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  1. I'm a MEGA Super Moderator Baldrick's Avatar
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    DVD PAL to NTSC or NTSC to PAL DVD converter toools:
    ConvertXtoDVD, easiest but you will lose extra material and menus
    DIKO, can not keep extra material
    AVI2DVD, can not keep extra material
    DVDSanta, can not keep extra material
    DVD2SVCD, can not keep extra material (only NTSC to PAL?)
    Numenu4u, including extra material but requires sonic scenarist or muxman pro. (Numenu4u is no longer supported and updated)

    You must rip the dvd to hd first with dvdfab decrypter. Rip all files from the DVD.
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  2. Video Restorer lordsmurf's Avatar
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    The simplest way to play PAL or NTSC, of course, is to just get a player that does both. In the USA (NTSC land), most of the low-cost ($25-40) Chinese-made players and recorders already do both. Probably half or more of all NTSC players sold these days can do both PAL and NTSC just fine. In Europe and elsewhere (PAL land), most players do both. If you just want to watch the disc, use one of these players. Especially if you have a large collection of "foreign" discs. It will almost always look better than software conversions.

    There are also several other methods (not all-in-one tools) that can convert video, then allow you to re-author manually. Procoder, AVIsynth, etc. Very well covered in the varying forums, just do a search. Your results depend entirely on the source and the conversion settings.

    DVD players output "quasi" signals, and this can be re-created in encoder software. Just convert the colorspace/resolution and leave the framerate alone. An NTSC discs with 25fps (so-called NTSC-50), or a PAL disc with 29.97 (PAL-60) framerate. This was recently covered in the forums, do a search.

    And finally, there is a patch method, where you change the disc information (which designates a disc PAL or NTSC) but do not touch the video at all. This can trick several players that would otherwise not play the disc. This involves IFOEDIT, do a search to find out more.

    And let's not forget, make your discs REGION FREE. Or make your DVD player REGION FREE. Either way. Basic copying/ripping, and then search the DVD hacks pages (menu on left) for more on machine hacks.
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  3. I agree with Smurf. My Apex has a button on the remote to switch back and forth between NTSC and PAL

    BTW, hitting the button (how I found it) on a NTSC disc to play in PAL, turns it black and white
    tgpo famous MAC commercial, You be the judge?
    Originally Posted by jagabo
    I use the FixEverythingThat'sWrongWithThisVideo() filter. Works perfectly every time.
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    I'm also trying to record PAL and NTSC vobs on the same DVDR. I use TMPGenc DVD Author to compile them. I used DVD Patcher and it worked fine, but I noticed I have to write each vob as a separate track, which I don't really want to. If you try to put PAL/NTSC VOBs on the same track it will give you the format error message, and you can either Ignore or Cancel, but Ignore is greyed out, so I can't do it. When I read the instructions for DVD Patcher on this site, the author mentions writing vobs on same track as a preference, not a system limitation, so I wonder if anyone else come upon this problem?
    The reason why I'd rather have the vobs on the same track is they are 4 minute music videos, and of course the player takes longer to go to the next track than chapter, and it's a bit annoying.

    Thanks in advance for any feedback!

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    I would like to see a full guide for step by step as easy as it gets instructions on PAL DVD to NTSC DVD with full menus, extras, chapters, etc as well as NTSC DVD to PAL DVD with full menus, extras, chapters, etc conversion using Numenu4u with all associated and necessary software’s such as options for Sonic Scenarist as well as Muxman. I have seen various forums at doom9 in regards to this; however none of them give step by step instructions or straight answers on a successful conversion. I would like to see this done here and also ask for anyone who will suggest buying a DVD player that does this for you to stay out of this discussion. Thank you.
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  6. Originally Posted by Fandangos
    I would like to see a full guide for step by step as easy as it gets instructions on PAL DVD to NTSC DVD with full menus, extras, chapters, etc as well as NTSC DVD to PAL DVD with full menus, extras, chapters, etc conversion using Numenu4u with all associated and necessary software’s such as options for Sonic Scenarist as well as Muxman. I have seen various forums at doom9 in regards to this; however none of them give step by step instructions or straight answers on a successful conversion. I would like to see this done here and also ask for anyone who will suggest buying a DVD player that does this for you to stay out of this discussion. Thank you.
    the numenu4u way is quite nifty. I haven't actually got it to work quite right yet. Before numenu4u, it was these steps:

