Somehow missed this - neuron2 retired from Doom9
Closed Thread
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His reasoning is self-serving - what a shock! (not really) Check out the 3rd post in the thread linked to above where he whines about how unfairly he was treated by "internet trolls" and such.
For those who don't know, he recently came to VideoHelp and poured a bunch of gasoline and lit some matches and then acted completely shocked that a fire started. Or to put it another way, he deliberately stirred up trouble here, posted things that showed that, well, he's clearly got problems (of the mental kind) and then when his comments got repeatedly slapped down, he took his ball and went home with it, asking that his account be deleted here. The whole thing was nuts.
His "retirement" is news to me but I don't check up on doom9 as much as I used to.
As much as [some] people think he's a baby, self-serving, etc, there are people here and elsewhere that are equally fixated on bitching, moaning, abnd complaining about neuron2. At the end of the day they are just as bad as they make him out to be.