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  1. Member
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    Hey all, this is an easy one to answer. I am ready to fork out the money for a great streamer to transfer video content from my pc to the 56" full 1080p television I have. I have video from my HD camera as well as other media I want to stream (really tired of trial and error conversions). I have been reading that the Popcorn Hour A-110 is the best, is this true? And, would I need the usb adapter to bridge my home network (sold separately). I have a wireless home network running on fios. I value the opinions from this forum.

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  2. Member yoda313's Avatar
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    The Animus
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    There are wireless N streaming devices from Dlink and others that claim high def streaming over wireless.

    I know wireless G is not strong enough for video. N may be strong enough for high def over wireless.

    There is also the SLINGBOX series to look into. There are also powerline lan connections available that may be better for streaming then wireless. I'm not sure though as I dont' have either. These should be something to look into.
    Donatello - The Shredder? Michelangelo - Maybe all that hardware is for making coleslaw?
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  3. Member
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    thanks yoda313 I will look into it
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  4. Banned
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    Disclaimer - I do NOT own Popcorn Hour or iStar.

    Popcorn Hour and the US made/sold iStar ( use the same chip, so one should assume similar playback capabilities. DTS audio is a big problem for these boxes. While they do play a lot, they don't play "everything". It depends on the format of your content as to whether it's going to be easy or difficult for any device to play it.

    It's not a streaming media player, but if you don't mind putting your media on USB first, we've got a big thread on a Western Digital media player that plays from USB
    I've got one and I'm pleased with it, but playing from USB drives is OK for me. I can live without streaming and wireless. This player is much cheaper than Popcorn Hour, iStar, etc.
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