    1. ripping dvd to iso on hard drive using dvd decryptor
    2. checking out dvd structure in pgcedit and/or dvd remake pro and
    3. writing down notes about what vts/pgc type/cells/title etc has data and buttons.
    4. set up your folders where all the demuxed files will go according to your notes made THEN
    5. using "PGCdemux" demux all menus and then titles into audio and video streams into those folders.
    6. Using subrip, rip the sub pictures layers of all the menus and save as scenarist *.srt file.
    7. again using subrip, rip any of the subtitle steams of titles that have them.
    8. then convert all the *.m2v/*.mpv files from/to pal<>ntsc using the best way you like. I live in pal land, so when i do it, i am going ntsc to pal. Usually the movie titles are in progressive film rate, so its easy to resize and adjust the rate of the video, and then have to speed up the audio... once all the files are done... THEN
    9. create a new project in scenarist (i'd use this for dvd's that have quite tricky dvd structure.. ie more than 3 cells in a menu, angles... otherwise if they are simple, then use something like dvdlab pro.
    10. author the dvd with exactly the same structure/navigation along with vm commands exactly as the original one.

    very time consuming, and in my case i gave up on it. I own about 20 ntsc dvd's, so i just got a dvd player that supports outputs both ntsc and dvd. Much better.
    Some people are only alive because it may be illegal to kill them
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  7. What issues have you been having with my little app
    Author of NuMenu4u
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    Would it be possible for you to post a step by step guide on how to convert PAL DVD to NTSC DVD as well as NTSC DVD to PAL DVD with your Numenu4u ? Please be very specific and detailed. I would like to complete this task from start to finish with full success. I have Sonic Scenarist and would like to know all options available to make this possible.
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  9. Zeul, i'm having a little trouble once it gets into scenarist importing stage, its imports up to a limit then says something wrong with import file. I haven't tried it many times because I only recently inherited a machine with scenarist installed from my friend, so i'm still getting it all setup the way i like.
    Some people are only alive because it may be illegal to kill them
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  10. If there is anything wrong with the import file (TBH that is rare these days) then under the support button, press the button 'collect files for Zeul...) This will scan the working directory (make sure that the working dir folder is specified in the browse box, and ensure that the dvd or image is still mounted) for all the files I need to diagnose the problem.
    The latest build is 2.0.12 (.13 should be out in the next 24hrs).
    Author of NuMenu4u
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  11. i'll try another dvd in the next few days to test. cheers!
    Some people are only alive because it may be illegal to kill them
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  12. Originally Posted by lordsmurf
    The simplest way to play PAL or NTSC, of course, is to just get a player that does both. In the USA (NTSC land), most of the low-cost ($25-40) Chinese-made players and recorders already do both. Probably half or more of all NTSC players sold these days can do both PAL and NTSC just fine. In Europe and elsewhere (PAL land), most players do both. If you just want to watch the disc, use one of these players. Especially if you have a large collection of "foreign" discs. It will almost always look better than software conversions.

    There are also several other methods (not all-in-one tools) that can convert video, then allow you to re-author manually. Procoder, AVIsynth, etc. Very well covered in the varying forums, just do a search. Your results depend entirely on the source and the conversion settings.

    DVD players output "quasi" signals, and this can be re-created in encoder software. Just convert the colorspace/resolution and leave the framerate alone. An NTSC discs with 25fps (so-called NTSC-50), or a PAL disc with 29.97 (PAL-60) framerate. This was recently covered in the forums, do a search.

    And finally, there is a patch method, where you change the disc information (which designates a disc PAL or NTSC) but do not touch the video at all. This can trick several players that would otherwise not play the disc. This involves IFOEDIT, do a search to find out more.

    And let's not forget, make your discs REGION FREE. Or make your DVD player REGION FREE. Either way. Basic copying/ripping, and then search the DVD hacks pages (menu on left) for more on machine hacks.
    Maybe I am misunderstanding something but I understood NTSC is 29.97 FPS however you mentioned above NTSC is 25 FPS.
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    I'm wondering how can I convert elementary streams (video & audio), subtitles & chapter points from one format to another.

