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  1. Hi

    I use mpc hc . Everything seems allright except one thing.
    I configured player to use gpu acceleration and it works but I can choose which graphic card player should use as default (Have Cleve laptop with intel hd 4000 and Radeon 7970m)
    Under options/output - "Select d3d9 render device" option is grayed out. I tried changing video renderer but It did nothing. Its still grayed out.
    When I play any video file and press ctrl-J i got info that dxva works but player use always Intel HD 4000. How I can change it so I could use radeon ?

    Cheers for any answers.
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  2. Are you running dual displays?
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  3. Yep

    Im trying to watch video files on my lcd tv screen through hdmi.
    Do you suggest that only Integrated card which is Intel HD 4000 can "send signal" through hdmi ?
    Then it would make sense.

    I will try just on laptop then
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  4. Just checked it . When I play movies only on my laptop its still shows Intel HD 4000 as renderer device
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  5. I've only ever used multiple displays on a single graphics card so I'm not real familiar with how it works with two graphics devices -- especially on a laptop.

    Can you drag the player to the other display? Are you sure the Radeon 7970m is in use?
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  6. Yep I drag player to other display and it works fine

    Radeon is in use because i setup Ati drivers to use it with mpc hc and checked it with hwinfo64.

    Still dont know why on screen display of mpc hc shows intel hd as video renderer ??
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  7. Anyone with a solution guys:>
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