How to create DVD menu with motion backround and thumbnails.
1. Create/Edit video (you can do it later, but these are my steps)
2. Select video clip that you would like to use as bacround video for your menu. In my guide I used scene 7. Trim it to the lenght that you want video repeat itself.
3. Select one of the DVD Menus that are available and place it on "Title track" right bellow video.
4. Optionaly you can make also thumbnails as "motion" by checking flag "Motion thumbnails".
Additional optional step can be to use SmartSound or any other audio as backround music for DVD Menu instaed of sound from backround video. In that case don't forget to lower volume.
Here you can see final result.
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Pinnacle Studio 8 and DV home video editing (ver.9 already home)
Is there a way to do two levels menus with Pinnacle Studio 8 ?
For example:
1) main menu shows
a) camping
b) birthday party
c) graduation
2) then each of the above selection will show a second level menu with chapter selections.
I have been trying this to no avail.ktnwin - PATIENCE -
That's a good Idea, i've never tried that one. I'm working on a project now. I'll give it a try.Geronimo -
Originally Posted by ktnwinPinnacle Studio 8 and DV home video editing (ver.9 already home)
Here it is... Pinnacle Studio - Multilevel DVD Menu
Pinnacle Studio 8 and DV home video editing (ver.9 already home) -
I'm struggling to make motion thumbnails.
If I have three clips and I want a menu with three motion thumbnails....
....will the thumbnails be as long as each of the clips?
I've tried to clip them to say twenty seconds each but that clips my footage.
How do I clip the motion thumbnails to twenty seconds each but still keep the original footage at its original (twenty minute) length?
Willtgpo, my real dad, told me to make a maximum of 5,806 posts on in one lifetime. So I have. -
Clips in thumbnails are as long as menu is. So jus extend time for DVD Menu to 20s and it should work. Let me know if you were able to make it work or if I need to post some pictures.
Pinnacle Studio 8 and DV home video editing (ver.9 already home) -
Originally Posted by donpedro
Okay, thanks.
I got to a point where I thought I had motion thumbnails but in the preview window as soon as the twenty seconds was up, the first clip started playing, is this normal?
I don't want a motion menu, only motion thumbnails but I want the menu to remain until I click an option.
Do I have to set the menu to a long time, say twenty minutes so as to prevent the first clip starting?
I'll do some more playing around tonight, many thanks
Will Haytgpo, my real dad, told me to make a maximum of 5,806 posts on in one lifetime. So I have. -
The reason why it is playing video right after menu is because you are not in "DVD Preview" mode. You can switch between Noral or DVD Preview by clicking on DVD button in Preview window.
Pinnacle Studio 8 and DV home video editing (ver.9 already home) -
Originally Posted by donpedro
Willtgpo, my real dad, told me to make a maximum of 5,806 posts on in one lifetime. So I have. -
Is it correct to put chapter numbers before menu (on timeline)? On PC it works, but when DVD is made it does not work properly.
I.e. I would like that the menu would show in the end of my DVD project. Is it possible with Studio 8 or 9?
Linas -
Originally Posted by linasPinnacle Studio 8 and DV home video editing (ver.9 already home)
Originally Posted by donpedro
Originally Posted by linasPinnacle Studio 8 and DV home video editing (ver.9 already home)
I've been trying to get my menu's to work for awhile. It seems that when I go into DVD preview mode and test the menus they work fine, but after I burn the vcd they don't respond at all in my set top dvd player or pc dvd player. I burned another vcd in which I set the chapters manually, everything seems to check out fine I just cant figure out what I'm missing. I'm using Pinnacle Studio 9 and so far things have been working okay but this whole menu issue has me totally seems simple enough but it's just not working. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!
don pedro,
THANKS SO MUCH for your great guide to make two levels menu using PS software. I have been trying and trying unsuccessfully in the past.
It's so intuitive, how come I was so dumb.
I tried once yesterday and it works as expected.ktnwin - PATIENCE -
I'm using two levels of menus within Pinnacle, where the top level menu links to the other menus. The problem that I have is that when I use for example the second button of the main menu to go to a sublevel menu, the also the second button of that menu is initially highlighted, and not the first button as I would expected. Similarly, if I use the fifth button of the top level menu to go to another menu, then the fifth button of that menu is initially highlighted. It seems as if the button variable is not reset. Does anyone recognize this problem, and if yes know how to solve this?
Thanx. -
Does this method work on Pinnacle 11 Plus version? I tried dragging a Menu to the Title/Overlay and it does not allow me too add it there, only on the video track.
Any ideas? -
never mind my post, saw on pinnacle forums that this was removed on version 9 and found a way to add it using version!
now can I add music to the motion menu or menu at all? if so how? -
Has anyone had trouble with motion thumbnails on pages 2+ on Pinnacle menus? Every time I try a thumbnailed-menu (rather than a pure text menu), the first page renders fine, but pages 2 and further render as green screens. The menu items are there as shadows, that I can use the menu buttons to navigate on screen, but no background, text or thumbnails appear. I've tried everything that Pinnacle support suggests, including flushing the cache and rerendering the menus and turning background rendering on (or off - conflicting advice on their site) but none of them seem to help the issue. I've been sticking to text-only menus unless I have only 3 or 4 thumbnails on a level.
Originally Posted by mpinter
Originally Posted by naudiram
Thanks. If it is of any help I went round the problem by creating a main menu which links to a series of submenus. Therefore pg 2 of a menu is really and truly another sub menu....but this involves a lot of work and is still not the same thing!
This does not work in Pinnacle 12 for me. If i try and drag a menu onto the title track it says only pictures text and transitions can go on the title track. So, did pinnacle get a downgrade?
The manual says you should be able to drag and drop video to make your own motion menus, but that doesn't work in Studio 10. However, I got it to work another way. Drop a menu onto the video track then edit the menu, select the background option, and then select the video clip you want as the background instead of a still, it works just fine. This works with Studio 10 Plus - maybe it works with other versions as well?
I have Pinnacle Studio 12 and this is indeed not available.
The menu properties doesn't even have the "Motion Thumbnail" option. See attached. -
Ah, you are talking about motion thumbnails and indeed, that option doesn't seem to be available in your version - definite downgrade. I am talking about a motion background for the menu itself - behind the thumbnails. The solution for a motion background I indicated is found when you are in edit menu (available on the top right corner of your screen), at least in 10 plus.
How can I make my menu longer? It ends after 11 seconds? That's too short, how can I make that longer?
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