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  1. fyi, a few days ago I updated the SVCD test discs linked from;

    I'm missing test reports... it would be great to know if this new test discs work on your playing device or not... so far I've only tested on 2 pioneer players (DV-525 and DV-343) which worked great, except that they don't support OGT subtitles...

    • IEC62107 compliant SVCD disc structure
    • OGT Subtitles (2 on the NTSC Sample, 4 on the PAL Disc)
    • Secondary audio track (only on the PAL Disc)
    • Menu (see screenshot below)
    • Entry points
    • Cropping test screen (reachable through the 'show high resolution picture' and issuing the NEXT function/button)

    ...of the main menu can be seen here...

    ps: please, don't use nero for burning those bin/cue images, they won't get burned properly and thus will affect test results...
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  2. Downloaded _NTSC_ version, burned with CDRWIN on 80 min Memorex 16x media at 1x on Sony CRX140E CDR/CDRW.

    Played on Philips DVD-711 which mfr says plays CDR and CDRW, VCD and SVCD (but may be strict because Philips wrote some of the standards).

    1) Options 1-5 played as advertized. PBC excellent
    2) Option 6 did NOT work, play stopped.
    3) Option 7 worked, displaying LINUX screen very clear. Cropping test screen accessable via Next.
    4) Option 9 mixed - end screen displays but then play stops (no splash screen after 10 secs as advertized)
    5) Philips recognized 4 (yes 4 on NTSC) subtitles on disc. Whenever one was selected it was not displayed. Tried all 4, no go. (Small probability of operator error since the player uses stupid small icons. . . )

    Overall great. One nit pick the blue circle background makes it hard to read the menu.

    Hope this helps,

    Da Kitty
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  3. <TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR size=1 color=black></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>Played on Philips DVD-711 which mfr says plays CDR and CDRW, VCD and SVCD (but may be strict because Philips wrote some of the standards).</BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR size=1 color=black></TD></TR></TABLE>philips players are one of the few that really follows the non-asian SVCD specs

    <TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR size=1 color=black></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>
    4) Option 9 mixed - end screen displays but then play stops (no splash screen after 10 secs as advertized)
    </BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR size=1 color=black></TD></TR></TABLE>
    actually this is ok, 9 ends playback...
    that 10secs refer to the menu screen, if left untouched...

    <TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR size=1 color=black></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>
    Overall great. One nit pick the blue circle background makes it hard to read the menu.

    Hope this helps,
    </BLOCKQUOTE></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><HR size=1 color=black></TD></TR></TABLE>

    thx! it does! as to the random menu not working, I've already some idea... would be interesting to know, how many subtitles are detected on the PAL test sample...
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  4. I downloaded the _PAL_ image, burned on 8x K hypermedia CDR with CDRWIN at 1x.

    Player Philips DVD-711 US version (NTSC) hooked to Multisystem Sony KV-2665MT television (which has worked well in Bulgaria SECAM & Finland PAL as well as the US).

    Similar to NTSC disk. 1-5 work well (my German is WAY too rusty to know what they were saying). 6 was the same, shut down play completely. End sequence played then playback stopped.

    Subtitles were the same as NTSC - Philips detected 4 but selecting any of the 4 did not make them display on screen. Again there is a possibility of user error.

    Hope this helps too, Da Kitty
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  5. Downloaded the PAL svcd-image and burned it using Cdrwin on a CDRW disc. I played it on a Philips DVD712 (PAL).

    - 1 through 5 worked well.
    - 6 stopped the playback.
    - 7 showed the picture just fine.
    - I could select 4 subtitles but neither of them actually worked.
    - I could select both German and English audio, this worked fine.

