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  1. Member joelson's Avatar
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    I guess this was probably answered, but I haven't found.
    I have a movie, and in some parts, there are subtitles in another language (French). I want to show subtitles in my language.
    I don't want it to conflict with the existing one.
    Is there a way to show my subtitles upwards (only these which coincide with the French ones)? Or how can I put a black background, so to hide the French subtitles?
    I'm using Subtitle Workshop. I would appreciate if anyone helped me to solve this, using this software.
    Thanks a lot!
    Best regards,
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  2. I'm a MEGA Super Moderator Baldrick's Avatar
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    If it's text srt subtitles you can change the position in the video player (or ffdshow or vsfilter).

    If you are making a dvd you change the position in the authoring program or use dvdsubedit after you made the dvd.
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  3. Member joelson's Avatar
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    Hi Baldrick,

    I'm making a DVD to watch in a standalone DVD player.
    I've got it work fine, by typing ENTER twice in Subtitle Workshop. The problem is that, after I saved and re-open it with this program, it trims these ENTER I typed.
    So as I understood, Subtitle Workshop can't do this, can it?
    If I use dvdsubedit, I have to author the DVD and then reauthor it?
    Best regards,
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  4. Member AlanHK's Avatar
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    How are you making the DVD?
    Subtitle Workshop does not format subtitles, it only sets the text and times.

    The authoring app takes the SRT subs and formats and positions them.
    E.g., if using GfD, you can set the vertical position of subs.
    Or in Subtitle Creator, which makes grephical subs (SUP files).

    Finally, you can adjust the positions in the VOB files using DVDsubedit.
    (use edit/apply last modification to all) -- you can just burn the modified VOBs, no need to "reauthor".
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