    Yes, it's a JVC BR7000ER but just found out from the guy he uses PAL tapes... now I need to know if it'll play NTSC if it plays PAL tapes. I'm trying to get a refund... Sure hope I can cause I hadn't even considered the voltage part either. I'm probably screwed though.
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  4. Most likely this deck will not play NTSC properly. Some of the JVC PAL pro decks will kludge NTSC playback, but this one is apparently an obscure duplication slave that was never really intended for playback duty in the first place (primary use was expected to be recording). JVC made different versions for Europe and North America: this model #BR7000ER is definitely the PAL-oriented version (NTSC variant seems to have been BR7000UR). Rear panel of this ER specifies 220-240v only, and I see no switches or settings or indicators on the front or rear panel marked "NTSC".

    If you bought it from the usual eBay suspects in UK or Romania, ask to cancel the sale immediately before they have the chance to ship, and call eBay customer service by phone right away so they log your bidding mistake in their system. Both eBay policy and most sellers are lenient with this type of buyer mistake, but after they ship internationally most sellers will fight to the death to avoid refunding the outrageous freight charges for an item this heavy. eBay is pretty draconian toward domestic sellers: they will force them to refund every penny of the purchase and shipping both ways if a buyer so much as raises an eyebrow. But international sales are trickier. Nip this in the bud NOW if possible: if the thing is indeed PAL only as we suspect, it won't be easy to resell once its in your USA hands.
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  5. Member Cornucopia's Avatar
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    Likely, if it doesn't specifically say "stardards-converting" in the name/description, it will only play PAL reliably, may fudge playback of (quasi)-NTSC if going straight to a modern display, and WON'T playback NTSC correctly when going to a pickier destination (capture card/device, or older legacy display).

    Drop it like it's hot.

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  6. Member VHShead's Avatar
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    Yeah, fortunately I only lost the Paypal insurance fee...($20) Which sucks, but it was my fault for just jumping in there before I made sure the pool had water! I paid like almost $400 for it so... if I only lost $20 vs. $400... whatever.
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