    I couldn't get access to my subs-menu and my audio-menu while PBC was on. Also, when PBC is enabled there is no time-display on screen nor on the dvd-display. This may be hardware related, I dunno.
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  6. have you ever been able to to display SVCD subtitles on your philips DVD players...?
    anyway, this results are quite reassuring; I assume the still screens displayed perfectly...

    it's just a bit disappointing that subtitles didn't work...
    either philips DVD players don't support them, or there are syntax differences between the asian and philips specs, or the ones included on the samples are simply broken...
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  7. The DVD guide on vcdhelp says the Philips DVD711 does not do subtitles but the player is made by a VCD supporter and subtitles are enabled but not displayed. I have written to Philips tech support, no response yet.
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  8. Downloaded _PAL_ version, burned with CDRWIN on 74 min TDK CD-R74 Reflex X 12x media.
    Played on YAMAKAWA 860 which says plays CDR and CDRW, VCD and SVCD (but may be strict standard).

    1) Put in the DVD player and after 10 sec in the player display is 00 0:00:23, black TV screen (no picture), PBC on.
    2) a little pause and than on the player display is 00 0:00:19, black TV screen (no picture), PBC on.
    3) a little pause again and than on the player display is 00 0:00:17 and the picture item0007.mpg on the TV screen, PBC on, the picture quality is excellent.
    3) a little pause again and than on the player display is 00 0:00:13 and the picture item0005.mpg on the TV screen, PBC on, the picture quality is excellent.
    4) a little pause again and than on the player display is 00 0:00:17 and the picture item0007.mpg on the TV screen, PBC on, the picture quality is excellent.
    5) a little pause again and than on the player display is 00 and the picture item0007.mpg on the TV screen, PBC on, the picture quality is excellent.

    After this steps no reaction on the screen the screen. Push the button on keypad is no reaction.
    After PCB off and push the button 1 then play the little clip. The qality is excellent.
    I have general problems with menu in the SVCD and the DVD player Yamakawa. Only clips (no menu) no problems with the player Yamakawa 860. Is bad that I have a lot of trouble.

    Perhaps is this a little help.
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  9. Did use the pal-version from 31st of August 2001.
    Works with a Mustek DVD-300 in excellent quality.
    Only with the random play (#6) its look like, thats the
    player has a problem - he played nothing.
    Subtitles are ok.
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  10. Pioneer 434 all options work. Good to know my TV screen is chopping 4% off oh well. Anyway I made with TSVC about a week ago a SVCD and I could press the keypad 1,2,3,4 at anytime to flip to that chapter. However, with this test SVCD I can only press the keypad from the menu screen and it works chapter 1,2,3,4. Does it have to do with the chapter lengths? I made them 5 mins each. I think it's important to be able to flip at anytime to whichever chapter via the keypad.
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  11. Hi, hvr
    Downloaded SVCD _NTSC_ version, created CD woth CDRWin and played on a Pioneer 434. Everything works as promised.

    I also just received Pioneer 440 (which is, I believe, a new model). Tried CD on this one, and it did not work.

    The effect is following:
    Pioneer 440 loaded CD and recognized it as VCD, PCB control. It showed first 3 stills: background image, then, image with words ..TEST SVCD.., and, finally, the menu. If I select any number 1 through 6, I can hear the sound of the movie clip for about 2-3 seconds, then it stops. The picture didn't change (menu image). The subsequent selections (any numbers) did nothing. #7 did not have any effect at all. If I stop and start play, I can press any 1 through 6 number again (just once) with the same effect. #9 works only from the start.

    I also tried to press << (left arrows) button instead of "play" in the very begining. The player immediately started playing the movie clip. The are several image statterings, and one pause (image freezes for a moment) in the first half of the clip.
    I also took CD to the local store and played it on Pioneer 343 with no problems.
    Does it mean the Pioneer 440 can not play SVCDs at all? Manual said it can. Do you have any other SVCD samples so I can try them on 440 and let you know the results? I bought this unit in and I can return it because of their great return policy. So if you can give me some samples I can test it on 440.

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  12. Hi, ppl

    since short time I'm trying to create my own SVCD for my YAMAKAWA 788, so I tryed hvr's SVCD test cd and I must say - it's absolutely greate! I could test nearly all features, exept random play. Also sub was ok... On this point I have a question to HVR - how did You added OGT subs to your mpegs? So far I know there's just one possibility to mux OGT subs - I-Athor... But if I try to add MPS stream to vcdimager it didnt works... What way did you used?

    And again, HVR, keep great work you do!


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