I have a Sony RDR-GX210 DVD Recorder. My dog has chewed the remote control (RMT-D215P), making it unusable. Two questions: 1. If I purchase a new remote (I can get on from Amazon) will it work straight away or do I need to do anything to register it to the recorder. 2. Is there any way I can format a new disc without the remote. (My wife wants me to record the World Equestrian Games tomorrow, and I wont get a new remote until sometime next week.)
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Hmmm, I'd be careful buying remotes for that thing. I just type the model number into my Harmony Ultimate setup and it's informed me that multiple versions of the remote control exist. Other than that, the remote is just infrared, if you had two of the recorders you'd have to block one of them every time you pressed a button on the remote. As long as it's the correct remote nothing can go wrong.
If I've downloaded the correct manual it looks as thought there's a record button on the top far right, and channel+/- are the two buttons underneath and furthest to the right.
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