    The videos I have are .MPG & .M1V/m2v (some are MPEG1 & some MPEG2, most are VCD/DVD compliant).
    The audios I have are .MP2 & .AC3.
    The subtitles I have are in .SUP from PGCDEMUX (I prefer to stick with type for easy demuxing & remuxing).
    The chapter points files I have are CELLTIMES.TXT from PGCDEMUX.

    I assume I need at least 2 software to sort out the above. I prefer to convert the video & audio in its muxed form rather than to sort them separately in case they are not in synch later on.

    Hopefully the video / audio & subtitles will be in perfect synch when I remux them.

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  14. Member
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    Hello everyone,

    There is now a real easy and simple solution to convert DVD PAL to NTSC or NTSC to PAL DVD.

    VSO ConvertXtoDVD v2.1.5.173 will now accept VIDEO_TS.IFO (Will load the Titleset)

    So you can convert a Commercial PAL dvd to NTSC with just a few clicks

    (AnyDVD or other tools needs to be used to rip all protections before you can convert with ConvertXtoDVD).
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    I'm almost afraid to post here; I've read quite a few threads and some of you video gurus play hardball!

    In any case, I'm trying to convert PAL to NTSC, retaining as much of the "feel" of the original as possible. I've pretty much given up on a complete conversion, as it doesn't seem to be worth the time and considerable effort involved. I have successfully demuxed and converted my main movie and one "making of" extra video using TMPGEnc Plus and DGPulldown. I have isolated and repositioned my subtitles using DVDSubEdit. Now that I have the assets ready to recombine, what tool would you experts recommend I use to make a decent, simple menu that allows me to navigate my main movie, my one extra, and my subtitles; and then how would I recombine my converted assets into a working DVD? I have DVD Rebuilder Pro and Muxman Pro, but am still learning how to use them. I also have DoItFast4U, ProCoder 2 and most of the other tools mentioned in these forums.
    Thanks in advance.
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    I was told I can convert a PAL disk to NTSC using Nero Recode but how can I do it and keep the menu functional?
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  17. Member
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    I usually use numenu4u to automate the process of converting PAL menus to NTSC but it requires either scenarist or muxman(VIP user). You can use freeware tools but it requires more work. The workflow is similar to manono's guide:

    But you would need additional steps to extract the subpics of the menus and resize them.
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  18. I gave up trying to convert PAL TO NTSC FOR DVDs

    It's way too much hassle. I bought 2 cheap DVD players for $30 each. My Sony 3 year old $400 Home Theater wouldn't play them and my friends $150 DVD player would some times but it was jerky. I just gave him one of the cheap ones I bought I owe him favors and didn't want to listen to him whining anymore. Now we just switch to the cheap players when viewing PAL disk.

    I repeat it's not worth the BS to convert DVD PAL to DVD NTSC.

    It may be worth it for avi movies without extras ands sub' and all that stuff.
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  19. I bought this for $39.00, at Target. It plays NTSC or PAL DVD on NTSC or PAL TV.

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  20. Member
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    Originally Posted by JoeBolden
    I gave up trying to convert PAL TO NTSC FOR DVDs

    It's way too much hassle. I bought 2 cheap DVD players for $30 each. My Sony 3 year old $400 Home Theater wouldn't play them and my friends $150 DVD player would some times but it was jerky. I just gave him one of the cheap ones I bought I owe him favors and didn't want to listen to him whining anymore. Now we just switch to the cheap players when viewing PAL disk.

    I repeat it's not worth the BS to convert DVD PAL to DVD NTSC.

    It may be worth it for avi movies without extras ands sub' and all that stuff.
    Use DVD Decrypter to extract the disc to your hard drive, then use DVD Shrink to burn it. It will take care of the rest. Done and done.
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    Originally Posted by SilentHatred
    Use DVD Decrypter to extract the disc to your hard drive, then use DVD Shrink to burn it. It will take care of the rest. Done and done.
    All that does is remove the region coding, it does nothing to convert PAL to NTSC.
    So if your player or tv does not convert PAL to NTSC, you're SOL!!!
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  22. VideoGuy
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    BUMP - Was wondering the same - - searched and came across this thread.

    Im going to give this a try if no luck ill stick with DVD PAL to NTSC rips or just use my cheap apex DVD player. Watch out when you buy those cheap players, some will play PAL in black and white. Im not sure why that happens.
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